Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Art of UnPotty Training Yourself

How often do people say "practice makes perfect" when that's really not the case?  If lack of experience isn't the problem, all the practice in the world won't help.  But in the case of "learning" to wet your pants, your diaper or bed naturally without having to strain or force it, this cliche really does apply.

 Boy... does it ever apply!  🩲💦  

People often ask "How do I just let go and wet myself?" on sites like Quora & and honestly, it's not a "skill" that can really be taught as it requires some practice.  We have a major mental block up that prevents pants wetting because of the stigma that goes all the way back to potty training, when your mother or other parental figure chided you for wetting yourself instead of using the potty.  She would probably say things like "Look at the little baby!  ___ isn't a big kid.  Big kids use the potty!" when you had an accident. This instilled a sense of shame that was reinforced tenfold if you ever accidentally wet yourself in pre-kindergarten or elementary school.  Lord help you if you wet yourself AFTER that.  

Unpotty training is about overriding that shame & retraining your brain to let your bladder go whenever, wherever the way nature intended.  This kind of freedom is addictive so you'll definitely want to read on to find out how you can acquire this innate "skill".  Please note:  this guide only refers to wetting/urination so if "messing" is your thing, you may wanna check elsewhere.  This is an omorashi blog.  

I've only been wetting myself regularly for about 4 days in a row now--like really, really doing it all day everyday since taking a prolonged break for a few months--and it's already gone from being something I had to focus HARD to make happen to being something I almost can't control.  I've had several leaks & one "barely made it to the piss mat in time" incident.  After only FOUR days of continual wetting.   Just putting on a pair of cotton shorts or tights tells my bladder "it's safe to pee now".  It feels like my bladder is weaker but I know it's actually my brain that's become accustomed to pissing my pants all over the house.  You too can untrain your brain to use the potty if you follow these easy (and fun!) steps:

Tips for Newbies

A word of caution:  It can be slow-going at first but once you get in the habit of peeing in places other than the toilet, you "remember" how very quickly.  Then it's very hard to stop.  So keep that in mind before diving headlong into this venture.  It's generally very worth it, but that initial speed bump is nothing compared to how hard it is to re-re-train your brain to use only the toilet.  A lot of fetishists think they want that but it can be inconvenient in situations where pissing your pants would be unacceptable (which is most of public society, unfortunately).  Unless you're switching to diapers full-time, be 100% sure reduced bladder control is what you want.

If you live alone and have the place to yourself, you can go at your own pace & piss yourself whenever/wherever.  If not, you'll need to work around your roommates' schedules & be more discreet.  Either way it's totally possible to cut back on your use of the toilet or stop using it entirely.

Here are a few pointers to help you "let go" and get started:

- Define your goal clearly & concisely.  What exactly is it that you want to do?  To use toilets for peeing less or not at all?  To be able to wet your diaper in public settings without a second be a "true bedwetter"? Make sure it's realistic & healthy and nothing that will damage your actual urinary health.  Whatever your goal, laying it out ahead of time allows you to have a clear vision & better anticipate any stumbling blocks.  

- Begin your wetting 'journey' somewhere private that you feel at ease.  Somewhere you don't have to worry about anyone barging in and "catching you".  This will make it MUCH easier to overcome that initial inhibition that stops us wetting our pants.  Wetting over the toilet or in the bathtub/shower is an obvious choice because we already pee there without pants, plus it requires no cleanup.  And bonus:  the bathroom usually has a door that locks.  Ahhh, privacy.  (Remember:  The goal isn't fun & games right now, it's mastery through repetition.  You can always work your way up to more daring & "fun" settings later).  

- Immerse yourself in the Omorashi culture so it becomes a normal part of your life.  Start by watching lots of vids to get more comfortable with the practice.  Once you realize that men & women of all ages, races, orientations & backgrounds enjoy pants wetting enough to have made videos of themselves doing it, it becomes easier to overcome the stigma/shame & do it yourself...especially if you're overly concerned about how "normal" this fetish is or isn't.  Even if it turns you on sexually, that "is it normal?" fear can be a big subconscious mental block.  These videos can be found all over the web on sites from Twitter/X to porn sites like Pisshamster, Pornhub &  

- Visit pee discussion forums like Reddit's /r/wetting, /r/nonchalantwetting & /r/peelist;; & Quora to read discussion from real wetting enthusiasts like yourself.  Even if you don't post or register, there's a treasure trove of invaluable information & support that can make you feel right at home in your "different-ness," plus they can help steer you away from wetting faux-pas you may not even know exist.  

Laugh it up.  These things let you wet anywhere while keeping your furniture pee-free.

- Be open to experimenting with different "mediums" (peediums?) that can reduce damage & make clean-up easier.   This may include diapers, washable incontinence mats, waterproof pants, plastic panties/underwear & other nifty inventions.  All these items may not end up being staples for you, or they may be something you only use sparingly in certain situations (diapers on road trips, etc), but you'll never know unless you try them yourself.  I was surprised how much I liked the feel of peeing in a diaper, and the lack of cleanup was VERY nice.  You don't have to be attracted to the diaper itself or part of an ABDL community to make use of their underlying purpose:  to keep you and your stuff DRY while you pee freely!  If nothing else they can be great for the unpotty training process while you transition from toilets to pants.

- If you need extra help to get your stream started the first couple of times (rubbing yourself, pushing a little, focusing REALLY hard) that's totally normal.  Just don't make a habit of straining to pee as that can be bad for the urinary tract over time.  Once you've mastered wetting using these tricks, you're ready to move to a more natural form.  The best way is to get REALLY desperate by drinking lots of water & maybe a low dose of caffeine or another diuretic & then just let loose the second you get the urge--no second guessing it.  

Plastic pants.  And you thought diapers were expensive!

- Set a goal to wet yourself at least once every weekday whenever possible. I find that doing it AT LEAST once daily in the same few pairs of shorts, tights, panties & jeans has worked magnificently for "unpotty training myself".  The more you do it, the faster the process will go, just don't forget to be discreet & clean up after yourself.  Of course just do what you can & always put discretion/privacy & respect for others' boundaries first. 

Obviously, having your own place makes all of this a lot easier & more convenient.  But while you work toward that goal, there are things you can do to work Omorashi into your life discreetly.  Some of those things are listed here

During unpotty training, you may get hit with strong or even uncontrollable urges to pee at random times as if your bladder has become weaker.  If so, congratulations:  this is what you worked so hard for!  When these urges strike, give in to them immediately to reinforce them.  Need to piss while going to the kitchen for a snack?  Piss!  Wake up in the night and need to pee but don't wanna get up and go to the bathroom?  Just pee!  That's the best way to retrain your brain and bladder to sync up and start working on autopilot.


That's really it.  There's no need to constantly waterlog yourself or swear off toilets all at once.  Just like potty training, unpotty training works gradually by getting your brain accustomed to peeing yourself in new settings.  Just the way you used to before you were conditioned to only waste your pee in a toilet.  You don't potty train a child overnight so you shouldn't expect instant results with this either. 

And remember:  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  You've got your entire lifetime to NOT pee in the toilet so there's no rush to stop.  Don't do dangerous or harmful things to try and rush this transition.  Take your time and make the unpotty training process itself fun.  

Here's a link to an ABDL person's Unpotty Training guide for another point of view.

Story that pops up when Googling this topic.  

Got any personal tips or tricks that worked for unpotty training yourself?  Questions?  Share in the comments!  

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