Monday, November 4, 2024

Q&A: How Do I Get My Parents to Buy Me Diapers?

Okay, I am loathe to answer questions by 🔞 but I see this one posted to Quora too often to ignore.  It's quite disturbing how common it is actually.  


ANSWER:  You DON'T.  Not a very popular answer I'm sure, but the only ethical/rational one.  Here's why:

It's not your parents' place to finance your fetish, nor should they even be aware of it if you can help it.  You cannot expect your parents to pay for something like this.  Aside from the fact that diapers are expensive, it breaks a natural and important boundary that exists between parents and their offspring for a reason. 

I get that relationships between parents and kids vary in their closeness, but if you're at the point where you don't care if your parents know about something like this, you've gone too far into "Fetish/Porn World" & need to come back to reality.  That is to say, you're living in a fantasyland where stuff like this is normal.  It's not normal, which is why it's considered a paraphilia.  That doesn't mean there's anything morally or medically wrong with it, but it also isn't something you should be okay sharing with everybody & their gardener.  Some things are meant to be kept private or shared only with an intimate sexual partner & this is one of them.  (And you should approach it with caution even then).  In fact, your loved ones have a right NOT to know shit like this--exposing them to this info against their will is akin to intellectual/cognitive assault.  The very idea of your parents knowing you wear diapers or pee/poop yourself for pleasure should make you cringe so hard with embarrassment you'd do anything to keep them from finding out.

The idea that shame is always a negative or unacceptable emotion is very recent & highly debatable.  While it serves no purpose & can be harmful if an action is not a choice--say, bedwetting as a medical condition--a little shame about acts that aren't socially acceptable that you've chosen to do can potentially spare you even bigger humiliation, loss or exclusion down the line by discouraging continuation or escalation of said behaviors.  Feeling shame also shows that you have a good sense of empathy & other reciprocal emotions--a sign that your conscience is working and you're not psychopathic or focused only on your pleasure.

For those who argue that "diapers/wetting are harmless!  At least it's not drugsThat's irrelevant to the fact that it should remain a private pastime.  As should anything sexual where your parents are concerned.  If you disagree then you're getting into exhibitionist/incest territory which has nothing to do with a pee/diaper fetish.  I promise they don't want to know about or be involved in your personal kinks, and they have every right not to be... especially while you're living under their roof.  Yes, parents should discuss safer sex with their kids--but taking them to the sex shoppes and buying them sex toys or, in this case, diapers (shudders) is several bridges too far.  Are there parents who do it?  Yes, I'm sure there are, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a boundary violation and wrong.

Which brings me to my next point:  Disclosing this puts you at risk of being lectured, shamed, punished or even expelled from the home depending on how strict your parents are.  Some parents take their AB/DL loved one straight to a doctor or therapist to figure out what's "wrong" with them when they find out; others expose the secret to friends, family or religious leaders while seeking advice.  Is that a price you're willing to risk paying just to maybe get your parents to buy you some Depends?  Think hard about this one because there's no taking it back once you've said it.  

TLDR:  If you don't have an allowance, after school job or other source of income, you'll have to wait until you're independent and out on your own to wear diapers for pleasure.  Sucks but them's the breaks.  There are adult diaper companies that send out free samples in the mail, but you run the risk of having them seized by the homeowner if your parents open your mail. 

Part of what makes fetishes/paraphilias so attractive is that they're taboo & we have to be discreet about our participation in them.  While you wait to to get your own place and/or income, you can plan all the details:  the naughty places you'll wet yourself, the diaper brands you want to try.  Then when the day actually comes, it'll be that much more exciting.  (Speaking from personal experience on this one--as a kid who got caught damn near every time I tried wetting my pants, I eventually gave up and just decided to wait until I was grown and on my own, a decision that was WELL worth it). 💛

(Please note:  this does not apply to actual bed-wetters or incontinent people who should feel no shame in discussing their need for incontinence products with their doctor and/or guardians.  It's not the wetting or the diapers that are "shameful" in this equation, it's the sexual arousal and the fact that it's deliberate for "pleasure wetters".  And even then, it's not truly immoral or shameful--just something private to be kept to oneself).    

How ABDL's should feel at the thought of their parents finding out.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...