Friday, December 6, 2024

Permission to Wet Yourself

This seems to be a common fantasy among Omo lovers:  being desperate and having a parent or other authority figure tell them it's okay to wet their pants just this once.  Parental attitudes toward accidents range from "We were told not to hold it & risk an infection--wetting was no big deal" to "we were beaten for accidents as young as 4 years old." 😞  So some people have actual stories of getting permission while others just long for that kind of lenience/understanding.  I imagine this is where a lot of "control my bladder" fetishes spring from: that dance between being made to hold it and being granted permission to wet is where the hotness lies for many of us.

My mom gave mixed messages:  while we were told outright to pee our swimsuits/in the pool because "everybody does it," she'd flip out if I wet myself on dry land.  Never mind that I'd seen her do it a couple times deliberately before.  I find the idea of having someone tell me it's okay to pee my pants very hot.  The thought that some people just have a laid back attitude about this subject and would rather pee themselves than face discomfort or freak out about it is very attractive to me.  Examples:  

Traffic jam:  "Traffic is a killer today!  Try to hold on a little longer Hon, there's a rest stop up ahead.  If you can't that's okay.  These seats are overdue for a cleaning anyway."

Busy downtown event:   "You can't pull your pants down here, you'll be arrested!  Just keep walking and whatever happens, happens.  Better out than in, right?"

Road trip:   "Look around, there's nowhere to pull over for miles.  Here... here's a plastic grocery bag.  If you get too desperate I guess you can use it.  Just don't ruin my seats!"

At school:  "Aww don't cry.  It happens to the best of us.  You really had to go!   Bet that feels better though, hunh?"

Ultrasound appointment:  "The doctor will be in shortly.  I know you've been waiting forever.  Sorry about that.  Just do your best to hang on but if you can't, just know you won't be the first or last."

And real-world examples:

Wet himself for a full minute on long car ride w/ mom's blessing.

Substitute teacher grants permission during lockdown.

Best friend told her to pee rainpants (like he did last week).

Just use your pants; mom's tired.

The thought of a medical wetting on the ultrasound table is very hot to me.  I'd have a freak-out IRL but the thought is 🔥.  Any medical setting, from gyno appointments to ultrasound tech to an actual mental health therapist giving me permission would be a dream.  Maybe while hypnotized or something.   🧑‍⚕

Being told "it's no big deal" if I wet myself in a car would also be super hot as it tends to be a VERY big deal in terms of cleanup.  To just sit in the backseat by myself, relaxed with legs apart & let go slowly as the puddle grows under my rear-end would be orgasmic.  OR perhaps squatted in the floor to avoid ruining the seats?    🚗

As the first photo here shows, maybe the best permission of all is the kind we grant ourselves as consenting adults when we decide, "Ya know what?  Everybody pees.  There aren't enough public bathrooms as it is; if I have an accident that's OKAY.  I'll do my best to hold on, but I give myself permission to wet my pants without guilt or shame if it comes to that."  It does seem rather silly when you think it:  a  society full of adults running around trying to beat the clock and their bladder, scrambling to make it to a handful of public loos while not getting yelled at by the boss.  👏🏼

Here are a few more real-world examples from around the web:

"Walking back from town with my mum and I'd told her I needed a wee, I think I was about 5. She asked me to try and hold it till we got home. Bear in mind I was notorious for weeing myself most of the time. I wasn't bothered about weeing myself and if I ever did it while playing I'd just carry on. Anyways …. So walking back I got more desperate and started to dribble leaving the usual wet patch on my trousers, I told mum it was coming out.

She looked at my trousers and told me to stop walking while she knelt down and held my hands telling that it ok to wee myself “just this once” before I knew it I was weeing all down my legs.

Another time when I was 8 in school. Well, on an outing. We were on the coach to the .. where ever we were going.. and hit heavy traffic but were still moving. I told the teachers I needed to pee so he told the driver to try and pull over when he could. Before I knew I was proper squirming and holding myself and again started to wee a bit. My friend told the teacher who saw I was a bit wet and just looked at me, smiled and said it's OK, you have spares in your bag and actually told me to wee myself and he would change me. So I let my hands go and completely soaked myself and the seat. Now by this point I was weeing myself on purpose a lot. But this particular time I didnt want to. I do remember however that I only used the toilet twice that day and just wee'd myself the rest."


"Not my parents, but as a teen I used to go to stay with my aunt for a few days each summer. She was over 60, a widow and a very cool woman. I once told her as we were sitting at the balcony that I have to pee (well she would give me her lemonade all the time and it was so good!) but I wish I could just go in my pants. She laughed and said, well, why can’t you? I was very embarrassed but I did it! Then she said you see? Just do it. The next time I came for a visit she said she prepared something special for me on my bed. It was a rubber sheet on the bed. I blushed and asked her if it means I should wet the bed. She said only if you like to. Of course I did"


"I remember one time going on holiday on a long car ride with my mom and a friend of hers on our way to france, where we would spend 3 weeks in a rented apartement near the beach. After some time we got stuck in traffic, and after a few minutes i felt myself needing to pee. I think i was about 13 years old at that time.

I told my mom, but there was no way for her to provide me with a fast solution to my problem, as we were stuck in traffic in a big city and on a 4-lane highway, getting out to pee would have been to dangerous, according to my mom. Minute by minute, my urge became stronger and stronger. It was getting painful to hold it in, and after a short while, i started crying because of the pain and the embarrasment of the situation. Seeing my tears, my mom just told me to not torture myself any longer and to just go in my pants.

At first i was uncertain, cause despite the pain, i was certain to be able to hold it for at least 30min more, by then we would maybe have reached a gas station with toilets. But after a few more moments, i decided to not care about my pride anymore, and stopped resisting the urge to go to the toilet. I felt my crotch starting to get warm and wet as i started to pee in my pants. Still sitting motionlessly in my carseat, i let go of even the last bit of resistance and completely soaked my clothes with pee.

About 15 minutes later, we came by a gas station, where my mom changed my wet clothes."


"Yes so one time my dad, me and my brother were going to the airport to drop my mom off on the was there I had to pee but I thought I could hold it and besides there was Nowhere to go so I held it. then after we drop her off we were going back then I got more desperate and more desperate at point I was holding my bladder trying not to pee but I couldn't hold it any longer and I started to go my brother was shocked since we didn't bring anything that I could change into I had to stay wet pants."


"My mom allowed me to pee my pants when ever I want so to me it's just a relaxing feeling."


"My mother had terminal kidney disease due to a genetic issue, so my whole life, I was always reminded to just wet myself in case of emergency and I’d never be in trouble for making that choice. I was never so bold to simply let it rip in front of my parents. There were times I did that while playing outside, but I still tried to be sneaky about it so they wouldn’t easily know what I did."


"I was 12 and was told to wet myself by a bus driver going home from school.

We were about half way, and only about 20 kids left on the bus, I told my friend I needed a wee who went and told the driver, the driver shouted at home for standing up but my friend told him it was and emergency and he should stop. The driver just shouted at him again so he came back and said sorry mate he won't listen. I saw the driver look at me in his mirror and I mouthed “please” at him as I sat there squirming and holding myself feeling that I was about to burst and already had some leakage. The driver just looked and said quite loud “just piss yourself, I dont care.” I really didn't want to, it was winter and I had a 10 minute walk once off the bus. It was freezing and I didn't want wet trousers.

When we got to my stop I'd been dribbling quite a bit and had a noticeable wet patch on my trousers, front and back, me and friend walked to get off and the got up and shouted at us for being disruptive and disrespectful. I tried to sneak past but he moved again and asked us our names, so he could report us. I was pinching my end so hard I was seeing stars. Slowly leaking the entire time. The driver just looked at me and repeated “Just piss yourself, you already are" at the same as I lost and felt my trousers getting wetter and wetter. So, although I tried not to I stood there and peed all down legs into my shoes leaving a massive puddle on the bus. So effectively, the bus driver told me to wee myself."


One day I was in tax authority to fix some problem. At that time it was time without internett so I could not reserve time only for me. Today it is possible so there are no queues there. One mamma waited as me a long time there and her son started to bother her with his pee need. They were almost on his turn so she did not miss a place in the queue. She told him first- hold it it does not take so long time now. But after some bothering- ok, if you cannot hold it, do it in your pants. We can change them at home.


I was giving permission once, I was around 22/23, as I broke my arm and as my pants were tight I couldn’t get them down without help so as I was alone I called my mom to tell her my problem and she understood but told me to just pee my pants. I did. 


Two days ago, I spent all day at a rec center with my boyfriend and my little brother and sister. We were mostly swimming. Since my mom works nearby, we rode home with her. Soon after leaving, we stopped at a McDonald's for dinner. Not my favorite, but I was really thirsty after being active all day. I drank at least three or four medium cups full of water and various beverages. 

About ten minutes after leaving, still close to an hour from home, I whispered to my boyfriend that I should have gone to the bathroom before we left, and he said that he should have as well. It seemed as if all of the liquid had hit my bladder at once. I wiggled and whined to him in the backseat of my mom's minivan every few minutes. I have confided in him that I do have some issues with my bladder, but I had never had an accident in front of him, aside from when I was sleeping. 

Eventually, perhaps twenty minutes later, I told him I didn't think I could hold it much longer. I was fidgeting constantly and holding back tears. He could tell obviously that I was in pain. He told me "It won't feel good when you do it, but you will feel better on the ride home if you just go. You can just change when you get home." I was relieved to hear him say something so comforting and cavalier about the situation. 

I tried my best to hold it. I really did. Eventually, though, I starting leaking, and within a minute I had soaked my black swim bottoms and my navy blue shorts. As I peed, I leaned into my boyfriend, put my arms around him, and whispered "It's happening," before bursting into silent sobs. He held me close and rubbed up and down my back and told me it was ok, and that it didn't matter and he knows I tried.

Less than thirty seconds after I'd managed to stop the flow, my mom pulled into a gas station. My boyfriend and I looked at each other and couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity. 

He asked me if I still needed to go, and I said yes. He told me I should go into the gas station and use their bathroom. I told him with wide eyes that there was absolutely no way I was going to go into a public place with obviously wet pants. He prodded a few more times to try to persuade me, but gave up after he realized my insistence. Part of me thinks that maybe he wanted to see my wet spot? It was dark in the van. 

We spent at least twenty minutes sitting at the gas station. The van was overheating and it needed to cool off. During that time, it became obvious how badly I still needed to go pee. Seeing as he wasn't getting anywhere trying to make me go to the gas station bathroom, he told me a story about when he was on the train on the way to Chicago.

"I was on the train with my sister and I really needed to use the bathroom. I was really uncomfortable the whole time. Now I wish I would have just peed in my pants. Instead of hurting, I could have just peed myself and been like, 'Oops.'"

It was tempting, especially given his acceptance to the situation, but I was determined to at least try to hold it. 

About halfway between the gas station and home, I began leaking again. I was so exhausted, my bladder muscles so fatigued, that I couldn't hold very long before completely releasing my bladder, making a puddle on the seat in the van. I don't think he even noticed what had happened until he saw me silently begin to cry again. He hugged me close and told me it was alright. 


Yeah, my sister peed her pants in the back seat of the car next to me on towels I laid out. I had to go as well not as but mom being tired and there being nowhere to stop told me to go if I had to as well. Honestly it felt good to just let go and pee… We cleaned it the best we could and had it washed at a car wash place…

Has anyone ever given you permission to wet yourself?  If it's just a hot fantasy, who would you most love to be given permission by?  In what scenario?  

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...