Thursday, March 13, 2025

Random Wetting Stories from Around the Web

Just a collection of random pee stories from around the "normie" (read: non-Omo) web.  Links included (blue text).  Enjoy!  


From an essay on a website called This I Believe, where people write essays on things they believe strongly in.  This one's by Kate of Logan, UT and is called "Just Pee Your Pants":

 I don’t just out-of-the-blue pee my pants just because, and it’s not like I just couldn’t make it to the toilet. I pee my pants when I’m laughing extremely hard with close friends who are laughing with me. I love these moments, when you just can’t control anything because whatever it is you’re laughing about is amazingly hilarious or actually, in most cases, quite dumb. I believe in peeing my pants because I believe in laughing. I believe in having fun and being crazy with friends.

Woman with an obvious drinking problem gets wasted at family member's wedding and loses it:

 I was now racing to the bathroom when I turned the corner to the most dreaded sight had by any drunkard who needs to pee: a line. I realized my fate and dug deep and pulled out my old “pee dance” skills. I knew how this routine went, I’ve lived it many times waiting in line at the Mexico border and other destinations. Many times I had lived this scenario and held it, but that was before kids. {BK}

So there I was, in a line and having to pee like nowlike an hour ago, like “I should never have waited this long to pee”.  I finally made it up to the front of the line and realized that my hourglass of sand had run out!! 

Newly-Incontinent Mother Shares Her Story:

Fast forward to the first time I sneezed while I was pregnant and peed my pants.  The first time I jumped on the trampoline after having my daughter, and peed my pants.  It was nuts,  I didn’t even have to go!  I was beside myself.  A few months back I had a cough that turned into pneumonia, and every single time I had a coughing fit, my five year old daughter, would laugh and ask me if I needed to change my pants.  And I did.

Single Bi Male Explains Why He's Given Up Finding A Partner & Chooses to Wet Full-Time Instead

"I feel like the current civilization is ending soon/world's going to hell anyways, and due to my deep love of Depends (I hide them by wearing underwear over them and pulling the underwear border over the depends), this shouldn't affect me much. I'm emotionally scarred so I don't have an interest in the dating scene right now, and they'd also have to be a pervert for me to be interested anyways. The people who would be disgusted aren't the people I'm interested in."

Entire thread of "Barely made it/Didn't make it" stories on Bass fishing forum:

"We park, I sprint to the door, run past the lady saying "can I help you?" and just ignore her. I'm EXPLODING now. I open the door, get to the toilet, unzip and just a second before I get IT out, it just starts going. I get IT out and finish in the toilet. Then I look down terrified at my pants. There's pee on them. A good deal of pee, not like I just let it all go, but enough to be visible and very embarrassing. I panic for a minute, thinking "WHAT THE FU** AM I GONNA DO NOW" for a good 2 minutes straight. Then it hits me: I'm stupid. I'm wearing a hooded sweatshirt with a t-shirt underneath. I take off the sweatshirt."

Rather hot story about someone urgently peeing on a bench and being caught:

one time, i was going out on a trip with a bunch of people. As we were walking in the field, I started feeling like i needed to go pee. later we sat down to eat food we brought with us. I had to go so much then. I started to pee a tiny bit. then I went over to and empty bench and sat down. I pulled my pants down. then i started peeing a lot. i sat there peeing for like 2 minutes. about half way through, someone looked at me and said "Just keep it coming." and then winked at me. he walked away afterwards. (my pants and undies were still down.) A minute later, I had soaking wet pants and undies. I had mixed feelings about this. It felt warm and refreshing. it was also embarrassing. oh well!

Accidents happen, man!

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Sick... Permission to Use My Pants

Someone who isn't me, but is in a similar position. Yup, not sure what godawful fever I've caught but I swing between scalding hot ...