Monday, October 28, 2024

Halloween: The Wetter's Wet Dream!


What's the only holiday to be celebrated primarily after dark?  One in which you get to dress up as any crazy character that you desire--real, fictional, historical, modern or otherwise--and sometimes hide your entire face while traveling to far-flung neighborhoods?  That's right:  Halloween.  All of these make it the perfect opportunity for some super soppy pants fun... on the downlow of course.  The biggest stumbling block for would-be wetters this time of year are the icy temperatures, but not this time.  October 2024 has been warmer than any year in recent memory, which means you all had better get out there and participate in SOME FORM of covert holding/wetting activity! 

From haunted houses to corn maizes to themed house parties to good old fashioned trick-or-treating, Halloween is the perfect excuse to buy a cheap silly costume and utterly destroy it with your urine.  There are so many built-in excuses too.  "I was scared!  I got lost I the maze!  I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time!  I had too much Poison Apple Punch!"  And if you're in charge of taking the kids?  Slap on an adult diaper and have some hush-hush fun that only you and your adult partner(s) know about.  This works equally well while handing out candy at home.

It's still early but I've already had some interesting sightings, like this:

Adult babies!

And then there's the Halloween-themed Omo Porn:

Pissy pumpkin carving


As you can see, people are already getting in the Halloween spirit, so I fully expect all my followers to do the same & share the results on or other channels.  I look forward to seeing your photos, videos, stories & more!  

How do you plan to spend Halloween 2024?  Got any Omo-specific plans in mind?  Share in the comments!

Taking Back the "Peegasm"

1.8k likes?  Seems needing to pee makes a LOT of ppl horny!

I have a theory that many, maybe even most, women would enjoy Omorashi and wet masturbation if they gave it the proper chance.  I know everyone's sexual tastes are wildly different and women make up half the human population so there's NO single thing we're all gonna like, but hear me out.

Reasoning:  It's based mostly on anatomy.  The female G-spot is located right under the bladder, and when full it presses down on said pleasure point & creates all kinds of naughty sensations.  In fact, many women literally can't tell whether they're horny or "just have to pee." 

Well, what if I told you that masturbating with a full bladder is even MORE amazing?  That slowly releasing warm pee into your panties as you watch whatever porn turns you on would make you hotter than the sun, setting you up for the best orgasm of your life?  That the "peegasm" the media has written about is no such thing, and that an ACTUAL peegasm (i.e. gushing piss at the moment of orgasm) is one of the greatest sensations you'll ever feel?  As someone who's had every kind of orgasm imaginable (clitoral, vaginal, G-spot, A-spot, etc), I find the peegasm to be the most euphoric & intense of them all.  💛

Of course there are some caveats here.

How to Unleash Your Inner Omo Dragon

Look at all these wet and wild women!

STEP 1:   You have to get REAL comfortable exploring your body alone.  Like touching yourself in all kinds of ways while thinking the dirtiest thoughts imaginable, watching naughty vids or reading smutty stories... whatever turns you on.  For women, horniness is half mental if not more.  Using lubrication (KY Jelly, Astroglide, etc) makes it more enjoyable for me even though I have no problem getting wet naturally.  See if you can find your G-spot, A-spot, U-spot and other pleasurable erogenous zones & do NOT feel guilty/dirty about it afterward.  Men masturbate on average 2-3x per week, with some doing the deed as much as 1 or more times daily.  The benefits for women include improved sleep, mood & focus.  For some, masturbating may help relieve menstrual cramps, and it carries 0% risk of STDs or pregnancy unlike hetero sex.  

STEP 2 is getting mentally comfy with the pee side of things.  You can start here if you're already comfortable with masturbation.  The belief that wetting yourself is "dirty" or weird is implanted in our psyches from a young age, but you can overcome it with some mental training.  On the contrary, peeing yourself for sexual pleasure in the privacy of your home is perfectly normal & healthy, neither morally positive nor negative.  It's just another way to enjoy sex/masturbation.  If you have a hard time accepting it as normal, simply try watching some pants wetting videos or reading stories about wetting for pleasure on Quora, or  You'll see this is a common practice among men & women alike and not the "gross/weird" thing it's made out to be.  Men get to ejaculate every time they orgasm, there's no reason we should be this paranoid about pee when it's less of a disease vector than semen.  That's right:  urine, while not "sterile," is no more unhygienic than tears or saliva, so don't be afraid to go for the gold!  

Over the toilet = a great 1st time wetting setting

Now for the real fun.  Step 3:  When you're ready to try wetting yourself for real, start by trying it over the toilet or in the empty bath tub with just some panties on.  These are natural places to pee and require no cleanup.  Also make sure you have the place to yourself so you don't have to worry about anyone intruding and "catching you".   You can turn a faucet on low or rub yourself to get started if you have a hard time letting go.  Remember, this isn't necessarily for pleasure but just to get over the mental hump of wetting being abnormal.  As you get more comfortable wetting in the bathroom, you can try other locations if you like.  In bed with a bunch of towels (or an incontinence mat) under you is a great place, as you can watch naughty vids there at the same time.  Once you're done, throw your wet things in the washer right away if possible to prevent the "pee smell" from setting in.  If you can't, toss 'em in the tub or sink & run some warm water through them & ring 'em out to help remove excess urine.

In the bathtub = another no-mess location to wet

Finally, put Steps 1 and 2 together & combine wetting with masturbation.  Put on some comfy lounge clothes you don't mind getting wet.  Let yourself get a little bit desperate so you can feel the pressure on your lady bits, then ease into it by either watching Omo porn or reading naughty stories.  Whatever turns you on. Setting up a playlist of your favorite vids ahead of time can be really helpful, and put it on auto play.  As you get more desperate, you can try letting a little bit of pee go into your pants as you touch yourself & continue watching/reading your smut.  (Watching or reading pee/wetting-themed material can really help relax and let go I've found, but choose whatever turns you on most).

Wet clitoral orgasm in piss puddle

When you're bursting or reach the peak of horniness, insert your fingers or toy into yourself and let the pee come spraying out into your undies/pants.  Try to hold it while fucking yourself as long as you can, but don't hurt yourself.  When you approach orgasm, let go totally & flood yourself.  The sensation is otherworldly--spraying yourself with hot wetness while your pussy contracts and goes wild at the moment of climax provides both the greatest feeling of relief and release imaginable.  You may even find yourself squirting for real (i.e. female ejaculate fluid, not pee).  THIS is the peegasm we Omo lovers speak of, not merely holding your pee all day and then getting "the shivers" when you pee in the toilet like the media has claimed.   🙄

Peegasm with dildo

If it doesn't happen the first, second or 3rd time, no sweat.  The fun is in the journey.  Some girls can't let little spurts go without fully flooding themselves and that's okay too.  In that case, don't start peeing until you're ready to orgasm.  You may find that simply cumming after wetting yourself feels amazing and is satisfactory... that a true peegasm isn't necessary.  Indeed, wetting is a pleasure all unto itself and can definitely heighten orgasm even when they don't occur together.  I find that using my vibrating sex toy (not inserted, just externally) for about 20 minutes before masturbating can strengthen my orgasm whether or not I have a peegasm.  

The point is to experiment and have FUN doing it.  Try different positions, locations, clothing & techniques.  With and without lube; with and without sex toys. While looking at different types of content.  This is all much easier if you live alone or have the house to yourself for a few hours once in a while.  But if your bedroom door locks and you have an incontinence mat/mattress protector, you can do it after everyone's asleep provided you sleep alone.  In the long run, the more comfortable you are with your own body, the more comfortable you'll be with a partner & the more satisfactory your sex life will be overall.  


Are you a woman who's had a peegasm?  Still trying for one, or just curious?  Love to hear from you (anonymously) in the comments!

Friday, October 25, 2024

No Toilet Tuesday: Clarifications

 For those participating in #NTT, the rules are thus:

- No peeing in the toilet from 12 a.m. Tuesday to 12 a.m. Wednesday each week.

Strictly forbidden on No Toilet Tuesday

- For those 24 hours you can pee anywhere else with or without pants:  various containers, a diaper, the floor, in a towel, your bathtub/shower, a trashcan, your pants, the bed... just no using the toilet in the traditional way.

- This does not include sitting on the closed toilet lid to pee or wetting through your pants into the toilet, as those are non-traditional & thus 100% allowed.  

Totally "legal" during #NoToiletTuesday

It's highly encouraged that you document your creative peeing/wetting methods and share them to under the #NoToiletTuesday tag.  I wanna see how y'all are living on days where you swear off the crapper.  And be sure to follow me @Floodgaytes there for lots of hot Omorashi content.  

This is obviously very serious business, so just thought I'd clarify the rules.  (With some smokin' hot pics for good measure).  😄😘  

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Amateur Omorashi Legends: Pissqu33n

Wow, OK so as a giant lezzie Omo lover this is the kind of creator that really REALLY does it for me.  Pissqu33n (Lydia) & her super cute gf "Andy" make the hottest vids, most of which involve Ms. Lydia peeing/wetting all over the place.  She appears to pee herself wherever she wants, including the bed, the couch/chair, the car, floor, porch and even in public.  If their house doesn't smell like piss I'd love to know how their secret because this girl is a superpisser.  It's incredibly rare to see not one but TWO lesbians brave enough to show their faces in porn vids, let alone in fetish stuff like this.  Some of my fave vids involve them having sex--Pissqu33n being rubbed through shorts from behind and losing control all over the bed is legendary.  Most of you probably know what I'm referring to, but if not here's a screen cap:


It gets a tad creepy at the end when her gf chokes her, but other than that, it's real A1 material.  What I wouldn't give to have an omo-friendly gf like this who was cool with me peeing myself all over the place and/or doing it herself.  These two have been together a long time and hopefully will keep putting out content, as they're a rarity in the Omo world.  Check out Pissqu33n's account @pissqu33n now.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Never Have I Ever - Omo Style!

I borrowed the first part of this questionnaire from so thank you guys for that.  Directions:  Give yourself 1 point for every "yes" and half a point if the answer is 'yes' for part of the question (and 0 for 'no').  Tally up your score at the end to see just how much of a pants-peeing master you really are!   💦

Me + my wet patch.


1. Wet your pants accidentally -  Never!

2. Wet your pants on purpose  - Almost every single day now that I have the freedom/privacy.    

3. Peed in bed - It's one of my fave places to wet myself.   

4. Peed outside - Long ago, yes, but not in the last 10 years.   

5. Wet yourself in public.  -  Unless you count all the swimming pools, water parks, lakes, beaches & other bodies of water, no.  I always piss myself near water when in a swimsuit.  My mother told us to when we were kids.   

6. Peed in the bathroom, but not in the toilet - lol Yes I did this the other day!   

7. Measured how much You were holding - Nah.

8. Peed in the pool - See:  Questiom #5.   

9. Had a holding contest with someone.  Sort of, virtually.  I let someone tell me when to pee, anyway.  (Half a point here). 

10. Peed in an ally/park to avoid an accident - No.

11. Peed in the car - Once as a stupid kid I got the urge and wet the same pair of shorts I'd successfully wet earlier, but I got caught.  We were driving down the highway when I peed & I got busted with wet pants at the grocery store.  Huge trouble.  

12. Peed in a diaper/pull-up - Yep!  Reviewed a couple right here on this blog.  

13. Held it for 10+ hours - For sure while sleeping but not for fun.  That wouldn't be very "fun" for me due to the pain.  (Half a point).

14. Peed in a towel/pillow/cushion - Towel yes.  

15. Been tickled/startled into a pee accident - Nope!

16. Been denied the bathroom when you were desperate - No but I did this to a friend and felt terrible after she had an accident.  

17. Let some out to take the pressure off - Not IRL but often at home.   

18. Tried to see how far your stream could go.  Who among us hasn't?  

19. Wet yourself in someone’s lap - Naw.  

20. Had to make up a story on the spot to avoid embarrassment - With my recreational wetting, probably as a kid.  But I've never had accidents.  


Have you ever been given permission to go ahead and wet yourself in a tight situation?  - No.

Ever had an Omo buddy who was NOT a sexual or romantic partner? - Yes!  And it was amazing.  The story can be found here.

Have you ever been FORCED to pee your pants by a cruel authority figure (parent, teacher, bully, etc).  Nope.

Been caught by family members or other roomates resulting in an incredibly embarrassing/otherwise traumatic experience?  Yes, once with very wet pants before school and once when my stash of wet clothes was found.

Had a true peegasm?  (Not the one where you hold your pee and then get "the shivers" from simply peeing, lol ugh).   Many times and lemme tell ya, regular orgasms just don't compare after you've been to the mountaintop!  (And pissed off it).

MY SCORE:  12 + 3 Bonus = 15 total.  

0-5:  Dry as a bone
6-10:  Getting Warmer... and Wetter...
11-15:  Pissy-Panted Pro
15-20:  Flooded, soaked, positively DRENCHED!  Sopping Sensei.

If you scored 11-20, congrats!  That means you're above average in terms of wetting experiences.  If you're low on the pee-pee totem pole score-wise, that just means you've got a lot of fun adventures ahead of you.  Go forth & explore, young master.  A wet & wonderful world awaits.  💦 🌏

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Quickie Porn Review: Student Wets Panties Under Desk


Lots of toe-tapping going on...

The dam breaks.

Absolutely flooding herself under the desk.

And a nice post-pee wank.  

Here's the setup:  Girl in a skirt, white panties & clog-type heels is sitting at a (classroom) desk, apparently unable to get up to use the restroom.  The video title alludes to having to write "Do Not Talk In Class" 100 times, which is actually a decent setup as there are no shortage of sadistic teachers out there who deny people bathroom breaks for reasons like this.  As the video progresses, her leg bounces and moans get more pronounced until eventually she's got her legs open rubbing herself through her panties--which usually has the effect of hastening wettings if anything.  But here it looks as if she's using it to prolong the inevitable. 

This doesn't work for long though:  eventually she moans and announces "I can't hold it," lifts her skirt out of the way as if she was using the toilet and begins letting go slowly on the silver chair through her panties.  We see the first wet spot as she reveals more of her intimates, continuing to masturbate through her undies as she leaks.  Eventually she scoots forward to the edge of the chair as if to say "I give up.  I'm flooding the floor now".  Her waterfall soon becomes visible in multiple spots as it rushes over the chair's edge.  She treats the chair exactly like a toilet, her pussy pressed directly on the cold steel with only her white cotton panties as a buffer as she soaks herself & makes a puddle on the floor.  Then she leans back & rubs her pussy to a wet moaning conclusion in her seat.    

Can you imagine a naughty (18+) student in detention being denied a hall pass & forced to use her panties like this?  What if it felt so good she needed to cum afterward but there were other students and a professor in the room?  The fact that so many female wetters have to masturbate immediately following their "accidents" tells me this pastime is enjoyed sexually by many ladies.  And the insane number of amateur wetting vids on VK reaffirms this.  This vid is a genuine example of a woman getting off on pissing her panties, and it had that effect on me too.  Great set-up, desperation & genuine horniness.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Surgery to Become Incontinent (Yes, This Is A Thing)

 I like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded person, as I'm sure most people do.  For instance the AB/DL thing is not for me and I'm rather repulsed by "messing," (aka pooping yourself for pleasure), but I don't go out of my way to call out or put down members of the Omorashi community who engage in these aspects of it.  Likewise, I'm not a fan of trying to push adult kinks like this into highly public spaces like Gay Pride events as I think it does both the LGBT AND kink communities a massive disservice by making us look perverted in a predatory way to "normies" (aka the vanilla hetero conservatives that make up approximately 50% of every Western society).  

STILL, I try not to make a "thing" of it because my motto is, if you don't approve of a given act or lifestyle, don't engage in or support it.  That's where your rights end.  For gun ownership, abortion, drug use, porn, sex, kink and anything else.  Except maybe this next thing.  Because when medical professionals who get rich performing these unnecessary & dangerous procedures break their ethical oath to disable & mutilate patients, many of whom haven't even taken rudimentary measures to make sure they'll be up for living like this the rest of their lives, something needs to be said. 

Shortcut to Incontinence?

Let's just get right to it:  I recently learned of an irreversible surgical procedure that causes incontinence that some diaper wearing kinksters are undergoing.  I'm not going to name it here for fear of driving more people to it, but if you want to learn about it badly enough you can.  Most are going to Mexican clinics to have it done which adds to the risk, as Mexico has a long history of killing and maiming medical tourists who go there for cheap cosmetic and lifesaving surgeries for reasons you can learn about here

Even if performed in the most sterile, professional clinic in the developed world, this surgery would be unethical by its very nature, as it renders healthy patients forever dependent on diapers & unable to control their bladders.  The situation has been compared to doctors who amputate healthy limbs in patients with "BIID," a highly controversial mental illness that overlaps with a known paraphilia in a big way.  (Note:  the actual paraphilia--apotemnophilia--conveniently links to an article on Body Integrity Disorder on the ever-so-PC Wikipedia).  So it may not be long until you start seeing ABDL (or just the "DL" portion) start claiming to have some 'disorder' that requires surgery to make them into who they were "truly meant to be," demanding insurance cover the surgery & all it's attendant costs as well as a lifetime of diapers. 

Don't buy it. 

Diaper-wearing in people who are not incontinent is primarily for sexual pleasure, point blank.  There's a sensory element, a taboo factor and yes, a convenience factor.  But anyone who says they do it for reasons other than "it feels good" is lying to you. 

Patient has given zero thought to after-effects; plans to lie to urologist.

I was relieved to see that even most diapered-by-choice people tried to dissuade one headstrong dude online from going to Mexico to get the surgery, though it didn't work in the end.  He went, had the procedure, recovered okayish before pissing out a bloodclot & experiencing a blockage (i.e. a stricture, the worst complication that can happen with this surgery besides death) that didn't allow him to pee at all without a catheter into March (surgery was done Feb 10th). 

He then developed a nasty infection, saw a stateside urologist who was VERY curious about what kind of procedure he had (calling the whole thing "weird"); got depressed about his lack of incontinence & planned to have a revision surgery with the same Mexican doctor to make him more incontinent before finally "healing" enough to become the diaper-dependent wetter of his dreams.

Countdown to irreversible incontinence.  Can't make this shit up.

So what's the big problem?  All's well that ends well, right?  Wrong.

You see, surviving such a foolhardy stunt and experiencing the desired results is not enough for people like this.  Because too much is never enough with paraphilias.  Once a person starts cutting up their body in the name of sexual pleasure, there's a sort of arrogance that sets in--a tempting of fate.  Or maybe the arrogance was already there driving the self-mutilation all along.  Either way, it doesn't lead anywhere good.  I'll just let you see for yourself what I mean:

I have no words.

Bowel incontinence might be "more impactful"?  Wtf does that even MEAN?!  Of course it'd be impactful you tool.  As would getting hit by an asteroid on your way to your kid's little league game.  Clearly this surgeon & everyone who works for him needs to be stripped of their licenses & maybe face criminal charges.  They're knowingly performing dangerous & irreversible disabling operations on physically healthy but EXTREMELY mentally ill patients with an addiction to body modification/self-harm.  And they don't just operate in the alleyways of Mexico:  a couple operate in the U.S. as well as Canada, Thailand & other countries.

No Free Lunches

If you want to become incontinent/diaper-dependent, do the work required to get there on your own or forget about it.  There are no shortcuts when it comes to health & bodily functioning.  Unless you want to become a professional medical patient for the rest of your life, inserting and removing catheters & dealing with blood clots, strictures & an endless stream of nameless/faceless doctors examining your junk & giving you the 3rd degree, this is not the route to go.  It can cause painful complications that could destroy your fertility, sexual performance and even kill you.  Consider what that would do to the people who love and care about you.  The world does not revolve around you and your sexual fetish.  Believe it or not, there are more important things than that.

The personality types who go through with things this risky always have the mindset of "it won't happen to me" or only envisioning best-case scenarios, but that's not how life works.  If you're not prepared for the absolute worst-case outcome, you're not mature enough to handle the risk.  That means Advance Directives, a living will & all the rest.  Because if and when that outcome happens, you'll be crying to the world about your regrets, wishing you'd never done it, blaming this or that doctor/nurse while eating up medical resources trying to repair the problems that you brought on yourself, etc.  BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW.  That's what "irreversible" means.  It's incredibly frustrating trying to talk to people like this because they think they know it all, then it's the people closest to them that have to bear the fallout when things go to shit (literally, in this case).  It sounds like he hasn't even considered how much this will narrow his dating pool.

I didn't read beyond this point because frankly I couldn't stomach it.  I know what the eventual outcome will be anyway:  The patient will keep pushing his luck until he either dies from surgical complications or experiences such negative social and health consequences he becomes disillusioned with what he's done, developing an addiction to drugs/alcohol to cope and becoming despondent.  Whatever woman is unlucky enough to be closest to him in his life (probably his mom or bestie since it sounds like he's gay) will helplessly try to cheer him up while catching the brunt of his rage until he finally pushes them away & has no one, becoming totally isolated.  But at least he's constantly covered in shit and piss now!  #livingthedream  😒

ALL medical interventions, from surgeries to vaccines to medications & medical devices carry varying amounts of risk, but so do the conditions they're meant to prevent or treat.  What determines whether they're worth it is whether the benefit outweighs the risk.  In the case of medically unnecessary surgery whose sole intent is to disable the patient in the service of a sexual kink, it should be clear to anyone with 2 brain cells that it's NEVER worth it.  I'm firmly in the "this should be illegal" camp with this disturbing procedure, which is pretty damn rare for me.  

What are your thoughts on this unethical surgery?  Did you know about it before reading this article?  Know anyone who's gone through with it?  Sound off in the comments!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Sports Wettings Vol. 2

Finally, the long-awaited follow up to Volume 1, now featuring athletes from around the world proudly and openly wetting themselves without shame!  

Well, maybe minus a couple of them.  Like this first talented Olympian.  This photo went viral in 2020 & had to have been a bummer as it overshadowed anything else she did that year at the Olympics, at least in the mind of the general public.  The athlete is gymnast Emilie Le Pennec of France doing a move none of us could ever hope to pull off.  So what if she sprang a little leak through her leotard?

Emilie Le Pennec of France turns herself into a fountain during her gymnastics routine, 2020

These next two articles by women--both runners--are titled "All the Cool Kids Pee Their Pants" and "Only the Coolest Kids Pee Their Pants," respectively, and they feature female athletes owning up to this very common issue with great humor & even a sense of pride.  See for yourself:

""All the cool kids pee their pants"

"Only the Coolest Kids Pee Their Pants"

Words can't express how great it feels to see women flooding their Filas & soaking their Sportech in public instead of hiding from it in shame.  Attitudes are definitely softening to all things pee.  There was a time not long ago when such a condition would've caused many women to give up sports entirely, but not anymore.  And what a shame that would be considering their male counterparts are pulling stunts like this:

Soccer referee Denis da Silva Ribeiro Serafim took a leak in his pants without taking his shorts down as he was being filmed on TV ahead of kick-off before the game even got started.  Right in centre field!   🤯

Dirty secret:  Rugby players piss their pants to avoid being tackled!

Yup, while women are just now making an uneasy peace with their accidental sports wettings & getting dragged all over the internet for it in many cases, male athletes are deliberately pissing themselves all over the track & field with no shame!  As it should be, but wow!


Powerlifter soaks the floor while deadlifting

In this article we have a powerlifter making a case for normalizing wetting in the gym in an article titled "Can We Just Let Pee Pee Be?" She goes so far as to suggest that incontinent lifters need not even wear protection if they choose not to, and that it's nobody's business as urine doesn't hurt anyone and this is such a common problem.  Not sure I can agree there--we're all responsible for cleaning up our own mess & the gym would quickly become a stinking urinal if everyone just peed where they stood with no protection--but I absolutely agree that there's nothing "gross" or abnormal about the condition itself. 

Next we have a distance runner from Edinburgh who has become the de-facto spokeswoman for breaking records while breaking down the stigma around incontinence.  She was "forced to wet herself" to break her own record and has experienced incontinence for 10 years according to the article that opens with the quote "I had to wet myself.  I'm not ashamed of it."  THANK YOU for your honesty & bold courageousness, ma'am!  

And here's a thread (with pic) of a guy wetting his jeans because the Colts won their game, which seems to be a bit of a growing trend.  Let's hope it keeps growing like that dark patch on his jeans!

More pee-soaked athletes:

"I peed my pants on rebounder.  So what?" reads the caption with this TikTok vid

And this male runner tells the tale of wetting himself in the rain to beat his best time, proving it's not a gender thang but a runner thang.  

...aaaand the inevitable VICE article on the subject, which actually isn't too bad considering it's VICE.  Excerpt:

“The first time I ever realized I was having bladder issues was during a race,” says Audrey Michaelson, a senior division I cross country and track athlete at Loyola University in Chicago. “It was actually one of the best track races of my life. I was racing 800 meters, and, through the first lap, I was feeling strong. I started to kick with 200 meters left. I was flexing all my muscles while sprinting down the final stretch on the track, and I couldn’t feel anything. Every time I took a step, I felt like my bladder was releasing and I couldn’t hold it in.”

 ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿

That about concludes this edition of Sports Wettings.  Have you ever had an accident while working out really hard?  Or maybe you used the opportunity as a cover for some covert Omo fun?  Wonder how many athletes now look forward to a good pants soaking after their game or workout since having a few genuine accidents in the past?  It's certainly becoming more talked about & thus less stigmatized, which is great for all of us!  This is how we normalize things that are already "normal"--by talking openly about them.

Exercise, team sports and especially Olympic sports are gritty and grimey.  If you wouldn't be ashamed of perspiration while exercising, you shouldn't be ashamed of a little pee.  By all means clean up after yourself indoors but don't for a second let anyone make you feel less-than for your natural bodily functions.  As I've repeated until I'm blue in the face, urine is not a disease vector any more than tears, sweat or saliva, all of which are ubiquitous in places like gyms & locker rooms, so anyone who flips out about a little wee while ignoring the other germ-laced bodily fluids is being biased & showing their ignorance.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Let's Talk Incontinence

We need to talk about the fact that incontinence is more common than continence for women over a certain age.  That roughly 50% of adult American women have some degree of urinary incontinence ranging from "mild or temporary leakage" to complete wetting that's a permanent/recurring problem.  And those numbers go up once you hit 65:  At that age, a whopping SEVENTY-FIVE percent of women experience urinary incontinence.  (And around 2-15% of men ages 15-64 struggle with incontinence while up to 15% of men over 60 not in an assisted living facility are affected).  The UK's numbers aren't much better--research shows that 9% of UK women have wetting accidents daily and 34% have them at least weekly, which is more than the average potty training toddler.  There are 6 distinct types of incontinencestress, urge (aka "overactive bladder"), mixed, overflow, functional & reflex

Incontinent women outnumber fully continent women in the U.S.

I could sit here and list the numerous causes & treatments of incontinence all day, but there are plenty of websites that do that already.  If you're experiencing incontinence & it's negatively affecting your quality of life, don't hesitate to bring it up to your doctor.  You might be referred to a pelvic floor therapist who can help with exercises to strengthen or otherwise tone your pelvic floor and surrounding muscles (do not just do "kegels" without an evaluation first as this can occasionally worsen the problem!).  Likewise, medications & lifestyle changes may help bring the problem under control.

What I'd like to talk about is the stigma and negative social attitude toward incontinence & wetting--the way these female hygiene product companies make us feel dirty & smelly all our lives, then proclaim "Peeing in your pants IS NOT OK" which only serves to further stigmatize & shame those who suffer from this issue.  Which is most of us.  Would it be acceptable to say "Being a depressed sack of crap when your testosterone levels plummet after middle age is NOT NORMAL" or "Relying on a little blue pill to get it up is NOT OK?"  In fact, is there any other time in the health or mental health world where it's acceptable to use that kind of language?  

Calm down, miss.  Everybody pees. 

No, there is not.  And for good reason.  I get what they're trying to convey--that it's not "normal" in a medical sense; that it's not inevitable & can be treated--but that word ("normal") carries a double-meaning, and when you're talking about something that's already humiliating & comes with major social stigma, the harm done by using it is greater than the harm prevented.  If the goal is to prompt open dialogue & get people to seek help for something, telling them it's NOT NORMAL in all-caps is going to have the opposite effect.  So it'd be great if medical centers, adult diaper companies, pelvic floor therapists & everyone else would S T O P  S A Y I N G  T H A T. 

You are not alone.  💛

Secondly, I understand the difference between "common" and "unavoidable in an otherwise healthy person" but, IS there really a difference in this case?  That is to say, how many cases of incontinence are entirely preventable or curable when such a huge majority of women experience this problem?  Some estimates say 200 million people worldwide and 1 in FOUR women over age 18 experience incontinence occasionally, so forgive me for not believing it's all that preventable or curable for the average woman.  That's not to say certain measures can't reduce the incidence or severity of accidents but I'm loathe to believe you can completely prevent or cure the condition, especially in that many women.  Pelvic floor therapists are good but they're not miracle workers.  And if you can't entirely prevent or cure incontinence, that means it IS normal & telling sufferers otherwise is downright unethical and cruel.  

Lots of things are not desirable yet "normal" in old age:  presbyopia (farsightedness - 83-88% of people 45+), osteoarthritis (53.9% of people aged 75+), high blood pressure (80% aged 60+) & hearing loss (60% of people aged 71-80 years).  Could it be that urinary incontinence in women is just 'one of these things' and not something to feel shame & self-hatred about at all?  In other words, that is to say that urinary incontinence is perfectly NORMAL and OK.  There are things you can do to help treat it & lessen the impact of accidents on your life, but there is no reason to believe what you're experiencing is abnormal, gross, bad, weird or shameful.  It's not.  Urinary incontinence in women is more common than not.   Read. That. Again.

Toxic Solutions to Non-Issues: Misogynistic Marketing in Action

Throughout history, women have been made to feel like our bodily functions were dirty & disgusting by marketers & big corporations.   From advertising Lysol and Lysterine as a douche to "super absorbent" tampons that caused Toxic Shock Syndrome, the message is clear:  "if you don't buy the toxic crap we're selling, you'll never be the belle of the ball, your husband will reject you for someone younger & prettier (and better smelling) & you'll die an old, lonely spinster with only your cats to keep you company."

(Wow how awful.  Not).  

If 75% of U.S. women are incontinent, now is that not "the norm"?

Thus is the way of the corporate marketing machine:  make people feel inadequate & insecure so they'll buy stuff they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they don't even like.  A lot of our collective social phobias trickle down (pun intended) from these insidious marketing giants & I'd include our fear of public wetting in that.  The way people overreact to a little pee--something we ALL do every day, old & young, rich & poor, male, female, gay, straight & everything in between--is so out of proportion it doesn't even make sense.  The immature pointing & laughing when someone wets themselves, the melodramatic disgust reactions... You'd think someone just burned an American flag at a Springsteen concert by the way people behave.

I'll repeat myself for those in the cheap seats:  Urine is not a disease vector like feces or blood, and it comes from the same place as those "other" things (vaginal fluid, semen) you consider sacred/sexually arousing except, unlike those things IT'S NOT A DISEASE VECTOR.  Urine doesn't transmit HIV, Hepatitis, other STDs, fecal-oral diseases like norovirus/shigella/campylobacter or C. Diff.  The only real downside is the smell, and even that can be greatly decreased by staying hydrated.  So if you're severely icked out by pee it's an entirely conditioned response not grounded in evolution or medical reality.  Which is fine--we don't choose what grosses us out, but people don't choose incontinence either so a little kindness goes a long way.

Fighting the Stigma (Yes, You!)

So what can you, the everyday Joe/Jo do to fight the stigma associated with urinary accidents and incontinence?  Start by listening to those living with incontinence in a way that's neither judgmental nor sexually objectifying.  They're the experts on their reality.  Learn more online at sites like the National Association for Continence  and the International Continence Society, & consider donating to charities like the Simon Foundation for Continence

If you encounter someone "in the wild" caught in a desperate situation or who has wet themselves, don't stare or draw attention to it.  Behave as if it's not even happening.  Don't ignore THEM (unless they're giving clear signs that they want privacy like covering their face or crying) but ignore the accident.  Maintain a friendly but detached demeanor, offering help in the form of dry towels, directions to the nearest restroom or other kindnesses only if they ask.  Otherwise do not bring it up & continue on your way.  A good rule of thumb is:  No attention is good attention!

how you truly 'normalize' something--by behaving as if it's ALREADY normal.  Because in this case, it is.  We just aren't talking about it.

We've got to do better about treating people with dignity in this world.  Something that happens to so many people every day--a majority of women--cannot by definition be "abnormal" & thus shouldn't be shame-inducing  As the interviewee in this enlightening article puts it:  

" Incontinence is often poorly treated. And because of the taboo, people don’t always donate to the charities that treat it, or fund research which impacts innovation, and some have argued this means incontinence doesn’t get enough attention as a public policy issue. And this is a feminist problem because incontinence affects women the most."

That interviewee is Luce Brett, author of "PMSL: Or How I Literally Pissed Myself Laughing & Survived the Last Taboo to Tell the Tale"

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Are you a woman or man living with incontinence?  Which "type" (stress, urge, etc) do you have, and how would you prefer people react if you were to have a very public accident?  What do you wish the general public knew about this extremely common condition?  

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...