Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Hissing Myself & Cumming


Huge Pee in Pad & Panties (Leaks All Over Bed) - Vid I watched right before playing

Vid 1 (58 sec):  I'm squatted inches above the floor watching wetting porn.  My bladder is as taut as it's been in ages, as you can see from the puffy belly & thighs.  Just watched one of my fave vids in which a lady completely soaks her pad/panties & leaks allllll over the bed.  (See above).  It's the longest/loudest hiss I've found in any vid and it's making my urge to wet unbearable.  I really put it off too long this time.  My clit is throbbing as I sit spread eagle trying to choke back the droplets with my tingling urethra.

Vid 2 (0:18):  I give up the ghost & let some spurts go, which turns into the steady stream you see by the end of the vid.  But this is nothing compared to what's to come.  Or should I say, "cum".  😏

By Vid 3 (0:34), I'm fully replicating the amazing hiss you heard in the Pornhub vid (at least in strong spurts), my purple shorts engulfed in a sea of piss.  I can't resist the urge to shove my hand into my panties & rub my clit as I'm soaking my pussy, the towel & the floor beneath me.  Holy fuck, I'm suddenly cumming in my pants.  Did NOT expect that but wow was it nice.  I tried to be quiet about it since it was my 1st time cumming on cam & I felt a little weird but it was a full-blown pee-gasm!  Turn the volume up & you can hear me announcing my arrival, hah!  

A little pee-view of the action

To buy this 3-part vid, contact me at betweenusgirls@protonmail.com or DM @floodgaytes on Twitter ("X").  Use the code "HISSOFMYPISS."  Discounted price due to shorter duration.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...