Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Fantasy Omorashi/Wetting Scenarios

Car desperation/wettings are VERY hot

The following are some of my ultimate fictional scenarios that I use to get off.  Just the thought of these gets me wet in a totally non-pee way!   💦

Fantasy Scenarios:

1.  Being given permission to piss my pants by someone in a position of power:  doctor, nurse, parent, teacher, etc.  Maybe in a car or office with an out-of-order bathroom when I really have to go & there's no other option.  I'm horrified but they're very comforting, saying things like "don't worry, it happens to the best of us" and "just let it out sweetie."  

2.  Accident at the gyno during the bimanual exam*.  I beg to use bathroom but am denied.  I start wetting the table & they proceed like it's not happening, encouraging me to "relax & let it happen" or similar.  (*For those who don't know, the bimanual exam is when they stick two gloved, lubed fingers in your vagina while pressing down on your abdomen in different spots.  It doesn't feel great with an empty bladder, let alone with a full one.  Losing control in this scenario is very plausible.  (I wrote a full-length story about this scenario that I'll post later.  Stay tuned!)

3.  Trust exercise w/ therapist who I'm in love with.  We're already having an illicit relationship and the lines are blurred but she's still trying to help with anxiety, trust issues, etc.  She says it'll help those things to let go in "the ultimate way" just this once.  The lights are low, she sits behind me w/ a towel between my legs & rubs me, telling me "whenever you're ready" while kissing my neck.  I have on shorts/panties and ask to take the shorts off to help get started.  She agrees but makes me drink more water when it's still not happening.  I say "it'd help a lot if you did it too."  She says "maybe in a bit but this is about YOU."  I turn around, we kiss and i start going.  She rubs me & watches with major interest, saying kind encouraging things & clearly getting turned on.  "Mmmm, that's great".  She pulls my panties to the side & slips a finger in while I'm still going.  I eventually cum & she stands in front of my face, letting go all over the floor. "See?  You can trust that I'll keep my word."  We get in the bath tub & fuck like there's no tomorrow.

4.  Variation of Scenario #1 but with a mean/stern authority figure like an evil stepmom.  I have to go bad and am holding myself/rubbing outer labia thru my pants to stop myself from peeing because I'm in a car & there's nowhere to pull over for miles.  Evil stepmom sees and tells me to stop "playing with myself--it's not ladylike".  I tell her I'm only holding myself to avoid wetting and am SERIOUSLY going to piss everywhere & not going to clean it up.  She blows it off and I progress to sticking a finger inside to stop the inevitable.  Now she's really mad but i'm leaking and tell her "You have two choices: I hold myself or you clean up buckets of piss."  She says "It looks like you're already wet so why are you jacking off too?  Sounds like an excuse to me.  That's totally inappropriate!"  I attempt to argue back but give up and say "Fine, see?" and let go all over my fingers, pants & the car seat.  "Look away dammit!"  I'm humiliated & mad but also extremely turned on by the flood in my pants.  Her eyes are fixed on my pussy and the truth is now I AM fucking myself because the hot piss feels so good all over my fingers.  I quietly orgasm in front of her while violently rubbing myself as I finish soaking the backseat with her watching the whole time.  She does end up cleaning it up when we get to our destination.   I go change clothes, finishing what I started with the masturbating in the car.   We never speak of it again but I think of it... often.  

5.  Trapped in an elevator with 2 other women and 2 of us have to pee.  It turns into a lighthearted test of bladder wills with Girl #3 acting as referee but after 30+ minutes it becomes clear nobody's coming to rescue us & starts getting serious.  We start panicking so the 3rd girl who allegedly didn't need to go squats & shows us it's okay to pee in a stuck elevator, saying her drunk friend did it once.  We stand there in awe, laughing.  Girl #1 starts to pull her panties down but Girl #2 (me) is already going in hers after seeing the relief of Girl #3.  I point to the camera & warn her not to pull her pants down and just squat to finish wetting my tights in the corner.  "They're black so it won't' show, and you're in a skirt so you can just go in your panties and nobody will know if you're careful.  I'll help hold it away from your body if you want."  Before I can finish peeing she spreads her legs & I grab her spinny skirt to hold it out from her body and she's already wetting.  It splashes all over the floor and me, which makes me wet in another way.  "Sorry!" she says while covering her face in shame."  Ain't nobody mad girl.  I start leaking in my tights again & pretending to hold myself though I'm actually low-key masturbating.  Girl 3 is just watching with a smile in the corner as our piss streams spread & converge with hers.  Girl #1 & I exchange names/numbers and become good friends who discuss the incident again occasionally in the future.  

What are YOUR ultimate omorashi fantasies?  Love hearing from others with this fetish so sound off in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...