Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Performance Art or Humiliation Porn?

Description (English):  "A wall of women side by side inhale and exhale in unison until they overflow in each body's time.  An act that is at once intimate, individual and collective.  The performance involves women through a public call."

Translation:  A line of ladies stands at attention & pisses down their legs in succession.  In public.  One woman near the end almost slips in a pee puddle.  An Omo lover's wet dream. 

It raises so many questions though:  how were all these women recruited?  It must've been hard to
find that many attractive ladies who were able to soak themselves on command in front of people... let alone willing to.  How many were into omorashi when they signed up?  How many are now?  And who's the evil genius who dreamt up this pervy pissing project, sold it under the guise of 'art' & convinced them to go along with it?  I'd like to pick his brain someday.

From a website (gallery?) hosting the exhibit

About the artist:
(Emphasis mine)


Dora Smék's work comprises an investigation into the body in situations of opposition, flow and crisisComing from dance, the artist addresses the unconscious and sexuality in sculptures, installations, photographs, videos and performances. His research is often related to the body's adaptation and adaptation processes in states of tension.

Gee, could we poor plebs get a visual aid to help us understand this next-level abstract genius? 


Why not just say you have a piss kink & be done with it?  No need for all the big college words & egocentric pretentiousness unless your ego IS that inflated & your "kink" is seeing women degrade themselves under the guise of art. The fact that every person in his exhibit was female alludes to the fact that this is nothing more than a straight dude's fetish.  They all had roughly the same appearance too--none was obese, elderly, dark-skinned, visibly disabled or otherwise stood out from the pack, so the guy definitely has a "type".  Nothing wrong with that, but again, no need to disguise humiliating pee porn as high art.  I also question whether he could've found men willing to degrade themselves like this in such great numbers. And if he has a "background in dance," why not get up there WITH the ladies & put yourself on display?  Surely a classy bloke like that is comfortable enough w/ performance art to stand there & piss his britches for an audience too.

Mind you, I don't think wetting itself is degrading in the right setting, but public wetting certainly is viewed as humiliating by mainstream society
.  Sadly, a sizable subset of the Omo community is specifically into that aspect--women humiliating themselves IRL for their enjoyment. Mainly those who identify  as "doms".  Some of them upload private content without consent & a few appear to coerce their girlfriends or "subs" to wet in dangerously public settings like crowded grocery stores, buses or other places where non-consenting people (including minors) are present.   It's a thin line between humiliation of this kind, exhibitionism and abuse/sex trafficking.  Not that I'm accusing the artist of that as I'm sure these ladies all gave their consent, but it does bear mentioning.

This is another one of those things that falls under the heading of 'Sexy, but at what cost?'  If we want to be taken seriously and respected as a kink community, we need to call out sketchy behavior wherever it pops up.  This is FAR from the worst offender btw.  Just one in a long line of examples of smh-worthy content.

To quote Judge Judy:  "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."  Or in this case, "Don't pee on your own leg and tell me it's art."

Ladies of Transbordação not looking particularly overjoyed.

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