Monday, December 9, 2024

How To Keep Your Living Space Smelling Fresh When You Pee Everywhere


Bet she's fun at parties.   

The above exchange was on a random bed wetting thread.  I wasn't even the original poster (who was asking how they can start involuntarily wetting the bed) yet this classy lady took it upon herself to single me out & berate me for... some reason.  Who knows.  Granted, if I were to just pee straight into my unprotected mattress & all over my bedspread, that'd be pretty foul.  But I never claimed to do that, always specifying the items I use for cleanliness, convenience & stealth on every post as that's kinda important to answering these "how can I wet myself/my bed?" questions.  If we pants-pissers just went around ruining all our flooring, furniture & clothes we'd pretty soon be without any & would get caught/called out by either our parents, roommates or landlord in short order so that's not even realistic.

Reading is fundamental, lady.   🙄

 🎵  Pee is natural pee is good!  🎵

This rando's rudeness does bring up a good opportunity to discuss hygiene and the cleanliness aspect of this fetish.  It's certainly not one of the sexiest elements, but it's well worth it to be able to indulge in my fetish often and keep my belongings & dwelling smelling fresh--both of which are important to me.  While urine is not a disease vector, nobody can argue that it smells great, especially after setting in for a while.  The singular and instantly-recognizable stench is probably the biggest downside of Omorashi or pee fetishes in general, which is not so bad when you consider some of the things people get up to for kicks. 

But still, that's not to downplay it.  I've smelt houses and apartments soaked with cat or human urine and lemme tell ya, it's overpowering and repugnant.  It can sting the sinuses, make the eyes water & turn the stomach in ways few other scents can, instantly making you wonder what the hell is wrong with the homeowner's sense of smell to let things get so dire.  (More understandable if it's due to age or a disability but still unbearable).  Many people THINK their place smells great when it actually reeks of pee, which is something I'm overly cautious about.  As long as I'm awake, I always have candles, incense and/or wax melts burning.

But human urine is not a smell you can cover up with other prettier smells, so it's vital to wash items containing it ASAP & thoroughly.  Read that first part again.  This isn't something you can Febreze or put a Glade Plug-In over and hope it goes away.  It won't--it'll just reek of urine + Meadow Flowers or whatever uncreative migraine-inducing smell you spray on it.  Here are some of my basic tips and tricks for getting tough pee smells out:

Good general tips from The Spruce.

- If you can't pop a pee-soaked item in the wash within 8 hours of soiling it, toss it in the sink or tub and run warm/hot water through it to help remove excess urine.  Wring it out & launder at your earliest convenience. 

- When laundering my towels, incontinence mat & my crappiest wetting clothes, I use a round of white vinegar for 30 minutes before doing a 30-minute round with regular detergent.  (I reserve vinegar for my lower quality items because it tends to be a bit rougher on them, not really bleaching them but causing more wrinkles & peeling of decals/labels).  I find that white vinegar neutralizes urine smell better than any detergent.

- On that note, no need for fancy expensive detergent--I use the cheapest Ajax brand.  My washer/dryer is literally a 2-in-1 machine that does both, which I'm sure has benefits and drawbacks of its own compared to a regular separate washer and dryer unit.  After 60 minutes of washing I set the dryer to 2:50 (which actually takes much longer than 2 hours 50 minutes) and that's one load done. 

- I drain and clean out my washer/dryer unit frequently to keep it running properly.  It has a "TCL" message that pops up when it needs to be cleaned so that lets me know when it's time.

- To reduce laundry loads, I sometimes wet in a place that requires little to no cleanup such as over the toilet, in the sink or in the bath tub which eliminates the need to clean up any the towels, mats & blankets.  Only going in your panties/underwear sans the extra pants reduces laundry loads further.  It all depends on my mood.

- There are some items you just shouldn't pee on or near, as they're too hard to thoroughly launder.  These include cloth car seats/interiors, furniture that doesn't fit in the washer/dryer, carpet of any color & an unprotected mattress.  I also have special ugly clothes I set aside JUST for pee play (bright cotton shorts, patterned tights, ill-fitting pajama pants with holes).  This ensures that I don't risk ruining my more expensive/quality clothes with either my urine or the harsher cleaning items (vinegar) that I use to wash them.

- During the daytime when company might drop by, I always keep my Omo supplies put neatly away out of view, and if by chance it's NOT out of view I simply do not answer the door.  Basically, you'd never know I was into this unless I told you.  I've had friends and family--some of whom are VERY blunt and brutally honest--come by and visit unannounced and none has ever said a word about any untoward smells (except in the hallway where the smell of marijuana is overpowering).


I take great care to make sure my belongings & living space are pee-free.  And for those judgmental people who want to cast stones:  I do not plan to live this way forever.  It's literally a period in my life in which I'm single & can do whatever I please, often longing for a partner but not having one and settling instead for solo fetish play.  It's something I've dreamt of doing my whole life and is definitely exciting, but it wouldn't be practical with most partners in a vanilla relationship or if I should (God forbid) move back in with randos or family at some point. 

So I say fuck it, I'm living it up now while I can--while I live alone and have wood floors and a washer/dryer IN my apartment.  The conditions are so perfect and likely will never be again, and I really don't owe anyone an explanation for what I do in private in my own home for which I pay rent.  I know what it looks and smells like when I walk in from a long day outside or a weekend away, and as someone with keenly acute senses (all 5, unfortunately), if there was a hint of pee smell I'd notice it.  Stranger smells emanate from the air conditioning vents on any given day.  It's an old apartment building with a history of tenants cooking meth, what can I say?

TLDR: as someone with no kids, no pets, no (other) messy hobbies and a pretty significant dislike of germs, I'm confident in the cleanliness of my living space.  I have no kids waking me up at night vomiting on the floor or shitting everywhere, no animals dragging their musty butts across the carpet or sitting their poopy anuses where I eat or sleep.  I take my shoes off at the door & require my guests do the same.  Wanna test our home surfaces to see whose is cleaner?  Didn't think so.  🙎🏻‍♀

Got any killer urine cleaning tips to share?  Ever had someone comment on the "pee smell" in your home?  

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