Monday, October 28, 2024

Halloween: The Wetter's Wet Dream!


What's the only holiday to be celebrated primarily after dark?  One in which you get to dress up as any crazy character that you desire--real, fictional, historical, modern or otherwise--and sometimes hide your entire face while traveling to far-flung neighborhoods?  That's right:  Halloween.  All of these make it the perfect opportunity for some super soppy pants fun... on the downlow of course.  The biggest stumbling block for would-be wetters this time of year are the icy temperatures, but not this time.  October 2024 has been warmer than any year in recent memory, which means you all had better get out there and participate in SOME FORM of covert holding/wetting activity! 

From haunted houses to corn maizes to themed house parties to good old fashioned trick-or-treating, Halloween is the perfect excuse to buy a cheap silly costume and utterly destroy it with your urine.  There are so many built-in excuses too.  "I was scared!  I got lost I the maze!  I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time!  I had too much Poison Apple Punch!"  And if you're in charge of taking the kids?  Slap on an adult diaper and have some hush-hush fun that only you and your adult partner(s) know about.  This works equally well while handing out candy at home.

It's still early but I've already had some interesting sightings, like this:

Adult babies!

And then there's the Halloween-themed Omo Porn:

Pissy pumpkin carving


As you can see, people are already getting in the Halloween spirit, so I fully expect all my followers to do the same & share the results on or other channels.  I look forward to seeing your photos, videos, stories & more!  

How do you plan to spend Halloween 2024?  Got any Omo-specific plans in mind?  Share in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...