For all the newbies who take HD streaming video for granted & can get their highly specific fetish porn on demand from 50 different sites at once, let me take you on a trip through the not-so-distant but VERY different past to a time when watching porn online looked very different, and not just because it was a blurry low-def mess. I recently found some ancient wetting vids that sent me on a strange journey through the past, activating long-lost memories of scenes from when I was a horny teen living with my parents.
In these days (well, nights) you'd search for porn on P2P (peer-to-peer) sites, download a file with the relevant name (usually something like: t.bob.spantywettingbritishbabestrafalgarsquare.@BREAKBEaTs1.flv and HOPE it wasn't CSAM or some guy getting beheaded. 😬 You'd watch it over and over to burn it into your brain, delete it, nuke your browser history and then hope the family PC still functioned the following morning when mom got up. Because these porn downloads often came complete with viruses and all kinds of "-ware" you didn't want.
Bad times.
This is because there was no 'streaming' video or Youtube yet. Only Kazaa, Limewire, Frostwire, Napster & the like. No smartphones, & laptops were a rarity--just clunky old desktops in hideous computer entertainment center things that everyone in the family took turns sharing. Only when nobody was using the phone, that is. You see this internet was the dial-up variety & couldn't work at the same time as landline phones, so... yeah, exhausting. We've truly come a long way in a few short years.
But there were clear benefits to all this inconvenience: kids didn't have unrestricted 24-hour access to the internet or all the dangerous things that come with it, a practice I find absurd bordering on negligent. No Pornhub, no, no Instagram, no TikTok. Just miles and miles of tripod, geocities and angelfire pages and this thing called Myspace. The internet was still wild and free, and the porn was GOOD. Like really good. It had to be in order to be worth the download risk. (It also took forever for these files to finish downloading most of the time which sucked).
But back to vintage piss porn. Some of my earliest downloads and views were from the "T-Bob's Pantie Wetting" series along with Patches Place, True Desperation & British Extreme pee series. Wetting Her Panties vids were good too in the early aughts--like a British Patches Place with all-female housemates engaging in casual and erotic wetting. That's about it for professionally produced pee porn to this day even. When streaming porn came into existence, it was hosted on sites like, Vporn, and Xtube, the latter of which you've already heard me gush about plenty. None of these charged a dime or had "private" or premium content walls which is probably why they got bought out by bigger companies or had to give up the ghost.
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