Thursday, February 13, 2025

Writing Prompt: "The Cuddle Puddle"

Happy Valentine's / Galentine's Day, Pee Pals!   💌  Just thought I'd switch it up & do a little something different for the occasion.  Use this writing prompt as an interlude to sexytime or an actual creative writing prompt... however you like.  Hope to do more of these in the future - this was fun! 
Enjoy your day. 


New couple is cuddling in the king-size bed in their rental cabin in Bear Creek, CA.  It's early morning, January, & below freezing outside.  The heating system works fine but the hardwood floors are icy and neither partner wants to get up, yet female partner has to pee, and the freezing temps aren't helping.  She breaks away and rolls to the edge of bed in an attempt to head for the bathroom, but her partner grabs her arm, slooowly pulling her back.  Neither one knows fully about the other's piss kink yet, though both are starting to suspect... 


Oh my goodness babe, I have to pee soooo bad!  Be right back.  

Wait, don't go.  Isn't it more comfy in this bed with me?  What if you just... DIDN'T?  Think about it:  If the floor is this frosty, the toilet seat must feel like Mrs. Clause's tit in a brass bra on a polar Christmas Eve.  [She forces a giggle]  You'll freeze your little butt cheeks off!  Wouldn't you rather just keep cuddling with meeee?  🥹

Yes, but nature calls!  Like right now.  Ring ring, motherfucker!

I know that, silly.  But it's your birthday weekend.  Maybe just this once you could put Mother Nature on hold & let me take care of you.  Pamper you a little?  

That's very sweet babe, but what are you suggesting I do about my bladder?

What do you think I'm suggesting?  

I don't know, it's kinda hard to think when your brain is suspended in pee!  The only thing I know for sure is that I'm about to bust in 2 seconds if I don't get my ass on the toilet! 

Well?  {Shrugs}  I'm willing to take that chance if you are.  I mean did you really come all the way to this secluded cabin in the woods just to worry about appearances?  Please don't leave me alone in this big bed.  I'm scared.  Of monsters.  You think I'm joking but I'm serious.

[Pushing against him hard to break free]  Babe I'M serious!  I'm gonna wet my pants and ruin this expensive bed, please stop playing around...[He pulls her back into bed one more time; she gasps & loses control}  Oh!  Oh my god!  {Dark spot rapidly forms on crotch of her light blue pajama pants}

She freezes in place, and not due to the cold.

Shhhh, come here.  {He puts a hand between her legs and rubs gently as she finishes wetting herself with her face hidden in shame.  She's mortified this is happening in front of her new beau, but he couldn't be happier, and honestly it feels so good she can't stay in 'shame' mode long}  

{Covering her eyes in humiliation}  I can't believe you made me do that...  God, I could DIE.  Babe what the hell?!  I just fucking pissed the bed!  I haven't wet myself since I was 5.

Shhh!  C'mere, let me see.  Would it make you feel better if I did it too?

I don't... Maybe?!  Not like I could feel any worse!  I mean you might as well.  {Laughs}  The sheets are done for anyway.  Oh god!  If our parents could see us now...  {She snuggles in close to his chest, watching with a surprising amount of anticipation for the wetness to come.    

It doesn't take long - he gets a distant, faraway look in his eyes followed by silence and a faint hissing which can be heard under the covers.  She lifts them to see his lap rapidly filling with urine.

Ohh yeah, that's the stuff.  So so good. 

Dang, you really had to go!  It does feel kinda nice, doesn't it?  Like a warm wet hug.  You better not DREAM of telling a soul I just said that!  {Smiling}

 See? The world didn't stop because we wet ourselves.  Now come here and give me a kiss.  

The young piss-soaked couple kiss and hold each other in their 'cuddle puddle' before falling back asleep in each other's arms until sometime around noon. 

。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。 。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・ ・゚゚・。

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...