Monday, October 28, 2024

Taking Back the "Peegasm"

1.8k likes?  Seems needing to pee makes a LOT of ppl horny!

I have a theory that many, maybe even most, women would enjoy Omorashi and wet masturbation if they gave it the proper chance.  I know everyone's sexual tastes are wildly different and women make up half the human population so there's NO single thing we're all gonna like, but hear me out.

Reasoning:  It's based mostly on anatomy.  The female G-spot is located right under the bladder, and when full it presses down on said pleasure point & creates all kinds of naughty sensations.  In fact, many women literally can't tell whether they're horny or "just have to pee." 

Well, what if I told you that masturbating with a full bladder is even MORE amazing?  That slowly releasing warm pee into your panties as you watch whatever porn turns you on would make you hotter than the sun, setting you up for the best orgasm of your life?  That the "peegasm" the media has written about is no such thing, and that an ACTUAL peegasm (i.e. gushing piss at the moment of orgasm) is one of the greatest sensations you'll ever feel?  As someone who's had every kind of orgasm imaginable (clitoral, vaginal, G-spot, A-spot, etc), I find the peegasm to be the most euphoric & intense of them all.  💛

Of course there are some caveats here.

How to Unleash Your Inner Omo Dragon

Look at all these wet and wild women!

STEP 1:   You have to get REAL comfortable exploring your body alone.  Like touching yourself in all kinds of ways while thinking the dirtiest thoughts imaginable, watching naughty vids or reading smutty stories... whatever turns you on.  For women, horniness is half mental if not more.  Using lubrication (KY Jelly, Astroglide, etc) makes it more enjoyable for me even though I have no problem getting wet naturally.  See if you can find your G-spot, A-spot, U-spot and other pleasurable erogenous zones & do NOT feel guilty/dirty about it afterward.  Men masturbate on average 2-3x per week, with some doing the deed as much as 1 or more times daily.  The benefits for women include improved sleep, mood & focus.  For some, masturbating may help relieve menstrual cramps, and it carries 0% risk of STDs or pregnancy unlike hetero sex.  

STEP 2 is getting mentally comfy with the pee side of things.  You can start here if you're already comfortable with masturbation.  The belief that wetting yourself is "dirty" or weird is implanted in our psyches from a young age, but you can overcome it with some mental training.  On the contrary, peeing yourself for sexual pleasure in the privacy of your home is perfectly normal & healthy, neither morally positive nor negative.  It's just another way to enjoy sex/masturbation.  If you have a hard time accepting it as normal, simply try watching some pants wetting videos or reading stories about wetting for pleasure on Quora, or  You'll see this is a common practice among men & women alike and not the "gross/weird" thing it's made out to be.  Men get to ejaculate every time they orgasm, there's no reason we should be this paranoid about pee when it's less of a disease vector than semen.  That's right:  urine, while not "sterile," is no more unhygienic than tears or saliva, so don't be afraid to go for the gold!  

Over the toilet = a great 1st time wetting setting

Now for the real fun.  Step 3:  When you're ready to try wetting yourself for real, start by trying it over the toilet or in the empty bath tub with just some panties on.  These are natural places to pee and require no cleanup.  Also make sure you have the place to yourself so you don't have to worry about anyone intruding and "catching you".   You can turn a faucet on low or rub yourself to get started if you have a hard time letting go.  Remember, this isn't necessarily for pleasure but just to get over the mental hump of wetting being abnormal.  As you get more comfortable wetting in the bathroom, you can try other locations if you like.  In bed with a bunch of towels (or an incontinence mat) under you is a great place, as you can watch naughty vids there at the same time.  Once you're done, throw your wet things in the washer right away if possible to prevent the "pee smell" from setting in.  If you can't, toss 'em in the tub or sink & run some warm water through them & ring 'em out to help remove excess urine.

In the bathtub = another no-mess location to wet

Finally, put Steps 1 and 2 together & combine wetting with masturbation.  Put on some comfy lounge clothes you don't mind getting wet.  Let yourself get a little bit desperate so you can feel the pressure on your lady bits, then ease into it by either watching Omo porn or reading naughty stories.  Whatever turns you on. Setting up a playlist of your favorite vids ahead of time can be really helpful, and put it on auto play.  As you get more desperate, you can try letting a little bit of pee go into your pants as you touch yourself & continue watching/reading your smut.  (Watching or reading pee/wetting-themed material can really help relax and let go I've found, but choose whatever turns you on most).

Wet clitoral orgasm in piss puddle

When you're bursting or reach the peak of horniness, insert your fingers or toy into yourself and let the pee come spraying out into your undies/pants.  Try to hold it while fucking yourself as long as you can, but don't hurt yourself.  When you approach orgasm, let go totally & flood yourself.  The sensation is otherworldly--spraying yourself with hot wetness while your pussy contracts and goes wild at the moment of climax provides both the greatest feeling of relief and release imaginable.  You may even find yourself squirting for real (i.e. female ejaculate fluid, not pee).  THIS is the peegasm we Omo lovers speak of, not merely holding your pee all day and then getting "the shivers" when you pee in the toilet like the media has claimed.   🙄

Peegasm with dildo

If it doesn't happen the first, second or 3rd time, no sweat.  The fun is in the journey.  Some girls can't let little spurts go without fully flooding themselves and that's okay too.  In that case, don't start peeing until you're ready to orgasm.  You may find that simply cumming after wetting yourself feels amazing and is satisfactory... that a true peegasm isn't necessary.  Indeed, wetting is a pleasure all unto itself and can definitely heighten orgasm even when they don't occur together.  I find that using my vibrating sex toy (not inserted, just externally) for about 20 minutes before masturbating can strengthen my orgasm whether or not I have a peegasm.  

The point is to experiment and have FUN doing it.  Try different positions, locations, clothing & techniques.  With and without lube; with and without sex toys. While looking at different types of content.  This is all much easier if you live alone or have the house to yourself for a few hours once in a while.  But if your bedroom door locks and you have an incontinence mat/mattress protector, you can do it after everyone's asleep provided you sleep alone.  In the long run, the more comfortable you are with your own body, the more comfortable you'll be with a partner & the more satisfactory your sex life will be overall.  


Are you a woman who's had a peegasm?  Still trying for one, or just curious?  Love to hear from you (anonymously) in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...