Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Surgery to Become Incontinent (Yes, This Is A Thing)

 I like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded person, as I'm sure most people do.  For instance the AB/DL thing is not for me and I'm rather repulsed by "messing," (aka pooping yourself for pleasure), but I don't go out of my way to call out or put down members of the Omorashi community who engage in these aspects of it.  Likewise, I'm not a fan of trying to push adult kinks like this into highly public spaces like Gay Pride events as I think it does both the LGBT AND kink communities a massive disservice by making us look perverted in a predatory way to "normies" (aka the vanilla hetero conservatives that make up approximately 50% of every Western society).  

STILL, I try not to make a "thing" of it because my motto is, if you don't approve of a given act or lifestyle, don't engage in or support it.  That's where your rights end.  For gun ownership, abortion, drug use, porn, sex, kink and anything else.  Except maybe this next thing.  Because when medical professionals who get rich performing these unnecessary & dangerous procedures break their ethical oath to disable & mutilate patients, many of whom haven't even taken rudimentary measures to make sure they'll be up for living like this the rest of their lives, something needs to be said. 

Shortcut to Incontinence?

Let's just get right to it:  I recently learned of an irreversible surgical procedure that causes incontinence that some diaper wearing kinksters are undergoing.  I'm not going to name it here for fear of driving more people to it, but if you want to learn about it badly enough you can.  Most are going to Mexican clinics to have it done which adds to the risk, as Mexico has a long history of killing and maiming medical tourists who go there for cheap cosmetic and lifesaving surgeries for reasons you can learn about here

Even if performed in the most sterile, professional clinic in the developed world, this surgery would be unethical by its very nature, as it renders healthy patients forever dependent on diapers & unable to control their bladders.  The situation has been compared to doctors who amputate healthy limbs in patients with "BIID," a highly controversial mental illness that overlaps with a known paraphilia in a big way.  (Note:  the actual paraphilia--apotemnophilia--conveniently links to an article on Body Integrity Disorder on the ever-so-PC Wikipedia).  So it may not be long until you start seeing ABDL (or just the "DL" portion) start claiming to have some 'disorder' that requires surgery to make them into who they were "truly meant to be," demanding insurance cover the surgery & all it's attendant costs as well as a lifetime of diapers. 

Don't buy it. 

Diaper-wearing in people who are not incontinent is primarily for sexual pleasure, point blank.  There's a sensory element, a taboo factor and yes, a convenience factor.  But anyone who says they do it for reasons other than "it feels good" is lying to you. 

Patient has given zero thought to after-effects; plans to lie to urologist.

I was relieved to see that even most diapered-by-choice people tried to dissuade one headstrong dude online from going to Mexico to get the surgery, though it didn't work in the end.  He went, had the procedure, recovered okayish before pissing out a bloodclot & experiencing a blockage (i.e. a stricture, the worst complication that can happen with this surgery besides death) that didn't allow him to pee at all without a catheter into March (surgery was done Feb 10th). 

He then developed a nasty infection, saw a stateside urologist who was VERY curious about what kind of procedure he had (calling the whole thing "weird"); got depressed about his lack of incontinence & planned to have a revision surgery with the same Mexican doctor to make him more incontinent before finally "healing" enough to become the diaper-dependent wetter of his dreams.

Countdown to irreversible incontinence.  Can't make this shit up.

So what's the big problem?  All's well that ends well, right?  Wrong.

You see, surviving such a foolhardy stunt and experiencing the desired results is not enough for people like this.  Because too much is never enough with paraphilias.  Once a person starts cutting up their body in the name of sexual pleasure, there's a sort of arrogance that sets in--a tempting of fate.  Or maybe the arrogance was already there driving the self-mutilation all along.  Either way, it doesn't lead anywhere good.  I'll just let you see for yourself what I mean:

I have no words.

Bowel incontinence might be "more impactful"?  Wtf does that even MEAN?!  Of course it'd be impactful you tool.  As would getting hit by an asteroid on your way to your kid's little league game.  Clearly this surgeon & everyone who works for him needs to be stripped of their licenses & maybe face criminal charges.  They're knowingly performing dangerous & irreversible disabling operations on physically healthy but EXTREMELY mentally ill patients with an addiction to body modification/self-harm.  And they don't just operate in the alleyways of Mexico:  a couple operate in the U.S. as well as Canada, Thailand & other countries.

No Free Lunches

If you want to become incontinent/diaper-dependent, do the work required to get there on your own or forget about it.  There are no shortcuts when it comes to health & bodily functioning.  Unless you want to become a professional medical patient for the rest of your life, inserting and removing catheters & dealing with blood clots, strictures & an endless stream of nameless/faceless doctors examining your junk & giving you the 3rd degree, this is not the route to go.  It can cause painful complications that could destroy your fertility, sexual performance and even kill you.  Consider what that would do to the people who love and care about you.  The world does not revolve around you and your sexual fetish.  Believe it or not, there are more important things than that.

The personality types who go through with things this risky always have the mindset of "it won't happen to me" or only envisioning best-case scenarios, but that's not how life works.  If you're not prepared for the absolute worst-case outcome, you're not mature enough to handle the risk.  That means Advance Directives, a living will & all the rest.  Because if and when that outcome happens, you'll be crying to the world about your regrets, wishing you'd never done it, blaming this or that doctor/nurse while eating up medical resources trying to repair the problems that you brought on yourself, etc.  BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW.  That's what "irreversible" means.  It's incredibly frustrating trying to talk to people like this because they think they know it all, then it's the people closest to them that have to bear the fallout when things go to shit (literally, in this case).  It sounds like he hasn't even considered how much this will narrow his dating pool.

I didn't read beyond this point because frankly I couldn't stomach it.  I know what the eventual outcome will be anyway:  The patient will keep pushing his luck until he either dies from surgical complications or experiences such negative social and health consequences he becomes disillusioned with what he's done, developing an addiction to drugs/alcohol to cope and becoming despondent.  Whatever woman is unlucky enough to be closest to him in his life (probably his mom or bestie since it sounds like he's gay) will helplessly try to cheer him up while catching the brunt of his rage until he finally pushes them away & has no one, becoming totally isolated.  But at least he's constantly covered in shit and piss now!  #livingthedream  😒

ALL medical interventions, from surgeries to vaccines to medications & medical devices carry varying amounts of risk, but so do the conditions they're meant to prevent or treat.  What determines whether they're worth it is whether the benefit outweighs the risk.  In the case of medically unnecessary surgery whose sole intent is to disable the patient in the service of a sexual kink, it should be clear to anyone with 2 brain cells that it's NEVER worth it.  I'm firmly in the "this should be illegal" camp with this disturbing procedure, which is pretty damn rare for me.  

What are your thoughts on this unethical surgery?  Did you know about it before reading this article?  Know anyone who's gone through with it?  Sound off in the comments!

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