Friday, March 7, 2025

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themselves on purpose for sexual pleasure?  Does the sight of someone going pee-pee in their pants make you all hot and bothered in your no-no place, but you're too scared to let go and actually try it yourself?  Too ashamed or afraid of getting caught?  Or maybe you HAVE tried and simply can't get the tap to turn on so to speak...  

If so, I encourage you to take some time using the search bar on this site because there are endless articles I think could help.  Such as this or this.  

Maybe you're wondering what Mommy or Daddy would think if they knew your dirty little secret, eh?  Or if they caught you in the act?  Would they spank your ass, throw you out of their house?  Call you sick or  send you to a shrink?   Your social life would be DOA if your friends found out.  You'd be the laughing stock of your school/workplace/neighborhood.  Only babies wet their pants.

Actually, the opposite is true.  If an adult WANTS to wet themselves, that's all it takes to make it a legitimate endeavor.  It's far more 'babyish' to follow the crowd or look to Mommy and Daddy for guidance on every tiny thing in life.  There's a time to worry about the opinions of others--to dwell on what your youth group leader, pastor, priest, 5th grade P.E. coach & your loved ones think of your shortcomings in life, and that time is not in the quiet dark hours when you're alone with your d!CK in your hand. 

I've got news for you about those heroes of yours:  they're sexual beings too, and they do things that would make your stomach turn when the lights are out and nobody's around.  It's none of their business what you do to get off so toughen tf up and do what makes YOU happy.  There's nothing wrong with peeing yourself for sexual pleasure as long as you aren't involving others against their will, which you're not if you do it in private and clean up after yourself.

Next time you have the house to yourself (or right now if you live alone), I want you to put on some piss-themed porn and let go all over yourself.  Or maybe head over to Literotica or Wattpad and read some pee-themed stories if you prefer the sensual written word to graphic X-rated porn videos.  Then wet yourself.  You can do it on the toilet, standing in the bathtub or in your backyard--doesn't matter where.  The best way to overcome your doubts is to face them head-on.  Got it?  Don't make any excuses, just pee.  Like all these proud pantswetters:

There's plenty more where they came from.  Men and women all over the world get off on wetting their pants, so if it turns you on, so should you.  The only "babies" here are the grown ass adults who shove down their natural sexual desires for fear of upsetting the status quo.  People will judge you no matter what you do in this life, so might as well do something really "out there" to freak them out. 🤪  Just make sure to be discreet and clean up after yourself, you little piss-pot.  🍯  The dirtier & more ashamed you feel afterward, the more you know you're on the right track.

(I shouldn't have to explain this, but we ARE living in the uber-sensitive Gen Z era so if you couldn't tell, the tone of this article was all in jest.  By playing the taunting dominatrix, I hope to push you outside your comfort zone, which is where ALL the fun stuff happens.  I'm NOT kidding about that part).

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...