Friday, November 1, 2024

Dream Wetting Locations

Just filling my bladder up while lying in bed for the umpteenth time this week, daydreaming about all the public places I'd love to wet myself if it were socially acceptable to do so.  (Unfortunately it's NOT & could get you in trouble IRL, so I don't advise trying this yourself for real.  It's just hot to think about).  🫦 💦

There's something indescribably sexy about the thought of entering a dressing room with an armful of clothes to try on, latching the door, hanging up the clothes, pulling down your pants, sitting on the little ledge & just emptying your bladder into your panties as if you were in a toilet stall.  I suppose you could do this in a diaper without making a mess/getting caught if you had to try it IRL.

Imagine the rush from drunkenly walking up to the bar for a refill while simultaneously draining the tank right under the ledge where the bartender couldn't see it!  Everyone behind you could, sure, but what do you care?  You're #pissy drunk!   #liquidcourage


So you're puttering along running errands, everything's going fine until... bumper-to-bumper traffic.  You're gridlocked and it's showing no sign of clearing.  Meanwhile your bladder's aching worse by the minute.  30 minutes, 45 minutes go by.  An hour.  Finally after frantically checking everywhere for containers & towels, you realize you're not gonna make it & surrender to nature's call, hot pee bubbling forth like a volcanic eruption in your undies & car seat.  The relief is orgasmic & it takes all your willpower not to Jill off right there in traffic.

It's your first time getting a full-body deep tissue massage & you weren't prepared for how badly it'd make you need to urinate.  Ah, just 10 more minutes according to the big clock on the wall.  You got this...  
Just then you exhale gently as the masseuse pushes on your abdomen and the unthinkable happens--No!  You're having an accident right on the table!  The massage therapist is very understanding, telling you she's seen it happen several times before.  You grab yourself & shoot upright, frantically scanning for a bathroom.  Shockingly she discourages it, warning that you'll "undo" the previous 30 minutes' work if you tense up and leave the table.  "I'm sorry but I still have to go" you protest.  "Don't sweat it.  I know it feels weird but we're almost done, promise.  Try to relax.  I've got extra scrubs in the back if you'd like to just wear them home.  No extra charge." 
Wow.  What a professional & mature attitude.  You begrudgingly lean back into a reclined position, wetting all the while.  She continues kneading & rubbing your muscles as you apologetically hiss & splash your panties until it's hitting the floor. 

While you've never tried public wetting beyond a swimming pool, that could change tonight. You have a date with an Omo sweetie you met on a fetish site & want to dress for the occasion "just in case," choosing a pair of black-grey yoga pants & a long flannel shirt that covers your rear. 
At the theater you order 2 large Cokes & a giant popcorn, settling in the back of the icy theater to watch the previews.  While making out, she tells you she's a '6 out of 10' on the desperation scale & briefly/discreetly rubs herself.  You try to focus on the movie & make it to the halfway point only to see her squirming wildly in her chair--you're secretly desperate too.  She whispers "I can't wait any longer; I'm about to wet" before raising up slightly & flooding her seat completely.  It's not long before you follow suit & are making out passionately with wet pants, unable to finish the movie.  You tie your jackets around your waists & jet past the clerks, giggling at your naughty deed as you leave a wet trail all the way to the car.

Hydration is vital for good health, especially during hot days or while working out.  Sometimes you get carried away though, like that time you drank too much Powerade & black tea before getting on the treadmill at the local gym.  You barely made it into the lounge area before saturating your gym shorts in front of your workout partner, who could only stare in awe at your growing wet spot & puddle.  Luckily you got it cleaned up before the attendant caught you, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it.  You re-wet your shorts a 2nd time after being dropped off at home.  

It's the 1st warm week of spring & you strike out on a solo bike ride through the woods.  You brought plenty of water, snacks, your compass & even wore your comfiest old pair of bleached denim jeans....a decision you'd soon regret. 
 You're a half-mile from home when suddenly the breeze picks up & the need to urinate hits HARD.  But you're inside city limits now--you can't just pull off somewhere and drop trou.  In fact you're in a fancy suburban development dotted with constuction workers... you'd be arrested!  Shit, shit.  What to do?  You pedal faster but it's no use.  You're leaking.  Maybe hopping off and pushing your bike would be easier on your bladder?  Press your thighs together a bit?  Ehh, no.  You're still leaking heavily.  It's noticeable big time now.  If only you'd worn your dark Spandex.  It's gonna be a long wet ride home at this rate...

The bathroom is out of order at your office and the closest open one is on the 1st floor across the lobby.  You're on the 14th floor and unfortunately you didn't find this out until too late... far, far too late.  Meanwhile that 3rd coffee has just slipped past your urethra and you've sprung a major leak. 
Thankfully it's just you and your coworker in the office today but you don't want her to see you like this.  You're wearing a skirt & hose sans panties w/ some very high heels.  No trash can or other receptacle in the vicinity... shit!  Pee droplets are streaming down your legs onto the floor.  What're you gonna do?!  You could piss in your chair but then you'd be stuck sitting in it all day. 
O fuck it.  You're already wet.  Just finish on the floor & pretend you spilled something.  Or let the janitor get it and play dumb.  If they wanted you pissing in the toilet they should've had one open. 

Anyone who uses public transit knows how tight things can get when your ride doesn't show up on time, then add the fact that many city buses don't have toilets and, well, it's not hard to see why some folks prefer to use the bus stop benches.  Those who manage to hold it often end up going in their bus seats.  Staying hydrated in the heat is more important than worrying about a little pee anyway.

Gyno/ultrasound wettings are one of my favorite fantasies.  Maybe the doc has you retain a full bladder for some medical test, then doesn't show up on time as doctors are wont to do.  Before you know it, you're spraying hot pee all over the exam table or some nurse's hands as she probes your insides with a cold wand.  Woopsie.

Finally we have the casual public wetter.  This girl truly doesn't GAF & just lets it rip in front of God and everybody.  What's that?  You got a problem with her publicly treating her pants like a toilet?  Wanna take it ou--inside

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...