Saturday, November 9, 2024

All About: Bedwetting!

Nocturnal enuresis, more commonly known as bed wetting, is an incredibly common condition, affecting around 15-20% of kids up to age 7 at least occasionally.  Numbers drop steadily with age--by 16, only 2% still have the condition, with about 15% of children who wet the bed becoming permanently free of the condition each year.  That leaves between 1-2% of adults as bed-wetters, though this is likely an under-estimation due to the shame associated with the condition. 

While there are many potential underlying causes of bedwetting, most cases are labeled "idiopathic," i.e. of unknown origin.  However, it's important to see a urologist or other doctor to rule out conditions like sleep apnea, bladder stones & severe constipation before slapping on a diaper and calling it good.  And bedwetting that begins in adulthood or is accompanied by other symptoms like daytime wetting, fecal incontinence, fever or pain is not normal and should always be checked out by a doctor.  

Now that we've established what consitutes medical bed wetting, let's examine "recreational" or so-called intentional bed wetting.  While this condition can cause serious distress for sufferers who didn't choose it and would give anything to get rid of it, those who have a piss kink may find it intriguing or even sexy, attempting to acquire the condition themselves.  (I can't relate but see soooo many "How can I become a real bedwetter? / How can I start peeing the bed in my sleep?" questions online it's a bit baffling, as I don't see what the allure of wetting while unconscious would be.  Maybe people feel more justified/less guilty about soaking their sheets if they're asleep?  Beats me). 

The aim of this article is to provide tips on how to work your way up to becoming a natural bedwetter, so keep reading if you've ever been curious about how to induce a pants wetting in your sleep. 

Pisslover by Birth; Bedwetter By Choice

Oh no, not again!

First things first:  not everyone is going to be capable of:

1 - completely losing control of their bladder and
2 - sleeping deeply enough to do so without being woken up by the urge to pee before it happens. 

That's just the reality.  I know because I am one of those people.  I've never had a genuine wetting accident while sick, as a kid or at any point despite drinking absurd amounts of water daily.  I'll hold until I'm in tears from the pain if necessary and have held my urine while sleeping more than 17 hours before.  Despite this, I have never "lost total control" like many Omo fans describe.  Maybe it would happen eventually but I refuse to put my bladder/kidney health at risk to find out.  And as an incredibly light sleeper there's no way I could sleep through pissing my pants OR the discomfort of a full bladder even with sleeping pills (which I take by the handful regularly).   BUT I'm an abnormally light sleeper so this won't apply to most people.  

That said, the only thing standing between most people and unconsciously pissing the bed is the toilet training pounded into their psyches when they were little.  This can be overcome, but not without some serious dedication, repetition & the right attitude.  And it won't happen overnight.  If you're cool with that, here's a list of proven steps to help you achieve soggy sheets in your slumber:   

Practice makes perfect.

- Practice letting go in your bed often and without a second thought.  Clothed, unclothed, diapered... however you usually sleep & in the position(s) you most often sleep.  Do this while relaxed but awake--perhaps with eyes closed--at night for as long as it takes.  The goal is to train your brain and bladder that it's not only okay to wet the bed but normal and even expected.

- Fill your bladder to the point of discomfort before falling asleep, or if that would prevent you from sleeping, fill it about 1/4th full with water and add a natural diuretic like 1 full cup of dandelion root tea, several slices of watermelon or hibiscus tea.  This is likely to cause desperation when you're asleep, increasing the chances of either waking up for a pee or simply letting go in your sleep.

- Take an herbal helper.  Valerian root acts as a sleep aid and natural muscle relaxant and might help you sleep deeper & physically "let go," but don't overdo it.  You don't want to become dependent on meds/supplements whether prescription or OTC.  Magnesium and chamomile tea are some other muscle-relaxing options you can rotate with Valerian if you like.

- Try listening to bedwetting hypnosis or affirmations as you drift off.  This might help to prime your brain for the task at hand & normalize the idea of pissing your bed.  These recordings can be found on Youtube, & through a simple Google search.

- Take sleep hygiene seriously.  A pitch black room, white noise, ear plugs, cool temperature, phone on silent, comfortable bedding... these things will promote the deep, uninterrupted sleep necessary to empty your bladder without waking.

- Protect your mattress.  The fear of ruining your mattress can be a legitimate hurdle in your bed wetting journey, so spend the $20-$35 and invest in a quality incontinence mat.  Amazon has many brands & sizes.  Throw a bath towel or two on top of it and bingo bango--your bed won't smell like rotten urine.  I piss on mine, throw it in the floor and wash it along with my soaked clothes first thing when I wake up and no one is the wiser.  Diapers would provide even better protection and reduce laundry but can be expensive.

- Set a regular bedtime & nightly routine, and make peeing the bed part of it.  Take a relaxing bath or shower, change into your favorite pajamas, have some warm milk & turn in around the same time nightly.  Then, if you're still awake or wake up during the night needing to pee, do it right in your bed.  Every single night.  This will train your brain that peeing the bed is just another part of the nightly routine.  This is where repetition comes in.  You don't do it for one week or 6 months, you do it "until". 

- Avoid getting up to pee in the toilet even if you become desperate to urinate and are awake.  That only gets you further from your ultimate goal as well as interrupting your sleep by causing you to get up, turn on lights, etc.  Resolve to go IN YOUR BED no matter what--awake or asleep.  Eventually you'll start doing it in your sleep.  You must believe this.

- Some people find they can only wet the bed while blacked out in a deep sleep from alcohol intoxication, but clearly this is not a healthy or safe thing to do regularly.  Using any substance to the point you lose control of your bodily functions puts you dangerously close to overdose, aspirating your own vomit or otherwise poisoning yourself.  Avoid.

 If it turns out you're too light a sleeper or have an iron bladder and cannot become a true bedwetter, don't despair.  Casually wetting your sleeping space while awake but deeply relaxed, lost in a hypnotic Omo porn or meditating to a bed wetting hypno tape can be a transcendent experience as well.  The very process of "unpotty training" can be quite titillating so take your time and enjoy the journey.  The goal is to urinate in your bed and wake up wet, right?  So give yourself credit for doing that whether awake or asleep when it happens.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...