Friday, November 8, 2024

True Convenience Wetting in Bed on a Towel

NOT my towel (but same idea).

Just wanted to share deets about my recent honest-to-goodness convenience pee.  It wasn't done for kicks or sexual thrills but simply to avoid getting up and going to the bathroom.  (Yes, this is incredibly lazy and you won't see the point if you're not "into" this lifestyle so scroll on if it's not your thing!  Then again, why are you here reading a piss blog?)   😆

I was exhausted after being up for hours and on the brink of zonking out, my sleeping meds kicking in when I realized I had to pee moderately badly.  Like, within a couple hours I would've been awoken by my stupid bladder if I didn't do something now.  Glancing around I found one dry towel at the foot of the bed I hadn't yet wrecked with my Omo naughtiness, so I grabbed it, wadded it up strategically and held on for dear life, praying it wouldn't leak onto my completely bare mattress.  (The sheet slips off way too damn often). 

As I laid somewhere between my side & stomach, one leg draped over the towel, I began peeing into it slowly... then not so slowly, taking care to avoid any leaks.  I'd stop to feel for wetness periodically but overall couldn't be bothered to sit up & look at the thing--I really had to go!  So I emptied my whole bladder into it and eventually started to feel some wetness touching my leg near the very end.  I wiped myself off gingerly and tossed the used towel in the pile on the floor before falling asleep, much more relaxed & comfy with my newly-emptied bladder. 

I'm proud to say not a drop got on my bed or floor & I didn't even have my incontinence mat under me so I might start keeping a bath towel on the bed for this purpose to avoid interrupting my sleep to go pee.  I regularly sleep more than 9 hours straight so it's an issue.  If you're ever in a bind (bathroom's in use, etc), having a big fluffy towel in your room can be a lifesaver if you're not a dude who can just go in a bottle.  Since this incident I've also peed on a pile of already-peed clothes/towels in my bedroom to avoid going to the bathroom.  Feels like a disgusting piggish thing to do, but you can't deny the convenience.

I'm sure diaper wearers are like "big deal, we never use dumb toilets" lol.  Touche.

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