Wednesday, July 31, 2024

One of My Favorite Vids: A Breakdown of Its Greatness

This one was included in my Floodgaytes' Faves, Vol. 1 but I think it got removed.  I found it again recently at juuuust the right time if you know what I mean.  When looking for the perfect Omo vid, I always come back to this one because it has all the right elements, which I'll break down for you now:

- Set in a moving car:  As I've said before, car wettings are something special and even with the abundance of Omo porn out there today, relatively few people actually piss in their cars.  The reason is obvious:  cleanup is a bitch, but knowing that just makes it all the more naughty.  The star of this vid and her driver are on a busy highway and we get shots of it throughout the vid.  She tries to use a gas station toilet but fails, thus putting her on the path to soaking her seat.

- Real desperation:   I'm talking about the kind where the person has to pee BADLY but is fighting it with all their might and sorta freaking out about what to do, not just some girl grabbing her crotch and fake pee-dancing while biting her lip and looking straight into the camera for 3 seconds before losing control.  Her urgent vocalizations "What do I DO?!" repeatedly yelled at her boyfriend/driver sound very authentic, as if she didn't plan this accident at all.  If she did, she might've been having second thoughts at the last minute as she realizes just how public the setting is and just how severely she's about to wreck this car's backseat  because her panic sounds legit.  "I'm not kidding.  I'm gonna bust" are some of the other things she yells at the driver as he tells her to just "put her legs together" to no avail.

- The moment of release:  When she finally does let go, she just quietly raises up about a half-inch off her seat & does the deed, trying to minimize the damage by lifting herself out of the mess.  She pulls her skirt up revealing her white panties & fills the depression in her backseat with urine.  Then she apologizes but makes it clear she really couldn't help it.  The seat is soaked & her relief is palpable.  The fact that she doesn't moan or fake-cry while peeing but just discreetly does her business through her clothes, letting the act take center stage as the camera zooms in, is incredibly hot and probably more like what would really happen if a woman was caught out like this IRL.  

Girlfriend with Piss Desperation Pees in Her BF's Car After Failing to Use the Toilet

If we could get more genuine wetting vids like this, that would be WONDERFUL.  There's an abundance of high-def amateur Omo porn these days, but very few creators take the time to set up this degree of realistic scenario which is a shame.  My only complaint is the quality--it's older so it looks like it was filmed through a Vaseline-covered Playskool camera--but so do most of the Omo movies I love.  💛

Raised up to pee

Close-up of accident

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Piss Art - Sophy Rickett: OG Pee Goddess of the 'Net?

How many of you had never heard the name in the title until just now?  If you're like me, the name Sophy Rickett doesn't ring any bells.  And that's a damn shame.  I recently saw her work on my Facebook feed of all places, though it was mislabeled as something else.  A reverse image search revealed the real creator & the rest was pisstory.

Sophy Rickett was born in London, where all of the photos in question were taken.  Her first series, Pissing Women, came to prominence in the late 1990s on the early internet at a time when CCTV was becoming ubiquitous in British society.  Many art critics didn't know what to make of the risque photos, assuming they were digitally altered in some way.  No, Sophy insisted, she and her friends really peed like that.  Do tell us more, ma'am.  Predictably, they ended up on watersports/golden shower websites like the one you're reading now.  Not sure how she'd feel about that but if you're reading this: I mean nothing but respect & reverence Ms. Sophy.  Yeah, we may be total pervs around here but that doesn't mean we're not capable of appreciating quality art.   🖼  🛐

And this is definitely art with a deeper message.  One of anti-surveillance, anti-sexism & just an all-around 'fuck you' to a society that puts pedophile royals & greedy billionaires on a pedestal while trying to dictate what constitutes "ladylike" behavior to the rest of us peasants.  Did I mention many of these pics took place in the London's financial district?  Well now I did.  

"Silvertown" (From Pissing Women), 1995

"Vauxhall Bridge"


Rickett's photos are mostly taken at night & feature women in dressy office attire peeing boldly in a standing position.  It's tempting to compare their stance to that of men, but that seems a tad sexist and simplistic to me.  These ladies are truly masters of the standing piss, something their entirely relaxed, unbothered facial expressions belie.  We should all hope to be such artful urinators.  Included below are a few of the pics from the series which includes 26 photographs in all.   It's been published by Climax Books for the first time ever so go support the artist & pick it up.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Art of UnPotty Training Yourself

How often do people say "practice makes perfect" when that's really not the case?  If lack of experience isn't the problem, all the practice in the world won't help.  But in the case of "learning" to wet your pants, your diaper or bed naturally without having to strain or force it, this cliche really does apply.

 Boy... does it ever apply!  🩲💦  

People often ask "How do I just let go and wet myself?" on sites like Quora & and honestly, it's not a "skill" that can really be taught as it requires some practice.  We have a major mental block up that prevents pants wetting because of the stigma that goes all the way back to potty training, when your mother or other parental figure chided you for wetting yourself instead of using the potty.  She would probably say things like "Look at the little baby!  ___ isn't a big kid.  Big kids use the potty!" when you had an accident. This instilled a sense of shame that was reinforced tenfold if you ever accidentally wet yourself in pre-kindergarten or elementary school.  Lord help you if you wet yourself AFTER that.  

Unpotty training is about overriding that shame & retraining your brain to let your bladder go whenever, wherever the way nature intended.  This kind of freedom is addictive so you'll definitely want to read on to find out how you can acquire this innate "skill".  Please note:  this guide only refers to wetting/urination so if "messing" is your thing, you may wanna check elsewhere.  This is an omorashi blog.  

I've only been wetting myself regularly for about 4 days in a row now--like really, really doing it all day everyday since taking a prolonged break for a few months--and it's already gone from being something I had to focus HARD to make happen to being something I almost can't control.  I've had several leaks & one "barely made it to the piss mat in time" incident.  After only FOUR days of continual wetting.   Just putting on a pair of cotton shorts or tights tells my bladder "it's safe to pee now".  It feels like my bladder is weaker but I know it's actually my brain that's become accustomed to pissing my pants all over the house.  You too can untrain your brain to use the potty if you follow these easy (and fun!) steps:

Tips for Newbies

A word of caution:  It can be slow-going at first but once you get in the habit of peeing in places other than the toilet, you "remember" how very quickly.  Then it's very hard to stop.  So keep that in mind before diving headlong into this venture.  It's generally very worth it, but that initial speed bump is nothing compared to how hard it is to re-re-train your brain to use only the toilet.  A lot of fetishists think they want that but it can be inconvenient in situations where pissing your pants would be unacceptable (which is most of public society, unfortunately).  Unless you're switching to diapers full-time, be 100% sure reduced bladder control is what you want.

If you live alone and have the place to yourself, you can go at your own pace & piss yourself whenever/wherever.  If not, you'll need to work around your roommates' schedules & be more discreet.  Either way it's totally possible to cut back on your use of the toilet or stop using it entirely.

Here are a few pointers to help you "let go" and get started:

- Define your goal clearly & concisely.  What exactly is it that you want to do?  To use toilets for peeing less or not at all?  To be able to wet your diaper in public settings without a second be a "true bedwetter"? Make sure it's realistic & healthy and nothing that will damage your actual urinary health.  Whatever your goal, laying it out ahead of time allows you to have a clear vision & better anticipate any stumbling blocks.  

- Begin your wetting 'journey' somewhere private that you feel at ease.  Somewhere you don't have to worry about anyone barging in and "catching you".  This will make it MUCH easier to overcome that initial inhibition that stops us wetting our pants.  Wetting over the toilet or in the bathtub/shower is an obvious choice because we already pee there without pants, plus it requires no cleanup.  And bonus:  the bathroom usually has a door that locks.  Ahhh, privacy.  (Remember:  The goal isn't fun & games right now, it's mastery through repetition.  You can always work your way up to more daring & "fun" settings later).  

- Immerse yourself in the Omorashi culture so it becomes a normal part of your life.  Start by watching lots of vids to get more comfortable with the practice.  Once you realize that men & women of all ages, races, orientations & backgrounds enjoy pants wetting enough to have made videos of themselves doing it, it becomes easier to overcome the stigma/shame & do it yourself...especially if you're overly concerned about how "normal" this fetish is or isn't.  Even if it turns you on sexually, that "is it normal?" fear can be a big subconscious mental block.  These videos can be found all over the web on sites from Twitter/X to porn sites like Pisshamster, Pornhub &  

- Visit pee discussion forums like Reddit's /r/wetting, /r/nonchalantwetting & /r/peelist;; & Quora to read discussion from real wetting enthusiasts like yourself.  Even if you don't post or register, there's a treasure trove of invaluable information & support that can make you feel right at home in your "different-ness," plus they can help steer you away from wetting faux-pas you may not even know exist.  

Laugh it up.  These things let you wet anywhere while keeping your furniture pee-free.

- Be open to experimenting with different "mediums" (peediums?) that can reduce damage & make clean-up easier.   This may include diapers, washable incontinence mats, waterproof pants, plastic panties/underwear & other nifty inventions.  All these items may not end up being staples for you, or they may be something you only use sparingly in certain situations (diapers on road trips, etc), but you'll never know unless you try them yourself.  I was surprised how much I liked the feel of peeing in a diaper, and the lack of cleanup was VERY nice.  You don't have to be attracted to the diaper itself or part of an ABDL community to make use of their underlying purpose:  to keep you and your stuff DRY while you pee freely!  If nothing else they can be great for the unpotty training process while you transition from toilets to pants.

- If you need extra help to get your stream started the first couple of times (rubbing yourself, pushing a little, focusing REALLY hard) that's totally normal.  Just don't make a habit of straining to pee as that can be bad for the urinary tract over time.  Once you've mastered wetting using these tricks, you're ready to move to a more natural form.  The best way is to get REALLY desperate by drinking lots of water & maybe a low dose of caffeine or another diuretic & then just let loose the second you get the urge--no second guessing it.  

Plastic pants.  And you thought diapers were expensive!

- Set a goal to wet yourself at least once every weekday whenever possible. I find that doing it AT LEAST once daily in the same few pairs of shorts, tights, panties & jeans has worked magnificently for "unpotty training myself".  The more you do it, the faster the process will go, just don't forget to be discreet & clean up after yourself.  Of course just do what you can & always put discretion/privacy & respect for others' boundaries first. 

Obviously, having your own place makes all of this a lot easier & more convenient.  But while you work toward that goal, there are things you can do to work Omorashi into your life discreetly.  Some of those things are listed here

During unpotty training, you may get hit with strong or even uncontrollable urges to pee at random times as if your bladder has become weaker.  If so, congratulations:  this is what you worked so hard for!  When these urges strike, give in to them immediately to reinforce them.  Need to piss while going to the kitchen for a snack?  Piss!  Wake up in the night and need to pee but don't wanna get up and go to the bathroom?  Just pee!  That's the best way to retrain your brain and bladder to sync up and start working on autopilot.


That's really it.  There's no need to constantly waterlog yourself or swear off toilets all at once.  Just like potty training, unpotty training works gradually by getting your brain accustomed to peeing yourself in new settings.  Just the way you used to before you were conditioned to only waste your pee in a toilet.  You don't potty train a child overnight so you shouldn't expect instant results with this either. 

And remember:  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  You've got your entire lifetime to NOT pee in the toilet so there's no rush to stop.  Don't do dangerous or harmful things to try and rush this transition.  Take your time and make the unpotty training process itself fun.  

Here's a link to an ABDL person's Unpotty Training guide for another point of view.

Story that pops up when Googling this topic.  

Got any personal tips or tricks that worked for unpotty training yourself?  Questions?  Share in the comments!  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Performance Art or Humiliation Porn?

Description (English):  "A wall of women side by side inhale and exhale in unison until they overflow in each body's time.  An act that is at once intimate, individual and collective.  The performance involves women through a public call."

Translation:  A line of ladies stands at attention & pisses down their legs in succession.  In public.  One woman near the end almost slips in a pee puddle.  An Omo lover's wet dream. 

It raises so many questions though:  how were all these women recruited?  It must've been hard to
find that many attractive ladies who were able to soak themselves on command in front of people... let alone willing to.  How many were into omorashi when they signed up?  How many are now?  And who's the evil genius who dreamt up this pervy pissing project, sold it under the guise of 'art' & convinced them to go along with it?  I'd like to pick his brain someday.

From a website (gallery?) hosting the exhibit

About the artist:
(Emphasis mine)


Dora Smék's work comprises an investigation into the body in situations of opposition, flow and crisisComing from dance, the artist addresses the unconscious and sexuality in sculptures, installations, photographs, videos and performances. His research is often related to the body's adaptation and adaptation processes in states of tension.

Gee, could we poor plebs get a visual aid to help us understand this next-level abstract genius? 


Why not just say you have a piss kink & be done with it?  No need for all the big college words & egocentric pretentiousness unless your ego IS that inflated & your "kink" is seeing women degrade themselves under the guise of art. The fact that every person in his exhibit was female alludes to the fact that this is nothing more than a straight dude's fetish.  They all had roughly the same appearance too--none was obese, elderly, dark-skinned, visibly disabled or otherwise stood out from the pack, so the guy definitely has a "type".  Nothing wrong with that, but again, no need to disguise humiliating pee porn as high art.  I also question whether he could've found men willing to degrade themselves like this in such great numbers. And if he has a "background in dance," why not get up there WITH the ladies & put yourself on display?  Surely a classy bloke like that is comfortable enough w/ performance art to stand there & piss his britches for an audience too.

Mind you, I don't think wetting itself is degrading in the right setting, but public wetting certainly is viewed as humiliating by mainstream society
.  Sadly, a sizable subset of the Omo community is specifically into that aspect--women humiliating themselves IRL for their enjoyment. Mainly those who identify  as "doms".  Some of them upload private content without consent & a few appear to coerce their girlfriends or "subs" to wet in dangerously public settings like crowded grocery stores, buses or other places where non-consenting people (including minors) are present.   It's a thin line between humiliation of this kind, exhibitionism and abuse/sex trafficking.  Not that I'm accusing the artist of that as I'm sure these ladies all gave their consent, but it does bear mentioning.

This is another one of those things that falls under the heading of 'Sexy, but at what cost?'  If we want to be taken seriously and respected as a kink community, we need to call out sketchy behavior wherever it pops up.  This is FAR from the worst offender btw.  Just one in a long line of examples of smh-worthy content.

To quote Judge Judy:  "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."  Or in this case, "Don't pee on your own leg and tell me it's art."

Ladies of Transbordação not looking particularly overjoyed.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Omorashi WITHOUT Sexual Excitement?

I sometimes see discussions about Omorashi & pants wetting separate from sexuality, as if this paraphilia (which is unfortunately what it's classified as in the DSM) can be completely severed from any sexual gratification. 

Personally I don't see how this is possible, as all aspects of this particular activity somehow tie in to the sexual experience.  The sensory side involves warm wetness on your genital area; the taboo aspect can create a great "naughty" sexual thrill as can the rebelliousness of doing something secretly or openly that's totally unaccepted by society.  Even if it also provides comfort or takes you back to your carefree infant years I don't believe it can be ONLY enjoyed for that reason alone with zero sexual arousal.  Sorry, I just don't. 

However I do believe some enthusiasts suffer from sexual dysfunction of various kinds... possibly porn addiction or addiction to the fetish itself that can make it hard to climax or form relationships with non-enthusiasts.  Perhaps you've gotten so desensitized to the act that it's no longer the sexual thrill it once was & now you're just doing it for convenience or "chasing the dragon" so to speak.  And I certainly don't believe one has to masturbate or have sex every time they engage in Omo to enjoy themselves.  But as far as simply adopting it as a sort of normal part of everyday life--people don't do totally antisocial, taboo things like this without some reward.  We're getting something out of it that makes it worth the risk of total social rejection or else we wouldn't take that risk.  And the reward is likely proportionate to the risk, which is pretty big (humiliation, loss of friends/family, exclusion, bullying, etc).  Unless you have an actual diagnosed phobia of bathrooms or the like, I can see no other motivation (besides *sexual arousal) big enough to drive pants wetting in a continent adult.

So I ask you, Omo community:  can you explain how a person could "enjoy" wetting themselves without it involving at least a tiny degree of sexual gratification?  (Obviously I'm not referring to truly incontinent people or others who wet themselves unintentionally).  *I define 'sexual arousal' as your heart racing, breath quickening, genital area feeling warm/tingly, penis or clitoris getting erect, vaginal wetness, skin flushing & pupils dilating or other typical physical signs.

Monday, July 8, 2024

How To Wet At Home Without Making A (Huge) Mess or Getting Caught

Questions from Quora

This question is a constant on sites like Quora, which is populated by young 20-somethings & the like who are stuck living with their parents or other nosy roommates & want to wet themselves.  How can a person pee their pants, wet their bed or otherwise have fun with their urine without making a huge mess or getting caught?

First, let me assure you that you're among family with regards to this question.  Because I was into wetting from a VERY young age and moved directly from my parents' house to the dorms to my shared apartments with other people, I rarely had true privacy.  I was also not sneaky at all so I got caught a lot as a kid & eventually just gave up on wetting at home for the most part.  I would fantasize in great detail about the day I had my own place:  what clothes I would wet, which rooms & scenarios I'd piss myself in, etc.  No controlling moms or asshole dads could stop me then!  

And since moving into my own place a couple years back, that's been the case.  I've wet myself when, where & how I want with no judgment from the peanut gallery.  It's been every bit as liberating as I ever dreamed, the only possible downside being the amount of laundry I do.  But it's a small price to pay for sexual freedom & total gratification with this fetish.  While the ultimate goal should be to live on your own so you can call the shots, there are ample ways to enjoy this hobby on the sly until then.

Indoors vs. Outdoors

How NOT to stealthily wet yourself at home

Indoors:  Let's start by focusing on the "where", shall we?  The bathroom is a logical location.  I still piss myself there when I'm not in the mood for cleanup.  Most bathroom doors lock, and if they don't most people have the common courtesy to give you privacy when the door is shut.  I WOULD HOPE, at least.  Use this privacy to wet yourself over the toilet, in the bath tub or in the sink where no mess will be made.  You can pretend to be using the toilet or bathing during this time, but the longer option is usually safer.  When you're done, sneak your wet underwear or other items out under your bath towel, in your pocket or under some other hidden nook/cranny on your way out & launder ASAP.

Wetting your bed at night after others are asleep is another semi-private option if you have a mattress cover or incontinence mat.  If not, it is possible to pull off with a bunch of carefully-placed bath towels/blankets/quilts, but it's a lot less stealthy than one good mat or mattress protector.  Just be sure to pop all your wet items in the washer immediately or soon thereafter when you won't look suspicious.  Maybe start doing your own laundry BEFORE you get into wetting so it all looks more natural. (Let's be honest:  you should be doing your laundry anyway because one day you'll have to regardless).  Adult diapers offer a totally mess-free option for bed wetting if you'd rather not worry about the frantic cleanup, and many brands offer free samples via mail in stealthy packaging.  Google "adult diaper free samples" to find them.  However, don't go this route if your roomies frequently open your mail.  😬

Wetting over the toilet is a less messy, more private way to go. 

You can also wait until your roommates/family members leave home to do an indoor home wetting, which will give you a wider choice of rooms & more freedom to watch Omo porn if you wish.  Make sure to leave enough time afterward for cleanup before they get home.  If you have a small trashcan in your room, sit over that & relieve yourself into your underwear if you need a way to avoid getting the floor wet.  It can be emptied out a window (but be CAREFUL with this!) or preferably, in the toilet or sink afterward.  Just don't forget to spray the inside down with Windex or something to remove the smell.

AVOID peeing on couches, unprotected mattresses, carpets, any type of cushion that can't be easily laundered, car seats & expensive or hard to wash fabrics.  The smell is far too hard to remove even with the best of odor removers.  And human pee does not smell like animal pee for those who think they can blame the dog/cat.   🐶  😼

Outdoor wettings are great, but wear the right pants to hide your "accident".

Outdoors:  In your own backyard behind a gate/fence gives you privacy from lookie-loo neighbors when roommates aren't home.  If you're close to a wooded area, bike path or hiking trail you can venture out into nature & soak yourself there provided it's not too full of people.  Always take plenty of survival items (hydration, compass, etc) & keep an eye on your location and the time of day so you don't get lost.  Big canyons & state parks also offer this freedom to wet pretty much unbothered.  Go for a rock climbing, hiking, bike riding or trail running adventure & you'll appear too focused for anyone to bother you or notice your crotch.  Same goes for fishing, hunting or any outdoor activity really.  Just tank up & "accidentally" get yourself stranded too far from a bathroom and have an oopsie.

Clothing choices are the other half of the stealth equation.  Wearing black Spandex or polyester bicycle pant-material further ensures that your wetness doesn't leave a visible stain on your pants.  (Wild colored patterns are fine too--so long as the pants aren't cotton or some other fabric).  If you're a girl (or a boy who wears skirts), a loose-fitting frilly skirt with panties underneath allows you to just sit and wet on the ground or discreetly pee down your legs while standing.  Just move the skirt out of the way first.  Peeing while on the move riding a bike or doing some other mobile activity like skating makes it harder for people to focus on any visible wet spots as well.  Again, make sure you have a stealthy place to hide your pissy clothes once you get home until you can launder them, and try to do it as soon as possible so they don't smell so bad they have to be thrown out.  Take extra dry things in the car trunk or your backpack in case you need to change for some reason.  (Actually, it's ALWAYS good to have a dry change of clothes in your car if you wet regularly).  

Other Considerations:

Men can conveniently pee in lots of places like bottles, jugs & cups.

You don't have to fully soak yourself every time the urge arises to engage in Omo fun.  Sometimes letting little spurts out gradually can be just as fun as letting go all at once.  It certainly allows you to prolong the wet fun longer.  You can do this on laundry day while wearing the appropriately camouflaged material even while your parents are home as long as you control yourself & don't have a full accident.  If you're a guy you can experiment with peeing in bottles & other containers that don't leave a mess behind as some Omo enthusiasts find peeing ANYWHERE other than the toilet enjoyable.  During the summer there are countless opportunities to wet your swim trunks or swimsuit bottoms near water if you hang out by pools, lakes, ponds, beaches, water parks, splash pads or other H2O-rich places!  Swimsuit material was made to absorb wetness and be peed in. 

Oh, and you can bring a version of this little shindig home each night if you need a way to piss yourself year-round.  Save up your morning/evening pee & just go all over your naked legs or in your cupped hands as soon as you step in the shower.  Feels amazing & saves a flush.   🚽

Another semi-stealthy trick if you enjoy wearing wet clothes is to pull your pants down but leave your underwear ON when using the toilet.  Enjoy the warm wetness soaking your undies, drip dry a while longer than usual and then pull your pants back up over them like nothing is out of place.  Just stay near a mirror to check for visible wet spots until you know how wet or dry you truly are.  (This one is best tried at home when you have a little privacy/downtime for obvious reasons).  Works best with briefs or panties under loose/baggy pants.  

Putting a folded up washcloth in your panties/underwear or wearing a thick Maxi pad allows you to pee a little more into your pants without it soaking through, but you'll have to either wash or dispose of those items afterward too.  If you're going to go this route, you may as well go with adult diapers/Pull-Ups because they're so much more absorbent.  I was shocked how much pee one of these things could hold.  It's really fun being able to sit or lie ANYWHERE & wet yourself without worrying whether it'll make a mess.  

Caught with wet pants?  Blame the running water & getting "caught up" in your task.

Make it a point to scope out possible wetting locations & clothes next time you go shopping.  Get creative--the planning can be as fun as the actual naughty bits.  Remember that timing, location & clothing fabric are the three magic ingredients for a stealthy wetting.  Here is my personal guide for stealthy public wetting, but it can just as easily be amended to sneaky at-home wetting. 

What if you do get caught?  Well honestly, there's always that risk and every time you wet yourself at home you increase the chances of getting caught.  You shouldn't engage in home wettings if getting caught would put you in physical danger, put your housing at risk, get you in major trouble with roommates or family or cause such shame you couldn't cope.  It helps to be prepared with an excuse that explains the wet spot as something other than pee: spilled a jug/bottle of water on myself, fell in a body of water, etc.  Failing that, explaining why you peed yourself and giving a reason other than "I did it on purpose for sexual purposes" can help alleviate the absolute most humiliating aspects if you're not ready to "come out" of the Omo closet.  Always have a worst-case-scenario excuse ready just in case.  💛

Monday, July 1, 2024

Dear All Porn Creators:

Well, not "all" but the select porn creators who engage in the behavior I'm about to address.  You're probably not gonna appreciate what I have to say here but so be it.  It needs to be said. 

Let me start by saying that I have no problem with porn creators making money for their time and effort, and I do understand that quality content requires a monetary investment, creativity & other things that don't come cheaply.  I also understand that your TIME is not free--it's the most precious thing any of us has, so the fact that you've chosen to share it with us in this way is much appreciated.  Thank you.  I think it's disturbing and repulsive what card processors and sites like Paypal have tried to do to sex workers in recent years, freezing accounts & banning users when they haven't broken any actual laws.  I'm also aware of the increased tax burden on side hustles and small businesses in the last couple of years because I have a few.  None of this is okay and you should fight it tooth and nail.  

With that said, could you please stop crapping up free porn sites like Pornhub, Xhamster, Redtube & others with your abridged clips instructing viewers to "Check out my ManyVids/OnlyFans/Whateverthefuck Paid Site for the full vid!"  No, I will not.  That's why I clicked on THIS video.  You know it, I know it and the owners of the site the clip is hosted on presumably know it, so why is this being allowed to continue?  It's becoming unbearable, with almost as many of these pointless clips as actual vids in some categories.  That is NOT what these amateur porn sites are intended to be used for and you're dragging down the quality with this self-promotional horseshit.  If you won't voluntarily knock it off then I implore the sites' owners to step up and start banning accounts en masse.  Enough is enough.   👊🏼

See the yellow arrow?  Stop that.

There are other legitimate ways to promote yourself that won't actively drive away potential customers & make what's left of the open web a dystopian hellscape marred by ads, "brands" & paid content.  You can link to your paid site in your free porn site's bio, put a well-placed (but not obtrusive) link IN full-length videos themselves, even link to your paid stuff in comments under OTHER similar vids on the site if people ask for it.  (Which would require you engaging in convo with users of the site to drive up interest).  You can start a (free) blog like this that directs people to the paid content or do the same with a (free) Twitter or Insta account.  Use SEO, get a buzz going about your content on Reddit and other discussion forums.  Explain to potential customers what they're getting but do so in the form of articles and discussions, and then word it so those posts show up in Google's search results.  And don't forget good ol' word of mouth:  if the content is good it'll sell itself.   Save up money and attend the AVN Awards sometime to see how the pros do it.  They know far more tips and tricks than a poseur like me ever could.  

All of those are above-board, white-hat methods of promoting your brand & building a solid foundation for your business.  They require actual work and persistence but they do pay off.   But for fuck's sake, knock it off with the lazy and obnoxious fUlL vId At LiNk! shit.  If you continue going that dishonest, aggressive route, don't cry when one paying subscriber rips and uploads your content for the whole web to view for free on a site like VK or Erome.   You cut corners in your business model and now your customers are doing the same.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  There ARE loyal customers out there to be had, especially in something like porn or sex work.  But people will not be loyal if they feel like you're disrespecting their intelligence.  Just because you're in a grey-market or semi-legal field of work doesn't mean it's okay to slack off or do things in a way that lacks integrity.  Put in the work, build the connections & reap the rewards.  There's no such thing as fast/easy money anyway.  

Note:  The photos I chose for this article were totally random Google Image results.  I have no personal beef with those creators & was simply using those stills for an example of the kind of thing I'm referring to.  Carry on.

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...