Saturday, August 3, 2024

Floodgaytes Experiment: Closed Toilet Lid + Towel

Decided to try something different.  I wanted to see if one bath towel would hold all my pee while sitting on a closed toilet lid, which is one of my fave ways to wet myself.  However I rarely do it because of the mess involved, so this would open up a new avenue if it works out.  

I was wearing one of my last clean pairs of panties before laundry day (well, PANTY day.  I do so much laundry there's always something tumbling).  After downing a bunch of water + herbal tea and watching naughty amateur wettting vids, I straddled the closed toilet lid & propped up the camera to capture the action.  I started losing control in soft spurts while adjusting the camera, which accounts for the whispering.  I have no clue what I said, but I distinctly recall being surprised I was peeing so freely before I'd intended to.  It felt so good rushing out of me like that against my will, so I just let it!  

The wetness looked so sexy spreading on the towel, slowly creeping toward the edge of the toilet lid as I slowly emptied my bladder into my maroon panties.  Would it flow over the sides like it definitely would've if I hadn't put down the towel?  Time would tell....   

Another angle.  Notice wetness (far left)  💦

It only made it about halfway to the "end of the world" so to speak.  Part of me secretly hoped it would drip onto the floor for some reason.  Not like I particularly felt like cleaning up pee; I had been up many hours and this was my last hurrah before turning in.  I just felt extra naughty and almost couldn't believe a toilet-lid piss could come out this neat & tidy.  

Here's the video for those curious

So if for some reason you're in the market for a less messy way to piss on your toilet lid, try it with a bath towel.  It's actually pretty fuckin' hot.  

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