Tuesday, August 6, 2024

No Toilet Tuesday 🚫🚽

 You've heard of Meatless Monday & Throwback Thursday:  Introducing No Toilet Tuesday. 

The name is pretty self-explanatory:  you're allowed to piss anywhere but a toilet from midnight on Tuesday until the clock strikes midnight on Wednesday:  A diaper, a bottle, the sink, the bath tub, your pants, a trash can, your bed, a towel, outdoors on the ground, a fire hydrant... the choice is yours.  As long as you don't waste your golden nectar in the crapper.  This can be tricky if you work or go to school on Tuesdays or live with roommates, but I believe in you.  Get creative:  take a disposable cup or container to the restroom if you're at work or have no privacy, or strap on a diaper to fly through the day on Easy Mode.  You can pour your pee-pee into the toilet as long as you don't use it directly.  

Seriously, this can be a good way to contain all your wetting to one day per week if you're trying to cut back, or alternately, you can use it as a stepping stone to help you stop using the toilet altogether if you're interested in the unpotty training thing.  Nothing will motivate you to find alternative pee places faster than taking the leap & swearing off the porcelain goddess IRL.

(Actually, I take that back.  You CAN use the toilet as long as you don't open the lid.  Like this):

Only acceptable way to use the potty on N.T.T.

For my first official Toilet-Free Tuesday, I've wet myself in bed on my incontinence mat through several pairs of pants/panties, in the bath tub twice (once dry WITH panties & once nude while bathing), again on my mat while lying on my stomach in the living room floor & finally in the kitchen while straightening up, but that was just a few spurts.  Currently filling up again as we speak.   

What unconventional ways would you like to try peeing on your next No Toilet Day?  Love to hear from you in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...