Sunday, October 15, 2023

Top 5 Wetting Positions

The Oyster Shell:  This pissy position made my Top 5.  

So I definitely have some favored positions for wetting myself & seeing others soak.  Always have, even as a kid.  I assume men & women will have different faves due to anatomical differences (right?) but IDK.  That's why I always ask for your feedback in the comments--I want to know what you think!  

What are your top pant-soaking positions?  Mine are, in no order:

- The Hard Surface Sitter.  Just sitting on something hard with legs slightly spread--a wooden chair, a closed toilet lid, a dressing room seat.  No gymnastics required.  Something about this just feels so damn GOOD, probably in part because we're used to weeing in an open toilet (with pants off) and pissing on a hard surface (with pants ON) is just the opposite.  You feel the wetness pooling around your privates & making a big ol' mess.  🫠

- The Stomach Sprayer.  There's something very dainty and discreet about wetting while lying on your stomach.  You can be watching TV, reading or just scrolling thru your phone with your feet in the air and then OOPSIE, a wet patch forms in your undies.  The weight of your body pressing down on your urinary tract helps get things rolling if you have a shy bladder which is a bonus.  Legs can be in any position:  down + spread; up + crossed, down + crossed.  Gotta try them all.  

- The Oyster Shell.  In this pretty side pose (see pic above), the wetter lies somewhere comfy like a bed or couch & just lets the piss flow out from between their legs, down their thighs (or down one thigh--the bottom one to be exact) & make a giant piddle puddle under their legs & ass.  Perfect for those who love wet legs and ass (who doesn't?!)  There's also the vertical variation in which you cross your legs and piss all over them while standing up.  Mmmmm.  {Hums theme from "Purple Rain" but inserts "Yellow" instead}.

- The Spread-Eagle Squat.  This is the most uninhibited, most "I'm gonna wet myself!" position of them all, at least for women.  When we open our legs & squat you know it's over.  The labia part like the red sea, exposing the urethra & other sensitive bits to the air & triggering an instant urge to let go.  This goes for wide-leg yoga poses, deep stretches & anything in which the legs are in a far-apart stance.  If you want to push your girl over the edge in a holding contest, dare her to squat or open her legs.  Urethral spasms & hot wetness will be forthcoming.  😏

- Drenched Doggy.  This isn't so much a position for those doing the wetting but for those watching.  There's nothing quite like a good "drenching her panties from the back" wetting vid.  Bonus points if she's rubbing/humping a pillow or something similar at the same time.  (Check out creator "Shy Squirter's" channel on Pornhub if you're into the doggystyle pillow-hump pee).  I'm not into asses/anal but there's something about watching the wetness spread from the back that's incredibly hot. 

Periodic reminder that all sexes & orientations are welcome here.  Just because I prefer women does not mean you can't discuss your preferred sex.  Respecting others is the only rule... one might even call it The "Golden" Rule (teehee). 💛


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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...