Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Dream Omorashi Scenarios: Wetting at My Gyno Exam

As promised, here's my full-length gyno wetting fantasy.  Enjoy!    

Setting:  Gynecologist appointment w/ female doctor.   My bladder is bursting because I have to do a urinalysis and for some reason they're making me wait until AFTER the PAP exam.  (My NP is a Jill-of-all-trades & does everything from prescribing my pain meds to doing my lady exams).  I've already been in the waiting room about 35 minutes & am in pain.  She seems extra cheerful today and talks forever before starting the exam as I sit naked except for the paper gown, freezing.  She can see I'm in pee-agony but seems to be prolonging it on purpose or at least, ignoring it. 

I shiver, hop around & get on the table with my legs spread eagle in the stirrups.  The cold temp in the room does NOT help my growing urge to go.  It occurs to me that I'll probably survive the dreaded speculum part but then I remember the thing at the end where they basically finger you while pushing down on your bladder.  Whatsitcalled?  

"This is the bimanual exam.  I'm just gonna..." and then she does it before even explaining what it is.  

Oh no.  Oh god.  

I GASP as a tiny spurt of pee sneaks past my urethra onto her fingers.  (For those who don't know, the bimanual exam is when they stick two gloved, lubed fingers in your vagina while pressing down on your abdomen kinda hard.  It doesn't feel great with an empty bladder, let alone with a full one.  Losing control in this scenario is very plausible as I learned the hard way).  I apologize profusely & beg to excuse myself to use the ladies' room.  She is very kind/reassuring, says it's fine, happens all time & she's seen much worse as a nurse but refuses to let me go.  "Just a minute more.  You've made it this long.  We'll just finish up here & get you the sample cup so you can have it all done today. "  Noooo.  I'm humiliated & straight up panicking.

She pushes down again & I tell her I can't hold it anymore.   She says "That's okay sweetie" & pulls a nearby trashcan up to the end of the exam table and continues right on w/ the exam.  'If anything happens we'll get it all cleaned up, it's just water... basically. [Insert warm but mischievous smile here 😏 ]. The janitor comes every 30-45 mins & will take care of it.  Besides, it's just us here.  Everybody's gone to lunch."  She gestures to the door & my heart sinks.  I close my eyes tight & try to hold to no avail.  Small spurts turn to long ones as she pokes around on my abdomen, then a flood erupts.

OMG OMG I'm pissing all over my doc's table, LOUDLY, with her fingers inside me.  It's hissing like a cobra and running over the edge like a yellow waterfall into the trashcan below & over the sides.  She doesn't even bat an eye and continues like it's not happening, pushing her gloved fingers deeper while pressing different spots on my belly which causes the steady flow to morph into a veritable piss hose. 

"This hurt?" 

"Uhh, kinda?" I sheepishly reply as hot piss pools around my bare ass cheeks, turning the paper gown to mush.   It's almost comical how we're both ignoring the human fountain flowing from my nether regions.  Almost.

"I'll try again in a minute."  She smiles & stops pressing my stomach for now, clearly implying "in a minute when you're not pissing all over my hands & table."

At some point she touches my swollen g-spot & a moan escapes.  Uh-oh.  

"Did that hurt?"  

"No, just the opposite" I reply before putting an ounce of thought into what I was saying.  JUST THE OPPOSITE?!  Christ!  It's not enough you soak her with piss, now you're complimenting her exam technique too?  Kill me now.

She giggles & says "Sorry.  Having a full bladder can sometimes make things go wonky down there."  

OMG.  It's all too much.  I'm humiliated.  

Meanwhile I'm still trying in vain to stop the flood.  I clench every muscle in my lower body to no avail--it barely slows the inevitable.  My heart is pounding, face red & tear-streaked... I feel like I could faint or puke.  But my clit is throbbing.  I'd give anything to shove her gloved fingers deep inside me & hold them there until I'm done pissing.  Instead I just look down in shame.  'Hey girlie, it's nothing, I promise. Just go ahead & finish.  The door's locked.  Don't worry about the drug test--we can do it tomorrow or whenever's convenient for you."  The drug test?  Uhh, thanks lady but I'd kinda forgotten about that.  Least of my worries at the moment.  

I cover my eyes with my arm & nod in shame, continuing to soak the table with my legs spread wide in stirrups while she pulls her fingers out & washes up.  For a second I think the worst is over but as soon as she pulls out it starts up again in a rush of hot liquid between my thighs.  I put my hands between my legs but it does nothing.  The hiss becomes audible once again & she looks over her shoulder at me from the sink.  

"Wow you REALLY had to go!"

"Yeah.  I'm so sorry.  I'm still going."

"Here, if you wanna hover over this trashcan..."

She scoots it closer & helps me out of the stirrups but the flow has ceased to a trickle by the time I get positioned over it.  "You know, if we weren't in this setting I could tell you stories that'd make you feel SO much better about this" she said w/ a smile & a rub of my shoulder. "Please don't sweat it.  It's not a big deal when you've seen people give birth, bleed out & worse.  I will have to take an extra long lunch break today to deal with this though."  [insert mischievous nod here].   Hmmm.  Deal with WHAT?  I thought the janitor was cleaning it up?   Did she mean the mess or her arousal?  Never did find out.  She said if I needed to 'clean up' in the bathroom before taking off I could use hers in the back.  How thoughtful.  She handed me some paper towels and reassured me once more before exiting.

On the drive home I thought about it and concluded there's no way she didn't know that making me wait that long to pee then pushing on my bladder (and g-spot!) was going to at least POSSIBLY cause me to have an accident.  And she seemed so adamant about doing the long-ass exam first when the urinalysis would've taken 2 seconds.  Why not give me the urinalysis cup to piss in instead of the trashcan?!  Sooooo many questions.  

I think my nurse is into omo.    👩‍⚕


What are YOUR dream omo scenarios?  Share below!  Don't be afraid to get as detailed as you like.  😏

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

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