Saturday, February 10, 2024

Tranquility Premium OverNight Disposable Absorbent Underwear Review

I totally forgot I requested a sample of these adult diapers recently so when they came in the mail I was both stoked & surprised.  I'm not a DL (diaper lover) and definitely not an AB (adult baby), but after watching some smokin' hot vids with girls wetting their diapers I figured why not give them a try?  Anything that allows me to wet myself with abandon & not have to do laundry is a positive in my book.  Hopefully this company doesn't mind when us "recreational" wetters review their products--sorry in advance if they do!

Tranquility is a family-based Ohio company whose products come with a guarantee that they absorb the stated amount of liquid regardless of how much pressure is applied.  They offer 3 subcategories of product:  Premium, Essential & Specialty.  I requested a 2-pack sample of the OverNight Disposable Absorbent Underwear, as they looked best suited to my needs (they fall under the "Premium" category--the highest performing of the bunch).  They're said to hold 34 oz. of fluid & work well for those who "void multiple times per night".  I definitely pee a LOT when I indulge in this fetish, usually letting little leaks out over the course of an hour or so until whatever protection I'm using is completely soaked through & leaking.  We shall see how well these hold up to my eager bladder.

I tried the 1st pair on a Tuesday night while watching a Patches Place vid I'd downloaded.  (Side note: I love those classic '90s casual wetting flicks and am always looking for more that contain the same style of content, so send 'em my way if you have any suggestions).  I waited until the sun had set to put on these contraptions because it felt so... shameful... to wear a whole-ass diaper for pleasure, but I got over that pretty quick.  Luckily they fit perfectly--I wasn't sure as I have NO IDEA how to do the math to figure out my size.  Here's how it looked:

Already spurting here.

Yeah, not exactly sexy but it gets the job done.  So I started out on the couch, something I'd NEVER do otherwise for fear of getting it wet & smelly.  I must admit, it was nice being able to leak freely without worrying about making a mess.  However it wasn't long until the diaper got weighed down and I moved to my usual spot on the floor on my pee mat.  I continued drinking water, watching vintage pee porn & streaming pee into my increasingly wet diaper, now on a mission to see if I could make it leak.  Of course my horniness increased with each spurt & I ended up emptying my bladder into it all at once so I could masturbate comfortably.

This is when things got interesting.

Unlike panties or other bottoms, the padding of the diaper was extremely hot & wet as it contained all my pee.  This was a unique sensation I was NOT expecting & can't really explain if you've never experienced it.  I damn near came just from rubbing it against myself from the outside.  And it stayed warm for a good 20 minutes after my last stream.  This pushed me over the edge of course--I had a massive orgasm & ended up using the other diaper that same night... something I regretted as I really wished I had saved it to use in bed before falling asleep later.

The verdict:  While I wouldn't wear them in public unless there was a true need (long road trip, NYE in Times Square) I have no qualms about using adult diapers in private & plan to search for more free samples when I have a minute.  This was fun.  🚼

Oh yeah, the diapers never leaked, even though I reused one of them for a second go-round.  So that guarantee is the real deal.  

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...