Sunday, October 22, 2023

Where You're Most Likely To Witness REAL Wettings

Soaking your shorts at high noon in the middle of a busy park... a desperate Zoom call that goes on a bit too long resulting in drenched leggings.  Despite all the sexy, creative scenarios shown in porn vids, very few of those actually happen IRL to non-omo fans.  But people DO have wetting accidents, sometimes in public.  What I've found from years of "research" is that real wettings are most likely to happen when a person is in the following scenarios:

- Drunk beyond reason & just lets go on themselves.

- Waiting in line for the loo (often while drunk) and the line does not move in time.

- Laughing so hard they pee themselves.

- So scared/startled they pee themselves.

- Sneezing and peeing themselves (older ladies usually).

- At a pool or other body of water where they can easily wash off.  People will sometimes go in their swimsuit rather than make the trek to the restroom, or go THROUGH their swimsuit into the toilet rather than peeling it all the way off.  (Girls/women usually).

- In classrooms with an authoritarian teacher (or in a timed testing scenario) where they're not allowed to use the restroom.  Think SAT/ACT or similar.

- After drinking too much water or alcohol before falling asleep.  Usually someone with a history of bedwetting.  Caffeine is another well-known bladder stimulant/irritant that can make the piss flow faster in already-treacherous situations (long lines, haunted houses, etc).  

- Pregnant women are especially prone to bladder malfunctions, especially in later trimesters.  ESPECIALLY during ultrasounds where they're made to hold it.  Google "wet myself ultrasound" for personal stories aplenty.  😈  Also:  Any mom will tell you that situational incontinence is common after giving birth, sometimes permanently. 

- Magic mushrooms containing psilocybin oddly have the side effect of causing the user to feel like they've wet themselves when they haven't, though I've yet to see anyone ACTUALLY do it.  I've used them with friends many times & never done or seen it.  

- While car wettings are in theory likely due to an occasional inability to pull over or find a restroom, they don't seem to be very common IRL.  Sadly.  Men usually piss in a bottle or other container while women just hold 'til the next available exit or pull over on a dirt road & go.  We're gangsta like that.

Woman has an oopsie in a skirt & panties

So alcohol/caffeine, strong emotions, pregnancy & "can't escape" situations are the golden factors most likely to induce a real pants-soaking scenario.  Ever wet yourself for REAL in one of these settings?  Or seen someone else lose it?  Love to hear about it in the comments!  (I can honestly say I've never lost control of my bladder for real despite drinking tons of water daily & having a frequent urge to go, though I did let a spurt of pee go in my panties involuntarily when I had the flu once & sneezed).  🙈

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...