Woman wets jeans at ice cream shoppe. |
I don't know how to say this so I'll just say it: What's with these vids of women wetting in SUPER public settings? Like in the middle of busy supermarket aisles, in church or even while chatting with a sales rep inside a store. While hot, these vids raise 2 issues:
1.) Ethics. These random onlookers haven't agreed to participate in this fetish so there's that. (Nor have the workers agreed to clean it up). What if the person was sh!tting themselves, drinking blood or engaging in some other paraphilia without consent? Why should this one get a pass? Answer: it shouldn't.
2.) The bigger question: Are these girls being forced to do this? Or coerced in some way? There's always some creepy cameraman behind them taping the whole thing which gives the impression it's an abusive boyfriend or trafficking situation. Online porn is the new prostitution so don't poo-poo (or pee-pee) this suggestion too quickly. I even saw one vid of two women, naked from the waist down, pissing on a bus and the man next to them looked so disgusted he got up and moved. 😔 (And of course it was being recorded by some anonymous 3rd party). This reeks of coercion, not behaviors women would engage in on their own. These are all short anonymous clips on Twitter so it's impossible to know the backstory.
...another wets herself at a supermarket. Note non-consenting people to her left. |
In many states, urinating in public is illegal and, honestly, in these situations it should be. You can be put on the sex offender registry for exposing yourself while peeing in public which has happened in rare cases. I have more empathy for someone legitimately caught short than someone trying to satisfy their sexual desires with no regard for the safety or mental wellbeing others. While you might see me mindlessly click 'like' on these vids, I do not agree with the lack of consent of the onlookers and I have even bigger questions about these women and their safety. If you wanna wet in your car, on some secluded bike path or in an otherwise "private" public place, be my guest. But turning it into a literal pissing match to see who can capture the most extreme content is not cool. At least give some context or backstory on these questionable vids because honestly they're more disturbing than hot. Exhibitionism is not part of the deal here & this is a bad look for the whole omo community. Consent is EVERYTHING regardless of the kink or activity.
While I am 100% into desperation/wetting, I would be livid if somebody came into my establishment pissing themselves on purpose for internet content & I had to clean it up (or even witness it without consenting). Even among other female omo fans I've spoken to, public accidents are among the most traumatic/humiliating experiences of their lives so I highly doubt this is something these video girls are doing for fun simply because they enjoy it. There's gotta be more to the story, at least with some of these vids.
Please be considerate & have some common sense & common courtesy, neither of which is too common these days.
Woman pees jeans OUTSIDE store bathroom while anonymous creep records. |
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