Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Places or Circumstances Where Wetting Is Accepted*

 ...* or at least understandable & not totally out of place.  Granted, any adult who pees themselves is taking a risk of humiliation & potential exclusion/ejection from whatever establishment you're currently at, but a legit accident is a lot more forgivable than doing it on purpose.   You may even draw sympathy from onlookers. 

When ya gotta go you gotta go, and it's not always socially acceptable or LEGAL to whip it out or pop a squat with your ass out for the world to see.  Thus, there are certain times & places where pants wetting is more likely to occur & less likely to result in social stigmatization.  So if you're new to public wetting & looking for the perfect excuse or opportunity to try it in a way that gives plausible deniability & makes it really look like an accident, here are some suggestions.  If you're just into seeing others wet themselves, then the same applies:  these are great settings to scope out wet pants.  Just don't be creepy about it.  

(Please note, these are simply some options where a truly accidental wetting would be more expected/natural.  It's no guarantee your friends or family won't rag on you!).

Marathon runners face serious challenges in the pee department.

-  Long races, marathons or bike races.  Stopping to pee wastes time, so just go as you ride or run.

- Crowded downtown New Year's Eve events ("watching the ball drop") in big cities, where people have confessed to doing everything from dehydrating themselves to wearing diapers to peeing in women's menstrual pads.

- Concerts or festivals with limited Port-A-Potty access & lots of attendees.  

- Haunted houses, scary movies, theme parks (roller coasters) & other places where "fear wettings" can realistically happen.  Bonus if they serve drinks or have fountains trickling in the background.

- Drunken events with limited toilet access (pub crawls, etc).  Simply getting "too drunk" to realize you're wetting yourself is also a good excuse.  You don't actually have to BE dangerously drunk, just act like it.  Bonus:  You can act like you don't even remember the next day.  Just don't overuse this one or you might be walking into an intervention for a drinking problem you don't have.

- On a golf course or somewhere else far from the loo but where removing your pants could get you in trouble.  

- If you're a pregnant woman, you can pretty much wet yourself whenever and wherever and nobody will question you.  It's that common.  In fact, 41% of pregnant women leak urine to some degree while pregnant.

- On long car, bus or plane trips where scarce rest stops or "turbulence" prevent toilet use. 

- Occasional bed wetting, even for non-bedwetters, can be explained away as "I had one of those peeing dreams where you're going in the dream but I woke up and was pissing the bed for realz!  D'oh!"

- At an outdoor or underground rave.  Everybody's too loved up on MDMA & other club drugs to notice or care that you wet yourself.  Heck, someone might even join in & do it with you. 

- While tripping on psilocybin mushrooms.  These hallucinogens can make you feel like you've wet yourself when you haven't, so I'm sure your friends would understand if you ACTUALLY wet yourself while in the midst of a balls-to-the-walls psychedelic trip.

- During or before an ultrasound or other medical test where they require a (very) full bladder.

- At the airport after getting off a plane or bus stop after getting off the bus.  No explanation needed, you can just pretend the bathroom was not available for a long time on the flight or ride.  

- In casinos at slot machines.  It's not that uncommon to see gamblers with an addiction just... go... right where they sit, though this isn't very considerate.  Wearing a diaper would be more polite.  And it's far more common in Las Vegas where serious gambling addiction is common than small casinos in, say, South Dakota.  

- While having a laughing or coughing fit, or while straining to deadlift weights.  Some people, particularly us women with fickle bladders & weak pelvic floors, have situational incontinence when we laugh, sneeze, cough, panic or lift heavy things.  

- While waiting in a long bathroom line somewhere like a stadium ball game or downtown event (holidays, First Friday, festivals, etc).  If alcohol or other drinks are being served, even better.

- In a classroom where a timed test is being given & bathroom breaks are not allowed.

- While fishing, apparently.  

- While stuck in long bumper-to-bumper traffic jams when you already had to pee at the beginning of the trip or before the traffic jam began.  

- At any natural outdoor body of water while wearing a swimsuit:  ponds, lakes, rivers, beaches, etc.  These places tend not to have restrooms or if they do, they're far away and less than clean/safe.  Most people piss in pools & water park water too (including Olympic athletes!), but you're more likely to be ostracized if caught doing it here.

- While snow skiing, riding a snowmobile, snowboarding, sledding or otherwise engaging in icy winter activities that take place far away from restrooms.  This is a fairly common practice due to the inconvenient distance from bathrooms & how easy it is to wet yourself unnoticed in all those layers of clothes.  As with summer pool-pissing, wetting yourself on the slopes or while playing in the snow is just more acceptable than doing so in your normal street clothes on a warm spring or autumn day.  Don't ask us why.   ❄

Did I leave anything out?  Obviously lying isn't a good practice & it isn't cool to make messes for others to clean up, but some people into this fetish are going to wet themselves in public either way.  No amount of finger-wagging will change that, so it's better if they at least do it in a way that doesn't make the whole community look bad.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...