Monday, March 10, 2025

Grim Reminder for Extreme Bladder Holders

While the vast majority of desperation lovers will NEVER consume even half this amount of water in such a short time, it serves as an important reminder that drinking too much water can in fact be deadly, especially when combined with holding your pee:

In 2007, a radio station held a contest called "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" in which contestants were made to drink large amounts of water without going to the bathroom.  The last person standing would win a Nintendo Wii.  A 28-year-old mother named Jennifer Strange "won" 2nd place in the contest but tragically lost her life after being dared to guzzle even more than the required 8 oz. of water every 15 minutes (which is already more than the 2.7 liter per day max recommended amount for adult women).  Combined with the lack of exercise and urination, this caused serious discomfort for the contestants, all of whom dropped out except for Strange & one other contestant. 

1st half: Nurse caller.  2nd half: Idiot DJ ignoring health advice.

After 8 rounds of this dangerous insanity, the Douche Jockeys decided to encourage her to go even further and the rest is history.  Strange was given another half-liter of water as were the other remaining contestants even as medical professionals called in to warn the show runners of the dangers of water intoxication.  They stated that the contestants had "signed waivers" so it wasn't their responsibility and that they were aware of the dangers.  On the way home Jennifer complained of awful headaches and general unwellness, which turned out to be her final recorded audio snippets that were played repeatedly on various news channels after her death.  She was found dead in her home hours later.  She left behind her 3 young children & many other loved ones.

This tragedy never had to happen.  It was clear these assholes KNEW even before the medical warnings that what they were doing was dangerous, yet they ignored those additional warnings and did it anyway.  It was almost as if they wanted to see an unintentional suicide that day and were determined to make it happen.  They offered "condolences" on their Myspace page, which rang hollow in the wake of their carelessness & callous attitudes while the morbid contest was taking place.  Let this be a reminder to always listen to your body and medical science, and never let ANYONE push you into doing something you suspect is unsafe for their own gratification.  If they find it so arousing/amusing, let them do it themselves.  

(I vaguely remember a similar "hold your pee" contest involving a Geo Metro in which contestants chained themselves to the car and the last to have dry pants won.  I can find nothing about it online because it was a loooong time ago (early '90s) but I'm not sure how that turned out.  Hopefully no deaths).

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Grim Reminder for Extreme Bladder Holders

While the vast majority of desperation lovers will NEVER consume even half this amount of water in such a short time, it serves as an import...