Thursday, August 1, 2024

Wetting Stories: Convenience Pee'er Develops Affinity for Wetting

This is the account of a unique wetting enthusiast who started peeing in unorthodox places out of necessity, continued for convenience & eventually developed a special place in her heart for wetting.  Here's the letter in its entirety posted with permission to publish: 

Not OP.

Hello.  My name is Lydia & I just found out what "omoraschi" is and I'm still holding back laughter. (No offense- I'm more suprised than amused).  See I've been engaging in this sort of thing for years but for very different reasons than most of the people reading this.  It started in my uni years while sharing a flat with a crazy bathroom hogging roomie who would literally stay locked in the loo for HOURS every morning.  Still have no clue what she was doing in there but once the door was closed there was no getting in or interrupting her, so it could've been anything from OCD rituals to smoking crack.  I suppose I'll never know.  Like most people I wake up needing a wee so this forced me to improvise:  I went in the trash can in my bedroom a few times, a giant McDonald's cup once... I was even forced to pee on a bath towel one frustrating day.  Luckily I didn't have any early morning classes or I mightv'e had to bust the door down.  We did get into some rather loud arguments over it a few times but it made no difference.

After two years of that hell I moved into my own place & the habit just kinda stuck because, as gross & slovenly as it sounds, I live alone now and nobody is around to judge and I'm damn sure gonna relish this freedom which is totally new to me.  But mostly it's just more convenient

The only downside of this habit is that it seems to have weakened my bladder quite a lot--"just going" in any bin, cup, towel or container means almost no ability to hold on for the toilet when out in the world.  Not sure if it's my bladder that's weak or my brain but either way..... not good.  The sight of a possible pee container triggers me to let go like the sight of a toilet does for other desperate people.  And my pee containers come in many different shapes, sizes & forms so in a sense it's like being surrounded by toilets when needing to pee. 

Nothing is more annoying for an ADHD'er than having to get up every few minutes while hyper focused on something like a Netflix series, video game or work project just to sit your ass on the cold porcelain.  So I upgraded to relieving myself in shoe boxes, those big metal popcorn tins you get at Christmas, paper bowls, trash bags... pretty much any kind of disposable or washable container that could be dumped into the toilet or thrown away.  I still wash my hands afterward obviously.  (I guess I never realized just how much I hated being interrupted by my body's frequent and urgent need to use the loo until I stopped using it).  Of course I still go #2 in the toilet & use public bathrooms to pee when I'm out, which I actually hate the most of all.  I've had a semi-fear and hatred of them since childhood but I see no alternative.  Unlike at my apartment, it isn't exactly kosher to pop a squat at the FreshCo or local bank & let loose into an empty Jollibee's box......  Yet.    😉

But the thing I came to hate most of all was how my need to urinate interrupted my sleep.  There was a time I could hold through the night but that ended with my 20's.  Now I require at least 1 bathroom break per night, usually 2 if I sleep 7 hours or more.  And yes I've tried it all, from dehydrating myself to those useless arm patches that treat Overactive Bladder.  No significant improvement.  The worst part is I can never EVER go back to sleep after getting up as I'm a light sleeper.  And I'm not a very nice person without my sleep.  But I think I found a way around that.  Please don't judge.  🙈

After seeing an ad online (how did they know??), I picked up a washable incontinence pad & tried just... NOT getting up during the night.  I know, terrible & lazy and disgusting, but hear me out:  I've slept like a baby since I've been using the pad instead of getting up and making the long slog to the toilet every night.  I just put the pad underneath me (I sleep in the buff) & when I wake up needing a wee I just go right there, then I move it to the foot of the bed where I can easily grab it again or toss it on the floor until I can wash it in the morning.  No one is the wiser.  It's a lot of laundry but it's worth my sleep and sanity.

This is where things go from convenience to something more.  One night I arrived home exhausted & didn't shower, forgetting to remove my bottoms.  Thankfully I remembered to put the PeaPod down or my mattress would've been ruined.  I had one for those rare "I'm peeing in the toilet" dreams and when I woke up, it was coming out for real.  So I just... let it.  What else could I do?   And I must admit, it felt good.  Bloody good.  That was probably the first time I actually enjoyed peeing outside a toilet & the very 1st time I'd wet myself with clothes on.  Felt like it went on forever & I could hear it splashing & hissing & soaking my shorts.  As my stream was tapering off, I put my hand down there & played around in it a bit.  (God, my mum would cut me out of the will if she ever found this!)  Since then I've gotten a bit more comfortable with wetting for the heck of it & have been checking out some vids & discussions on the topic.  Hence this letter to you.

After some close calls followed by a nerve-wracking accident at the library last month, I've realized that public wetting isn't the end of the world like I thought it would be, though I'd rather if people didn't catch me.  So I bit the bullet & ordered some adorable exercise tights (navy blue Spandex with alien print!) & a few other key items to have on hand when I visit my cousin in the States this spring.  We'll be meeting up in Palm Springs in early May, then I rent a car & drive to New Mexico for a business conference at the end of the month.  And I've heard about the public bathroom situation in the States.  Dreadful.  The last thing I want as a foreigner is to stop alone at random rundown rest stops every 30 minutes, so I figure I'll prepare for the worst & hope for the best.  That is, I'll try my best to avoid an accident while driving but won't beat myself up if it happens.  And fuck dehydrating myself for 780+ miles..  That's just unhealthy & probably wouldn't work anyway.  I'm not comfortable wearing diapers but I may look into it before then if I really don't think I can make it.  

I'm thinking about driving around my city & scoping out places I could have a "wet run" so to speak, maybe as practice for the actual trip.  Oh who am I kidding:  at this point it's more about experimentation than crisis management.  I'd like to see not only how well my new clothes camouflage an accident but how well I keep my cool wetting in a public setting.  So far my Piss List includes the woods behind my childhood home, the hiking trail that cuts through the woods, the public park on the far side of said trail, the ole fishing hole, the $3 movie seats (back row), the dressing rooms at Primark, the back seat of my city's bus & locker room at my local gym to name a few.  (If I actually go through with the indoor ones I'll just START wetting in those places & keep moving so as not to make a big mess).  don't think I'll have the guts to do all of them but they're fun to think about.

To wrap this up:  I wouldn't say I have a full-blown piss fetish per se.  But it's definitely intriguing to me in an intellectual way.  For years it was about NOT pissing myself due to my weirdo roommate, then it morphed into this freedom/convenience thing and now...... well.  Now I'm just testing the limits to see what I can get away with.  Because at some point I know this freedom will be gone.  Eventually I hope to find a guy, settle down and start a family and the party will be over so to speak.  Life will get more amazing but also more complicated and annoying ahahaha.  So for now I'm living it up and doing what I want:  Going to pubs, sleeping in 'til noon, watching all the reality TV I can stomach, smoking and drinking probably a tad more than I should.  And putting my comfort and convenience ahead of social norms.  Sue me.    😝

It would be nice if  the world was more accepting of people with weak bladders having accidents or not using toilets because it can be more than just inconvenient.  Roadside petrol stations can be dangerous for women and kids and they're in short supply in many places, which can make it actually impossible to find one in time when traveling.  And the sleep issue goes beyond annoyance.  Having to pee multiple times a night can wreck your sleep if you're like me & can't return to sleep after getting up.  That's bad for your health over time. 

While I don't think it's appropriate for people to just piss up the floors in public establishments (that would be gross AF), I do wish there was more acceptance for the decision to use unconventional containers in certain situations or in private.  As long as u don't stink or ruin public property it's no one's business, yeah?  I've seen people who freak out at the idea of peeing in the SHOWER! Like calm down u weirdos.

As much as she got on my nerves, I guess I have my roomie from uni to thank for this weird turn of events in my life.  Take care.

---- Lydia


Wow, we'd LOVE to hear how your trip goes in the spring Lydia!  Amazing story, thank you for sharing.  Like our author, I use an incontinence mat for convenience while sleeping & it's been great.  And I agree 1000% with the last 2 paragraphs: the pee stigma needs to end. 

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