Monday, November 11, 2024

Quickie Porn Review: 2 Desperate Girls, 1 Locked Bathroom

"Hey, you in line?"

Leftgirl loses it first, triggering Rightgirl's flood.


Oh, so wet!  I'm so embarrassed.  😏

"My leggings are ruined."

Strap in tight y'all, this one is a doozy. 

While it's got all the features of a professional pee vid that I'd normally hate... I don't hate it.  In fact I love it.  This porn features two fit Spanish-sounding women (friends?  Strangers?) outside a locked bathroom door.  Their desperation gradually grows until the girl on the left (Leftgirl) starts leaking, triggering Rightgirl to do the same. 

But it's the sexy narration, the high-def writhing in their puddles that makes this so hot.  Both women seem reluctant to wet themselves, yet you can tell both are turned on by it & want to "finish" in their pants.  They sort of take turns letting go which is also hot.... as if each girl's increasing wetness triggers the other to let go more.  We see ample pussy shots here, which you would NOT expect to see in a real-life wetting of this kind.  But despite its unrealistic nature, there's something very hot about this particular vid.  Maybe it's the straddling of the line between 'desperate accident' & 'pleasure wetting,' but there's something uniquely sexy happening  here.  It's on for those interested--can't link or I risk getting DMCA'd.  

Can you imagine meeting a stranger outside a public bathroom, locked & occupied, and both losing control in your pants like this?  Mmmm, I can (now).

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