Sunday, October 29, 2023

Pelvic Floor Thera-Pee

I'm undergoing pelvic floor therapy for an unrelated issue and the amount of times the nurse asks about holding my pee is... interesting.  "How long can you hold it?"  "Have you ever had an accident?"  "Do you ever let out a little pee when you cough or laugh?"  It's taking everything I have not to get turned on.  She also brought up the subject of DILATORS which she said could be bought on  (I thought those were for transwomen?  Not sure why anyone would want their vagina to be wider but ok lady).  

We're doing a pelvic strength test soon that involves her putting her fingers inside me.  Should be interesting.  Will keep everyone posted if this takes any interesting turns.  💦 🤭

Update:  wow that was painful, and then there were the needles.  She wanted to put one where no needle should ever ever go.  Not pleasant.  I had to cough & do kegels with her inside me ("squeeze like you're stopping your flow of pee; now bear down like you're pooping") while she looked at my privates.  If I'd gone in with a full bladder lord knows what would've happened.  She opened with a question about whether I had incontinence & I said no (again).  I do recommend it for anyone with severe pelvic pain who's not too squeamish or shy about intimate exams.  

Oh and apparently this test is a thing that exists.  I'm not into poop but just read a personal story online about a woman pissing herself uncontrollably during one. 😋

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