The following is just a fantasy. I don't even have a stepmom, but if I did this might be a hot thing to have happen. 😗
It's late May & my stepmother & I are on a long road trip across the country, driving from Mississippi to the Northern tip of Utah to meet up with my Dad's peeps for a family reunion. Joy. After spending one night in a roach motel, we're determined to make the rest of the trip from Denver to our destination in a day. We set out before dawn, caffeinated drinks & gas station breakfasts in hand. As per usual I guzzle tons of water to keep headaches at bay and stay hydrated.
My stepmom & I have never really clicked--I don't hate her but our personalities & senses of humor couldn't be more different. She's more of a "meet me at the country club for mimosas at brunch" type whereas I'm a "money's fake & the sun's gonna explode so do whatever tf you want" girl. I'm also not loving this long slog. I know I'll need to use the ladies' room a lot but failure to drink enough water means I'll get a bladder infection so I figure it's the lesser evil here.
I may have figured wrong.
Everything goes fine until about 2:45 p.m. when we enter Wyoming. We've stopped to pee once by now but our loved ones forgot to mention that there's an over 200-mile stretch without ANY rest stops! So of course I said I was "fine" when we passed the last bathroom in CO. I instantly regret my decision. It's not long before my bladder is feeling that familiar burning sensation & I'm doubled over in pee agony.
"Uhhh, what's wrong Floodgaytes? You just said you didn't need the rest stop back there?"
"I didn't. But I had no idea Wyoming was so... desolate. Where are we anyway? How far to the next gas station?" I asked, already in a state of heightened concern for my poor bladder.
"I dunno. I just filled up. That's why I told you to go when you had the chance. The first rule of road trips is, you ALWAYS go when you have the chance! I have to focus on driving in this godforsaken place and not missing any turns or exits, so your bladder is YOUR problem. Sorry!" She wasn't sorry. That was another thing about Stepmommie Dearest: she'd bend over backwards to help a stranger but didn't have a ton of empathy for those closest to her. Her "help" was more about accolades & looking good to others than actually doing good. In this instance though, there really wasn't much she could do.
I looked out the window for any signs of life but there was nothing. Just a rustic wasteland. Nothing but brown hills & sparse green grass for miles. Even the interstate highway signposts were made of wood. Wyoming is probably the ugliest state I've driven through in my life, and my growing need to urinate only made it less attractive. WTH was I gonna do? My eyes scanned the car for things I could pee in if it came to that. Surely it wouldn't come to that?
"Are you playing with yourself? Knock it off! That's disgusting. Nobody wants to see that!" Mother Not Teresa said as I grabbed my crotch from outside my pants, clearly trying to stop the impending flood.
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A scoldin' for a-holdin': the act that drew step-mommy's ire. |
"Uhhh, NO. I'm not 'playing with myself' in front of you MOM. I'm trying to keep from ruining your seat. Why would you say that? You know I'm dying for a pee here! I shot back in a whiny agonized tone.
"Well it looks terrible" she said. "I was taught as a girl never to touch yourself there in front of people no matter what. How does an adult get themselves into something like this anyway? Only children don't know their bladder capacity" she scoffed.
"Thanks. I didn't know there would be no bathrooms for miles and miles is how. And I'm seriously about to soak myself in your seat. Either I hold it in with my hand or you'll be scrubbing my piss off your interior later. Your choice. I'm not cleaning it up."
"Ewww, don't say "Piss!" she scolded, looking over at my crotch with a mix of concern & curiosity.
"Do you have an empty cup... container? ANYTHING I can use? If we can't pull over on a dirt road soon I'm going to wet my pants! I screeched.
"Ohhhh no! You're not pulling your pants down in public & exposing yourself in broad daylight. Not in my car! What if a cop saw you? We could both go to jail. There are no dirt roads so you'll just have to hold it until we can find a suitable--" [she slapped my hand away from my crotch again, which broke the dam & released the 1st spurt into my panties].
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When stepmom broke the seal by slapping away my hand. |
"Great. This is just great. Well I guess you can stop masturbating if you're just going to pee yourself either way? Ugh my seat!" she said with no hint of concern for my dignity. That was it. I could take no more of her condescending put-downs. I was so offended I decided to show her. "Masturbating, hunh? Fine. You wanna see what happens when I take my hand away? Look!" I did and my pants immediately darkened, the muffled hiss audible to both of us as my jeans grew dark and wet. She sat there in stunned silence as I soaked her leather seat with warm pee.
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"Oh, I'm just 'playing with myself?' I'll show you!" |
I shoved my hand back into my crotch to slow the flood but it did nothing, so I pressed my thighs together hard & stiffened my legs out like a board. But this merely formed a valley for the piss to pool in, causing my lap to feel all hot and wet. Now I was getting turned on for real. I propped myself up about 2 inches off my seat with my arms in an attempt to keep my butt dry but the flood just kept coming. It felt so GOOD I unbuttoned my top button quietly & pretended to grab my stomach, making it look like I had a stomach ache or was still trying to stop the flow. Actually I was inching my fingers down toward my clit which was beyond hard & swollen.
"Are you done yet? It's getting on the floor! Can't you stop now that you've gone some?" she pleaded. I squeezed my spasming urethra & crossed my legs but no dice.
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Vain attempt to stop the flow by closing my legs |
"Ugh, no. I can't stop it ma. I'm sorry" I said as I turned away in the most subtle way possible. "I can try to block it with my hand but you don't like when I do that."
"No, I really don't. But I don't want my floors getting ruined either. Shit!" she exclaimed.
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Me, trying to sloooowly turn away to slip my hand in my panties 😅 |
"I'm gonna try my best to stop it. You can do whatever you're comfortable with: look away and focus on the road, whatever. Okay? But I have to try. It's still coming out bad. Give me some privacy please" I pleaded, hand in panties and starting to rub discreetly. GOD I needed to cum. And I had no intention of stopping the piss flow, not that I could've even if I'd wanted to. It was too late anyway--everything was soaked. My pussy was throbbing in the hottest & weirdest way ever.
"Alright I'll try. Wh- now what're you doing?! You're clearly jacking off! Your hand is IN your jeans! This is so inappropriate, Floodgaytes" she said in a whispery voice.
"Then look away. I'm wetting my pants in front of my step mom, not my proudest moment. At least let me have some dignity while I finish."
"Ha, "finish" is right. I'll give you your privacy but this is a problem & you need help. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe you're playing with yourself in my car in broad daylight while I drive down the freeway" she said to herself while looking ahead. "Unbelievable" she said as if she thought this was some diabolical plan all along. Or maybe she wanted me to be touching myself because she was projecting. Perhaps this turned her on? Maybe she wanted me to move my hand so she could get an unobstructed view of my wetting? Who knows what goes through this woman's mind. She stole one more glance before I lost it on her.
"LOOK. AWAY. MOM!" I yelled through clenched teeth as a moan escaped along with more hot pee. I was now rubbing my pussy vigorously, one hand inside the pants and the other trying to plug my hole from outside. She was trying to watch the road and my sideshow at the same time, maintaining an air of disappointment/disgust through her obvious arousal. It was the most confusing showdown of wills imaginable, both of us frustrated and angry but also palpably horny.
"Just go ahead and finish your business FG. My seats were destroyed miles ago. I'll clean it up when we get there." She pretended to look disappointed & uninterested so I'd continue but I muffled myself as it was too awkward orgasming in front of her. I stuck a wet finger deep inside my pussy and gasped sharply, sitting down hard on it in my seat; she shot me a dirty look. I just said "I'm trying, I'm trying. It's still coming out" and she shook her head, turning back to the road & shifting--more like grinding--her ass in her seat with a loud exhale. I came so hard but had to pretend it was just pee relief/embarrassment. Warmth washed over me in what was clearly a peegasm. I felt girlcum pour into my panties after the pee stream had stopped. It could've been multiple squirting orgasms if not for being pent up with the Kathy Bates of omorashi.
We sat in silence for about 80 more miles until we reached a little truck stop with a gift shop, where she ran inside & bought me some new pants & went to the ladies' room, coming out about 10 minutes later in a much lighter mood. I didn't let myself think about what she might've been doing in there. The sun was almost fully set in the sprawling Wyoming sky so I said I'd wait until it was dark and change in the car rather than going inside with soaked pants. She wasn't thrilled but agreed. "You don't mind wearing those cold wet things longer?" she said with surprise. It was the 1st time I heard any concern in her voice at all.
"Nah it's okay. Beats walking in there like this. Sorry I ruined your trip, ma." I said.
"Hey it happens ... I guess. I won't tell. And you didn't ruin my trip. We'll just say we spilled some juice when your dad asks why I'm cleaning. Can I ask you something though?" she said politely.
"Were you touching yourself or really trying not to pee? Because it seemed like--" she trailed off.
I sighed & tried to think of what to say because both were true. "Yes I was touching myself but only to try & keep from wetting your car seat. Have you never been so desperate to pee you had to hold yourself with your hand to stop it from leaking out?"
"I mean... I don't know. Not that I remember. I've never had an accident and never held myself in front of people like that."
I continued: "It's a Catch-22 situation. A rock and a hard place. You know you're going to wet yourself; it's not if but when. Your only choices are to delay it by using your hand (which looks terrible) or rapidly soak everything & humiliate yourself if you don't. Shitty choice. It's kinda instinctual to grab yourself when you're that desperate. I was in physical pain and then, embarrassing as it was, I felt so relieved when I wet. It kinda felt good but I was beyond humiliated."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense" she said, thinking hard. She had to know I was whacking it at the end though.
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Quietly re-wetting myself. She never knew. |
What she didn't know was that I was silently re-wetting my pants as we chatted. The sun was almost gone & she couldn't see with my dark pants anyway. No way was I going into some podunk rest stop bathroom with soaked pants to use a filthy toilet. I turned up the volume on the radio to help drown out the sound of my hissing pee stream which was actually a lot more voluminous than I expected. I crossed my legs and let it trickle out as slowly as possible, hoping my pants would soak up the excess but was kinda worried about it splashing onto the floor. Thankfully it didn't since the stream was weaker. The relief was amazing and I was once again horny.
"I guess there was this ONE time" she said out of the blue.
"Hunh? One time what?"
"I guess I was in about the 8th grade. I was horseback riding with a friend. Well, not a friend so much as a classmate who was kind of a bully with a love of horses that we bonded over. Yeah, 8th grade. We went out too far in the woods by ourselves & I got in a predicament like yours. I've never been that desperate in my LIFE even to this day!" she said, clearly reliving the trauma of the incident.
"Oh yeah? What'd you do?" I inquired, genuinely curious how this uppity woman would handle such an uncouth situation.
"Held it and held it some more until it hurt to breathe. And then I told her I needed a bathroom ASAP, but it was kinda already too late. I could feel some... you know, dampness down there and. Yeah. She asked if I needed to go #2 and I said no, just pee, and she said 'Well so what ya big baby? Just pee then!' I assumed she meant to pull my pants down and squat by a tree so I started unbuckling my belt, but she stopped me and said "No, no, like THIS" and just... showed me what she meant. In her pants. I was shocked and disgusted, it made no sense why she'd do that when there was no need. But she said lots of girls peed themselves while riding!
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Stepmom recounts wetting incident in her youth |
"Well I obviously did not believe her. I thought she was setting me up to be the school laughing stock but... if she was willing to do it too at least I could throw her under the bus if she tried to tell anyone." I nodded & chuckled. "So after watching her finish, I just... went for it. Super embarrassing but I couldn't wait a second longer; I felt so dirty afterward. I wanted to crawl in a hole & die. I could've pulled my pants down but guess I got caught up in the moment, peer pressure, who knows. On the way home I made her stop & wade in a creek with me so I didn't have to go home with stained pants. Later I started noticing that a few other girls DID have wet spots during competitions. Completely shocking. So that's my big story. Don't tell anyone" she pleaded.
"Oh I would never. Your secret's safe with me. At least you were outdoors and didn't wreck anyone's car interior" I reasoned. She reached out & grabbed my wrist, giving it a reassuring shake as if to say it was okay. Somehow we actually seemed closer after that nightmare trip.
When we arrived at the cabin that night, she stayed behind and cleaned up my mess while I sprinted inside and changed before anyone could interrogate me about the still-dripping jeans. While in the bathtub I masturbated and came hard twice, then retired straight to bed. Later that night I heard my stepmom and dad going at it loudly which was not like them. Had to wonder if she disclosed any of what happened that day or maybe relived her own wetting incident from her horseback riding days. I still don't know why she insisted I was masturbating--maybe it was a premonition. If so she should open a psychic hotline because she saw that one cumming.
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