Repeat after me: "Everything gets better as the pants get wetter." Good. That's the general consensus among Omorashi lovers, anyway. Got a chore you've been putting off? Why not hold your urine and let a little bit leak out every time you accomplish part of the chore? Homework? Errand? Annoying favor you promised someone but now would rather cut off your right arm than do? Slap on some stealthy dark polyester pants and let the Omolympics begin. There's no law against doing mundane tasks with a wet ass--in fact, it's something I do regularly, at least around the house. By the time you finish you'll be so turned on and so desperate to empty the rest of your bladder you won't even remember what you were fretting about. It'll probably even encourage you to get it done quicker.
But you gotta set some ground rules to prevent it from descending into chaos or a big distraction. This isn't a rapid desperation situation where you intentionally guzzle tons of water, hold it as long as possible and then have a huge wetting. No. Your need must build gradually & not be so overwhelming or distracting you can't focus on the task at hand. And you can't just have a whole-ass flood in your pants at once, at least not until the task is through. Ideally, you'll be letting little spurts go along the way as needed to relieve yourself and reward yourself for completing major parts of the task.
However, not everyone can control their stream like that so spurting may not be an option for you, in which case you can just do a slow desperation thing with no spurting. However you ultimately do it, the goal is to finish the dreaded task BEFORE fully wetting yourself, masturbating and/or turning your attention fully to the fun parts, using the promise of wetting as the carrot. Or the stick. I forget which part of the analogy it would be. At any rate, you get my point. If it means letting a little go in the toilet or even starting over completely to avoid severe distracting desperation, so be it. You can always refill your bladder later when it's time for fun. After all, you don't wanna hurt yourself by getting TOO full for too long...
And no need to guzzle insane amounts of liquid or diuretics here--this isn't the actual Omolympics. Just be full enough to be comfortably desperate... aware of your need to pee but not completely distracted by it or in pain. Then, as you check things off your To Do list, let little spurts go in your pants as a sort of quiet "thank you" to yourself for a job well-done. Just like Pavlov's dogs, except the bells and treats are pee spurts. If you wanna up the ante, wear faded denim or another light color/non-stealthy fabric like cotton. But truly, this type of wetting works best if it's low-key & gradual. Your goal isn't to draw attention to yourself or get super nervous/aroused, but to encourage completion of the task so you can fully enjoy yourself as soon as possible afterward.
If the task is something bigger that takes a lot longer--like weeks or months to accomplish--consider setting aside some extra $$$ and rewarding yourself with an Omorashi-themed gift or daytrip when it's 100% complete. Maybe some plastic pants, a new buzzy sex toy, eBook, bedwetting hypno-tape, queening chair/toilet (see photo above), urology "supplies" or an Omo-themed road trip with your sweetheart. Whatever your heart desires. After all, you've earned it!
Gotta take your kicks where you can get 'em, pee-ple. Until the day we have Omo-themed amusement parks, water parks & other kinky getaways, we'll have to get creative & fashion our own out of whatever our little hearts and bladders can come up with. 💦
Do you find letting little spurts go conditions your mind to let little bits out whenever you need to pee? If I do this often enough at home, when I'm in public and I need to pee I can feel my pee hole relax before I have to consciously stop myself from spurting.
ReplyDeleteI suppose if I did it CONSTANTLY in diapers or something I could get to that point, but I'm still too self-conscious in public to relax that much. Now at home it's a different story... I've gotten to where I leak often when just doing routine chores and stuff. Not that I mind. 😏 But it would suck to have that happen in public!