Sunday, October 29, 2023

Pelvic Floor Thera-Pee

I'm undergoing pelvic floor therapy for an unrelated issue and the amount of times the nurse asks about holding my pee is... interesting.  "How long can you hold it?"  "Have you ever had an accident?"  "Do you ever let out a little pee when you cough or laugh?"  It's taking everything I have not to get turned on.  She also brought up the subject of DILATORS which she said could be bought on  (I thought those were for transwomen?  Not sure why anyone would want their vagina to be wider but ok lady).  

We're doing a pelvic strength test soon that involves her putting her fingers inside me.  Should be interesting.  Will keep everyone posted if this takes any interesting turns.  💦 🤭

Update:  wow that was painful, and then there were the needles.  She wanted to put one where no needle should ever ever go.  Not pleasant.  I had to cough & do kegels with her inside me ("squeeze like you're stopping your flow of pee; now bear down like you're pooping") while she looked at my privates.  If I'd gone in with a full bladder lord knows what would've happened.  She opened with a question about whether I had incontinence & I said no (again).  I do recommend it for anyone with severe pelvic pain who's not too squeamish or shy about intimate exams.  

Oh and apparently this test is a thing that exists.  I'm not into poop but just read a personal story online about a woman pissing herself uncontrollably during one. 😋

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Where You're Most Likely To Witness REAL Wettings

Soaking your shorts at high noon in the middle of a busy park... a desperate Zoom call that goes on a bit too long resulting in drenched leggings.  Despite all the sexy, creative scenarios shown in porn vids, very few of those actually happen IRL to non-omo fans.  But people DO have wetting accidents, sometimes in public.  What I've found from years of "research" is that real wettings are most likely to happen when a person is in the following scenarios:

- Drunk beyond reason & just lets go on themselves.

- Waiting in line for the loo (often while drunk) and the line does not move in time.

- Laughing so hard they pee themselves.

- So scared/startled they pee themselves.

- Sneezing and peeing themselves (older ladies usually).

- At a pool or other body of water where they can easily wash off.  People will sometimes go in their swimsuit rather than make the trek to the restroom, or go THROUGH their swimsuit into the toilet rather than peeling it all the way off.  (Girls/women usually).

- In classrooms with an authoritarian teacher (or in a timed testing scenario) where they're not allowed to use the restroom.  Think SAT/ACT or similar.

- After drinking too much water or alcohol before falling asleep.  Usually someone with a history of bedwetting.  Caffeine is another well-known bladder stimulant/irritant that can make the piss flow faster in already-treacherous situations (long lines, haunted houses, etc).  

- Pregnant women are especially prone to bladder malfunctions, especially in later trimesters.  ESPECIALLY during ultrasounds where they're made to hold it.  Google "wet myself ultrasound" for personal stories aplenty.  😈  Also:  Any mom will tell you that situational incontinence is common after giving birth, sometimes permanently. 

- Magic mushrooms containing psilocybin oddly have the side effect of causing the user to feel like they've wet themselves when they haven't, though I've yet to see anyone ACTUALLY do it.  I've used them with friends many times & never done or seen it.  

- While car wettings are in theory likely due to an occasional inability to pull over or find a restroom, they don't seem to be very common IRL.  Sadly.  Men usually piss in a bottle or other container while women just hold 'til the next available exit or pull over on a dirt road & go.  We're gangsta like that.

Woman has an oopsie in a skirt & panties

So alcohol/caffeine, strong emotions, pregnancy & "can't escape" situations are the golden factors most likely to induce a real pants-soaking scenario.  Ever wet yourself for REAL in one of these settings?  Or seen someone else lose it?  Love to hear about it in the comments!  (I can honestly say I've never lost control of my bladder for real despite drinking tons of water daily & having a frequent urge to go, though I did let a spurt of pee go in my panties involuntarily when I had the flu once & sneezed).  🙈

Pissing Around the House: Tips for Cleanup?

When I was a child, I longed for the day when I'd have my own place so I could soak myself whenever the urge hit me.  My parents gave me no privacy whatsoever and were not accepting of this or anything else I ever tried to do privately.  I'd lay in bed thinking of all the clothes I'd piss and all the different rooms I'd wet in when I "got big."

Well now I am finally on my own with no roommate and am going completely uhh balls-to-the-walls with it!  It's almost as great as I'd imagined, the cleanup is the only downside.  I still feel I can't TRULY wet with abandon or else my whole apartment would smell of piss so that limits me to certain rooms & scenarios.  But it's still glorious to be able to watch omo porn & soak myself at any time of day or night.  ((My poor mattress has gotten wet more times than I'd intended but luckily no smell)).  

I usually stack a bath towel over my wadded up mattress cover when I decide to play in bed, but that isn't enough most times.  I've found that white vinegar is as good a smell remover for laundry as those free-and-clear detergents, and cheaper.  But I try not to overuse it in my washing machine.

Are there any wetting "supplies" (diapers, puppy pads) you've that found truly stop a big piss from soaking a surface like a bed or floor?  The goal is to be able to "just go" whenever/wherever without worrying about a mess.  Not re-wetting the same spot or clothes but even a single wetting without making a mess would be the goal. I've yet to find anything that can hold all my yellow goodness without majorly leaking and making a mess, but if something exists that's discreet/affordable, I'm all ears!  

Also, is there anything that removes the smell of pee from clothes, blankets, mattress covers, etc?  I'm having a hard time getting it out completely even after 2 washes & 1 dry cycle.  😬

Pic of a very diapered girl

To anyone still living at home, with roommates or an unsupportive partner, your day will come.  And when it does, so will you... over and over.    🫠

    Tuesday, October 17, 2023

    Hissing Myself & Cumming

    Huge Pee in Pad & Panties (Leaks All Over Bed) - Vid I watched right before playing

    Vid 1 (58 sec):  I'm squatted inches above the floor watching wetting porn.  My bladder is as taut as it's been in ages, as you can see from the puffy belly & thighs.  Just watched one of my fave vids in which a lady completely soaks her pad/panties & leaks allllll over the bed.  (See above).  It's the longest/loudest hiss I've found in any vid and it's making my urge to wet unbearable.  I really put it off too long this time.  My clit is throbbing as I sit spread eagle trying to choke back the droplets with my tingling urethra.

    Vid 2 (0:18):  I give up the ghost & let some spurts go, which turns into the steady stream you see by the end of the vid.  But this is nothing compared to what's to come.  Or should I say, "cum".  😏

    By Vid 3 (0:34), I'm fully replicating the amazing hiss you heard in the Pornhub vid (at least in strong spurts), my purple shorts engulfed in a sea of piss.  I can't resist the urge to shove my hand into my panties & rub my clit as I'm soaking my pussy, the towel & the floor beneath me.  Holy fuck, I'm suddenly cumming in my pants.  Did NOT expect that but wow was it nice.  I tried to be quiet about it since it was my 1st time cumming on cam & I felt a little weird but it was a full-blown pee-gasm!  Turn the volume up & you can hear me announcing my arrival, hah!  

    A little pee-view of the action

    To buy this 3-part vid, contact me at or DM @floodgaytes on Twitter ("X").  Use the code "HISSOFMYPISS."  Discounted price due to shorter duration.

    Sunday, October 15, 2023

    Top 5 Wetting Positions

    The Oyster Shell:  This pissy position made my Top 5.  

    So I definitely have some favored positions for wetting myself & seeing others soak.  Always have, even as a kid.  I assume men & women will have different faves due to anatomical differences (right?) but IDK.  That's why I always ask for your feedback in the comments--I want to know what you think!  

    What are your top pant-soaking positions?  Mine are, in no order:

    - The Hard Surface Sitter.  Just sitting on something hard with legs slightly spread--a wooden chair, a closed toilet lid, a dressing room seat.  No gymnastics required.  Something about this just feels so damn GOOD, probably in part because we're used to weeing in an open toilet (with pants off) and pissing on a hard surface (with pants ON) is just the opposite.  You feel the wetness pooling around your privates & making a big ol' mess.  🫠

    - The Stomach Sprayer.  There's something very dainty and discreet about wetting while lying on your stomach.  You can be watching TV, reading or just scrolling thru your phone with your feet in the air and then OOPSIE, a wet patch forms in your undies.  The weight of your body pressing down on your urinary tract helps get things rolling if you have a shy bladder which is a bonus.  Legs can be in any position:  down + spread; up + crossed, down + crossed.  Gotta try them all.  

    - The Oyster Shell.  In this pretty side pose (see pic above), the wetter lies somewhere comfy like a bed or couch & just lets the piss flow out from between their legs, down their thighs (or down one thigh--the bottom one to be exact) & make a giant piddle puddle under their legs & ass.  Perfect for those who love wet legs and ass (who doesn't?!)  There's also the vertical variation in which you cross your legs and piss all over them while standing up.  Mmmmm.  {Hums theme from "Purple Rain" but inserts "Yellow" instead}.

    - The Spread-Eagle Squat.  This is the most uninhibited, most "I'm gonna wet myself!" position of them all, at least for women.  When we open our legs & squat you know it's over.  The labia part like the red sea, exposing the urethra & other sensitive bits to the air & triggering an instant urge to let go.  This goes for wide-leg yoga poses, deep stretches & anything in which the legs are in a far-apart stance.  If you want to push your girl over the edge in a holding contest, dare her to squat or open her legs.  Urethral spasms & hot wetness will be forthcoming.  😏

    - Drenched Doggy.  This isn't so much a position for those doing the wetting but for those watching.  There's nothing quite like a good "drenching her panties from the back" wetting vid.  Bonus points if she's rubbing/humping a pillow or something similar at the same time.  (Check out creator "Shy Squirter's" channel on Pornhub if you're into the doggystyle pillow-hump pee).  I'm not into asses/anal but there's something about watching the wetness spread from the back that's incredibly hot. 

    Periodic reminder that all sexes & orientations are welcome here.  Just because I prefer women does not mean you can't discuss your preferred sex.  Respecting others is the only rule... one might even call it The "Golden" Rule (teehee). 💛


    Saturday, October 14, 2023

    Celebrity Wettings!

    That's not a typo: we couldn't give less of a crap about celebrity weddings.  Bo-ring.  This is about celebrities pissing themselves, aka celebrity wettings.  Sometimes in very public places or defiantly onstage (or even as a fashion statement?)  It seems omorashi is finally getting its day in the sun, or at least is coming out of the shadows where shame & harmful myths dwell.  Very big name celebrities are sporting dark patches in public and we couldn't be happier... or hornier.  So let's get right into it:

    Viral pic of "Beto O'Rourke" weeing himself is actually singer Sandy (Alex G)!!

    Sophia Urista, lead singer of Brass Against, pisses on a lucky fan.

    Alexa Demie of Euphoria sporting peed-style jeans.  Gives "wetlook" a whole new meaning.  

    Piss Sp--Err, POSH Spice got pissy drunk and peed herself during a night on the town.  

    Reality star Charlotte Crosby wets herself a 2nd time, not drunk she reports.

    Britney modeling soaked sweats in LA.

    Justin Bieber casually sporting a dark wet patch in public.

    Liam Neeson chatting on street corner with soaked crotch.

    That time America's Next Top Model contestant Lisa D'Amato wet a diaper on TV.

    Kylie Jenner drunkenly wets her tight jeans... and shares the evidence via SnapChat.

    Hot IRL wetting scenarios... in public! 

    T'o Pee or Not to Pee: If You're Serious About Making Time, Let 'er Rip

    Kim Kardashian Prepared to Pee Pants at Met Gala & Have Sister Wipe it Up

    Another Kim Wetting Article, this time about how she wets her tight Spanx:

    Kendall Jenner pisses in ice bucket on way to Met (Wet?) Gala; pees on foot:

    (Side note:  Are the Kardashians aiming for a partnership with Tena or another adult diaper brand?  What's their angle?  Do they actually ENJOY wetting themselves like, as a family?  There are so many articles on the subject it's very sus). 🤔

    Friday, October 13, 2023

    The Secret to Great Long Wettings

    So I've found a way to maximize my wettings:  Putting a tiny dab of anti-yeast cream (Monistat, Clotrimazole) inside myself about 45 minutes before I start holding.  This causes bladder irritation and makes me need to pee longer & more urgently.  Combined with half a caffeine pill as a diuretic, this is a surefire way increase both urgency & pee volume massively!  Obviously you wouldn't wanna do this too often if you don't need the medicine, but once in a while doesn't hurt as long as you're not sensitive to these drugs.

    I thought of this after years of avoiding these yeast creams before bedtime due to the need to piss buckets all night when I use them before turning in.  Why not try this before a play session, dummy?  Worked a treat!   💦 🌊

    Soaked the whole front of my panties plus the floor through TWO towels!

    I started in my bed, naked from the waist down, holding myself with only the washcloth to cover my convulsing urethra.   When I could no longer manage that without the threat of a major dam burst, I SPRINTED to the restroom floor & set up the camera to record what I knew was coming.  (Me, hehe).  But also:  a flood of Biblical proportions in my cotton panties. 

    I slipped on some clean light blue undies and squatted over two towels--a thick bath towel & the double-folded washcloth.  This is usually enough to prevent the floor from getting soaked but not today!  Once I relaxed & let go nothing could stop me.  I shoved two lubed fingers inside to stem the tide but it only made it worse.  I came over & over while watching vids of same & imagining I was being told to quit jacking off in the car by my angry babysitter who didn't believe I really had to go.  So I showed her.  😏

    (To purchase this double-drenched 5-photo set that includes a washcloth stuffed in my panties & very revealing preview of my shaved kitty, hit me on Twitter DM @Floodgaytes or & request the "WETBLUE" set).

    Any special "secret" tricks you know of to increase bladder capacity or duration of accidents?  I'm always bummed when my piss stream ends & would wet forever if I could!

    Warning:  Don't use topical anti-fungal medicines for this purpose if you don't already know how you react to them.  Not worth it.  In some people they can cause headaches, spotting & other icky side effects.

    Tuesday, October 10, 2023

    Dream Omorashi Scenarios: Wetting at My Gyno Exam

    As promised, here's my full-length gyno wetting fantasy.  Enjoy!    

    Setting:  Gynecologist appointment w/ female doctor.   My bladder is bursting because I have to do a urinalysis and for some reason they're making me wait until AFTER the PAP exam.  (My NP is a Jill-of-all-trades & does everything from prescribing my pain meds to doing my lady exams).  I've already been in the waiting room about 35 minutes & am in pain.  She seems extra cheerful today and talks forever before starting the exam as I sit naked except for the paper gown, freezing.  She can see I'm in pee-agony but seems to be prolonging it on purpose or at least, ignoring it. 

    I shiver, hop around & get on the table with my legs spread eagle in the stirrups.  The cold temp in the room does NOT help my growing urge to go.  It occurs to me that I'll probably survive the dreaded speculum part but then I remember the thing at the end where they basically finger you while pushing down on your bladder.  Whatsitcalled?  

    "This is the bimanual exam.  I'm just gonna..." and then she does it before even explaining what it is.  

    Oh no.  Oh god.  

    I GASP as a tiny spurt of pee sneaks past my urethra onto her fingers.  (For those who don't know, the bimanual exam is when they stick two gloved, lubed fingers in your vagina while pressing down on your abdomen kinda hard.  It doesn't feel great with an empty bladder, let alone with a full one.  Losing control in this scenario is very plausible as I learned the hard way).  I apologize profusely & beg to excuse myself to use the ladies' room.  She is very kind/reassuring, says it's fine, happens all time & she's seen much worse as a nurse but refuses to let me go.  "Just a minute more.  You've made it this long.  We'll just finish up here & get you the sample cup so you can have it all done today. "  Noooo.  I'm humiliated & straight up panicking.

    She pushes down again & I tell her I can't hold it anymore.   She says "That's okay sweetie" & pulls a nearby trashcan up to the end of the exam table and continues right on w/ the exam.  'If anything happens we'll get it all cleaned up, it's just water... basically. [Insert warm but mischievous smile here 😏 ]. The janitor comes every 30-45 mins & will take care of it.  Besides, it's just us here.  Everybody's gone to lunch."  She gestures to the door & my heart sinks.  I close my eyes tight & try to hold to no avail.  Small spurts turn to long ones as she pokes around on my abdomen, then a flood erupts.

    OMG OMG I'm pissing all over my doc's table, LOUDLY, with her fingers inside me.  It's hissing like a cobra and running over the edge like a yellow waterfall into the trashcan below & over the sides.  She doesn't even bat an eye and continues like it's not happening, pushing her gloved fingers deeper while pressing different spots on my belly which causes the steady flow to morph into a veritable piss hose. 

    "This hurt?" 

    "Uhh, kinda?" I sheepishly reply as hot piss pools around my bare ass cheeks, turning the paper gown to mush.   It's almost comical how we're both ignoring the human fountain flowing from my nether regions.  Almost.

    "I'll try again in a minute."  She smiles & stops pressing my stomach for now, clearly implying "in a minute when you're not pissing all over my hands & table."

    At some point she touches my swollen g-spot & a moan escapes.  Uh-oh.  

    "Did that hurt?"  

    "No, just the opposite" I reply before putting an ounce of thought into what I was saying.  JUST THE OPPOSITE?!  Christ!  It's not enough you soak her with piss, now you're complimenting her exam technique too?  Kill me now.

    She giggles & says "Sorry.  Having a full bladder can sometimes make things go wonky down there."  

    OMG.  It's all too much.  I'm humiliated.  

    Meanwhile I'm still trying in vain to stop the flood.  I clench every muscle in my lower body to no avail--it barely slows the inevitable.  My heart is pounding, face red & tear-streaked... I feel like I could faint or puke.  But my clit is throbbing.  I'd give anything to shove her gloved fingers deep inside me & hold them there until I'm done pissing.  Instead I just look down in shame.  'Hey girlie, it's nothing, I promise. Just go ahead & finish.  The door's locked.  Don't worry about the drug test--we can do it tomorrow or whenever's convenient for you."  The drug test?  Uhh, thanks lady but I'd kinda forgotten about that.  Least of my worries at the moment.  

    I cover my eyes with my arm & nod in shame, continuing to soak the table with my legs spread wide in stirrups while she pulls her fingers out & washes up.  For a second I think the worst is over but as soon as she pulls out it starts up again in a rush of hot liquid between my thighs.  I put my hands between my legs but it does nothing.  The hiss becomes audible once again & she looks over her shoulder at me from the sink.  

    "Wow you REALLY had to go!"

    "Yeah.  I'm so sorry.  I'm still going."

    "Here, if you wanna hover over this trashcan..."

    She scoots it closer & helps me out of the stirrups but the flow has ceased to a trickle by the time I get positioned over it.  "You know, if we weren't in this setting I could tell you stories that'd make you feel SO much better about this" she said w/ a smile & a rub of my shoulder. "Please don't sweat it.  It's not a big deal when you've seen people give birth, bleed out & worse.  I will have to take an extra long lunch break today to deal with this though."  [insert mischievous nod here].   Hmmm.  Deal with WHAT?  I thought the janitor was cleaning it up?   Did she mean the mess or her arousal?  Never did find out.  She said if I needed to 'clean up' in the bathroom before taking off I could use hers in the back.  How thoughtful.  She handed me some paper towels and reassured me once more before exiting.

    On the drive home I thought about it and concluded there's no way she didn't know that making me wait that long to pee then pushing on my bladder (and g-spot!) was going to at least POSSIBLY cause me to have an accident.  And she seemed so adamant about doing the long-ass exam first when the urinalysis would've taken 2 seconds.  Why not give me the urinalysis cup to piss in instead of the trashcan?!  Sooooo many questions.  

    I think my nurse is into omo.    👩‍⚕


    What are YOUR dream omo scenarios?  Share below!  Don't be afraid to get as detailed as you like.  😏

    Monday, October 9, 2023

    A Little Ex-pee-riment...

    Sitting spread eagle on the closed toilet before unleashing


    This pic is from a 6-photo set in which I ran a little ex-pee-riment, seeing how much piss I could dribble into my shorts & panties on the closed toilet lid before it would become visible.  (Answer: a surprising amount).  Only got a tiny drop on the porcelain top!  I've always loved wetting on hard, even surfaces... something about the way it pools around my lips & ass is beyond hot & takes me back to that 1st wetting as a small, small child.  

    My bladder was bulging so forgive the pudgy beer belly in early pics (in the final pic it's flat & smooth after I've fully emptied it into my poor panties).  When I could no longer afford to leak & dribble around, I opened the lid, peeled off the shorts & let 'er rip in my grey Fila undies right into the open toilet below.  Did I rub myself off while attempting to "hold"?  Uhhh, yeah.  Completely soaked the panties, turning the light grey to a dark greyish-black patch (shown in great detail in the photo set).  I rocked forward and back on the open toilet to no avail.  Hot wee shot out all over my fingers at every angle & left the floor sprinkled with hot golden nectar.  You can even see my hairy p*ssy peaking out on both sides from behind the wet fabric.  Time for a shave...


    To order this set, email with the code "EXPEERIMENT" or DM it to me on Twitter (X).   📸

    Sunday, October 8, 2023

    All-Time Favorite Wetting Vids

    To give you a taste of what kind of vids do it for me, here's a list of my all-time faves.  (Not counting all the old vids on sites like Xtube, or those that could be found through a decent Google search before the search engine became useless corporate crap).  Those vids are lost to time, flushed down the memoryhole forever, so I'll just focus on those accessible through modern sites.  

    This is a work in progress and I'll add to it as I find more gems: 

    All-time most sensual, sexy wetting vid by Pissqu33n & girlfriend:

    Close runner up--not a lot of pee but hot (full length!)

    Squirting done right:

    This angle is hot, and so is the hiss:
    This girl knows how to do a wetting vid:

    The real desperation makes this one 🔥:

    Long vocal & satisfying:

    Very public in restaurant:

    Longest, best hiss of all time?

    Her vids are all hot with the typed dialogue, but this one takes the 🎂 w/ the real desperation!

    New! The idea that a girl this hot could piss the floor at work & be turned on enough to cum after is just... yeah.

    New!  Multiple positions, copious pee rivers & genuine arousal = amazing.

    The old school "Patches" series is great, as is the "True Desperation" series & the "British Extreme" one.  There's an early 2000's lesbian pissing series that's not too bad either, but it's pretty much all downhill from there as far as professional pee porn is concerned.  While it's great that more people are getting into this fetish & posting material, it would be even better to see more long-form vids featuring actual desperation and semi-public scenarios or peegasms rather than just short pissing panties in bathtub clips with no vocalization, backstory, etc. 

    (Apparently is still a working website that accepts payment & puts out vids.  Looks like their web designer gave up sometime around the millennium though lmao)!  

    Other great sites to check out include:, Reddit's "/r/wetting" sub, &  Bing's video search engine is superior to Google's, and is completely anonymous + uncensored.  Enjoy.

    If anyone has a user account/password for, I'd love access.  We could share accounts & I wouldn't add or save anything or comment under your name.  It's ridiculous they aren't accepting new accounts to a porn site & most of the vids are private/locked.  If anyone from is reading this:  please open registration to your site!   😭

    To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

    Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...