Wednesday, July 31, 2024

One of My Favorite Vids: A Breakdown of Its Greatness

This one was included in my Floodgaytes' Faves, Vol. 1 but I think it got removed.  I found it again recently at juuuust the right time if you know what I mean.  When looking for the perfect Omo vid, I always come back to this one because it has all the right elements, which I'll break down for you now:

- Set in a moving car:  As I've said before, car wettings are something special and even with the abundance of Omo porn out there today, relatively few people actually piss in their cars.  The reason is obvious:  cleanup is a bitch, but knowing that just makes it all the more naughty.  The star of this vid and her driver are on a busy highway and we get shots of it throughout the vid.  She tries to use a gas station toilet but fails, thus putting her on the path to soaking her seat.

- Real desperation:   I'm talking about the kind where the person has to pee BADLY but is fighting it with all their might and sorta freaking out about what to do, not just some girl grabbing her crotch and fake pee-dancing while biting her lip and looking straight into the camera for 3 seconds before losing control.  Her urgent vocalizations "What do I DO?!" repeatedly yelled at her boyfriend/driver sound very authentic, as if she didn't plan this accident at all.  If she did, she might've been having second thoughts at the last minute as she realizes just how public the setting is and just how severely she's about to wreck this car's backseat  because her panic sounds legit.  "I'm not kidding.  I'm gonna bust" are some of the other things she yells at the driver as he tells her to just "put her legs together" to no avail.

- The moment of release:  When she finally does let go, she just quietly raises up about a half-inch off her seat & does the deed, trying to minimize the damage by lifting herself out of the mess.  She pulls her skirt up revealing her white panties & fills the depression in her backseat with urine.  Then she apologizes but makes it clear she really couldn't help it.  The seat is soaked & her relief is palpable.  The fact that she doesn't moan or fake-cry while peeing but just discreetly does her business through her clothes, letting the act take center stage as the camera zooms in, is incredibly hot and probably more like what would really happen if a woman was caught out like this IRL.  

Girlfriend with Piss Desperation Pees in Her BF's Car After Failing to Use the Toilet

If we could get more genuine wetting vids like this, that would be WONDERFUL.  There's an abundance of high-def amateur Omo porn these days, but very few creators take the time to set up this degree of realistic scenario which is a shame.  My only complaint is the quality--it's older so it looks like it was filmed through a Vaseline-covered Playskool camera--but so do most of the Omo movies I love.  💛

Raised up to pee

Close-up of accident

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...