Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sick... Permission to Use My Pants

Someone who isn't me, but is in a similar position.

Yup, not sure what godawful fever I've caught but I swing between scalding hot & freezing cold & covered in sweat with nasty headaches.  It started with mild diarrhea a few days ago and caught me off guard when I woke myself up choking on phlegm & stomach acid in the night before sleeping nearly 30 hours straight.  What followed was a disturbing fatigue and now this fever.  Is it COVID?  A head cold, RSV?  Something else entirely?  With all the diseases about these days, who knows, but I'm taking it super easy on the couch to be safe...  

Part of that includes using diapers & panties to pee whenever the urge hits.  I've been hydrating with Propel Fitness Water & regular agua which has me pissing like a racehorse quite often.  I made the mistake of getting turned on & masturbating last night, causing my temperature to skyrocket.  Woopsie.  On the plus side, I'm now stocked up on groceries including several gallons of water, two bottles of Propel, two Clearly Canadians & a Voss water (ooh, fancy!) in the glass bottle.  Gonna be a mega pee-fest, only sans arousal or climax.  This will be an exercise in true casual wetting if nothing else.  🥲

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