Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sports Wettings: Volume 1

Here's a Ranker list of athletes who either have peed themselves during games or do it frequently.  

So the hot thing about this is how openly they piss themselves, talk about it & display it for the world to see.  Most of them anyway.  Even as someone with this fetish I would never engage in these sports if there was even a tiny RISK of wetting myself publicly!  But such things are apparently becoming more acceptable & that's great, both for the athletes affected & those of us who enjoy seeing these sights.   

I played all kinds of sports growing up but never witnessed anything like this.  Apparently it's pretty common for football players, runners & cyclists to just let go in their pants when the urge hits, and there's a veritable incontinence crisis among female gymnasts.  (That's actually sad & I had no clue it was such a prevalent issue in young women who've never had kids).  One NFL player (Channing Crowder) actually admitted to pissing himself every single game... and liking it!

And then there's this deadlifter, who just lets her piss flow allll over the gym floor with no pad or diaper in place to sop it up.  This vid had the internet up in arms:

And can't leave out this female pro-wrestler whose bladder just "gave out" mid-match, causing her to flood her pants in the squared circle.  She recounts the incident here.  

Finally, here are some pics of athletes going in their clothes in front of teammates and the world.  Enjoy.

Amy Hatch (incontinent runner) & daughter post-marathon


Amy Hatch wrote a piece entitled "So You Pee Your Pants While Running?  I Do Too!" that talks frankly about this issue and how she's come to terms with it.  Here's an excerpt:

"I’ve always loved flying down hills, my feet flailing underneath me, and yet somehow still finding confident footing. Now, when I let loose like that, I end up with urine soaked running tights … which then leads to a mad scramble to find something, anything to put under my butt for the drive home. (Reusable grocery bags, a  dirty sweatshirt and an old towel have all been deployed for this task)."

She also wets at the gym.  At the bottom of the page are a ton of similar stories by runners who have the same issue.  So be sure to scroll down & read the comments.  

One has to wonder if any of these wet athletes has developed a fetish for omo due to their accidents on the track or in the field.  I'm sure it's an embarrassing burden for most, but it's still fun to think about.  

Have you ever witnessed or experienced a sports-related wetting?  Share in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...