Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Standing To Pee at the Toilet

Just for the hell of it, I tried pissing in the toilet standing up the other day.  Can honestly say I didn't get a single drop on the floor or the toilet seat!  It was actually much easier than expected:  I just took off my pants, left the lid down because what the hell, spread my legs, pulled my vulva up a bit and went for it.  Didn't even need to really "spread" myself or anything.  It's kinda comical that a piss lover like me has gone all my life without trying to pee standing up, but now I can say I've tried it.  Pee bucket list item:  ✔ off.

Shewee sans funnel

Monday, December 30, 2024

Just Wet Every Pair of Bottoms in My Omo Drawer


What a way to say goodbye to 2024!  I had plans tonight but they were cancelled and I was able to vent my horniness at home alone, and boy did I go overboard.  I filled my entire bathroom sink, washer/dryer and living room floor with pissy pants and towels that I soaked all in one evening.  This is an all-time personal piss record & I'm not entirely sure what to attribute it to.  My horniness, that is.  I just can't seem to stop peeing my pants and jacking off (often at the same time).  While thousands of revelers are crowded into Times Square and other busy downtown centres for New Year's Eve wearing diapers for practical reasons, I'll be nuzzled safe in my house ringing in the new year with wet pants for entirely different reasons.  

My plans for NYE include, you guessed it:  staying in where it's warm and getting seriously wet by my lonesome.  Looking forward to hearing all your stories of public (and private) pee revelry in the new year!

P.S. - I tried to upload several of my short vids to ThisVid and Pornhub but the former doesn't seem to be working and the latter requires you to join some bogus paid program just to share photos, videos or even post a profile pic!  NO THANKS.  You can thank these wack ass pay-to-play porno sites for the lack of decent content in recent years, as they make it entirely too cumbersome for the average non-thirsty low key amateur creator to bother with.  

Friday, December 27, 2024

Amateur Omorashi Legends: Peepeedee


Xtube refugees will remember this fan favorite.  Peepeedee was like a British Wetlinda:  a middle-aged woman who genuinely loved wetting herself and made sure to include plenty of desperation in her vids.  And vocalization.  That was key.  I recently found a stash of her vids on Thisvid and they've certainly been making me nostalgic for the days when Omo creators did it for the love and not the moolah or follows. 

The glorious moment when she lost control.

It's not known what happened to Peepeedee.  After the downfall of Xtube and Wetpantsboy.com, she like many other 2nd-generation* pee content creators disappeared into the ether.  Maybe she got into a relationship or retired from content creation for other reasons.  Wherever you're at Peepeedee, we love and miss your genuine content and hope you're enjoying a wet and wonderful life.

*I classify Omo creators into the following categories:  

1st generation:  Print models from magazines like Wetset and early video stars from Patches Place, WettingHerPanties and other '90s video production companies (Skymouse, Cascade Magazine, etc).  Usenet groups & mail order pee content that existed pre-internet also fall into this category.

2nd generation:  Early 2000's through about 2015 stars on sites like Xtube.com, Wetpantsboy.com, Sprinkles Gold & Thomas' Water Resources Page.  I consider this the "Golden Era" because it was all free online amateur content but not yet made for the purpose of making money or gaining a fan following so it tended to only feature true Omorashi lovers.

3rd generation:  Current sites and content like Pisshamster, Omorashi.org, all the reddit pee subs, Peefans.com, X.com & blogs like mine.  

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Adult Incontinence Briefs (Wellness Brand) Review


I got "medium" in blue.  $1.99 including S&H.

After my 1,000,000,000th load of laundry, I decided it was time to try out some more diapers recently.  Thus far in my Omo journey I've tested samples of Tranquility and Seni diapers with varying levels of success.  I've never been a DL and certainly not an "AB", but I must admit I love the way a recently wet diaper feels on my skin.  Not to mention how they save on laundry detergent.  The problem being that free adult diaper samples are nearly impossible to find all of a sudden, with every manufacturer wanting around $10 for shipping.  Ehh, no thanks.  I can buy several meals with that $$$.   

After a night of searching I came upon Wellness Briefs, which only cost $1.99 for a sample.  I can afford that!  My sample arrived in a very timely manner--roughly a week and a half after ordering.  One minor issue:  the outer package wasn't so discreet, containing the words "wellnessbriefs" in small writing near the top.  Ugh.

Not exactly stealthy.  Yikes.

Luckily for me I live alone but what a humiliating debacle that would've been if they'd been sent to my parents' address or any of my past addresses with roommates.  Just a heads-up guys, not everyone who wears adult diapers wants the people in their lives to know it.  Strike one.

About the product itself:  these "briefs" are color coded - Medium = Blue; Large = Green; Extra Large = Purple.  I say "briefs" because these are nothing of the sort: they're literal tab diapers like the kind babies and children wear.  Nothing wrong with that, but the name is quite deceptive as is the photo on their website (see first pic at the top of this page).  They look more like Pull-Up style briefs in the pic, and the word "briefs" gives that impression IMHO.  Strike two.

The diapers are latex-free, unscented & made for bedridden people with heavy incontinence.  They claim to absorb up to 2.6 liters of liquid and use NASA technology, which they advertise prominently on their website.  They also advertise 8 hours of dry protection which was just not the case for me but we'll get to that in a minute.  They do keep clothes and furniture dry which is the most important thing.

Uses Max Absorbency Garments principles developed by NASA

In the past, my samples came with 2 of the same item or 1 of the chosen product and 1 similar item.  Not the case here:  I only received 1 diaper, though I did get a free ink pen which is... something.  Considering this was technically not a "free" sample I was hoping to get 2 diapers but whatever.  Again, beggars can't be choosers so I'm grateful for the opportunity to buy and try the product by the single unit.


Amazon ratings were mostly positive, with 55% being 5-star; 12% being 4-star; 9% being 3-star; 3% at 2 stars and 21% at a paltry 1 star.  Reviews range from "Great adult diaper! Get some!" to "Tiny pinholes all over diaper.  Defective".  I suppose it depends what you're using them for, but I'll just be pleasure-peeing them in my apartment alone, so if they leak it's not the end of the world.  The website warns about "pinhole leaks," stating that these diapers are only for bedridden patients and that anyone wanting to avoid pinhole leaks should choose another product.  I find that odd, because when tf are holes of ANY kind (aside from legholes) acceptable or desirable in a diaper? 

Hideous, but we're not going for beauty here.

Having dealt with these awkward tab diapers before, I took more care putting it on than I did with the Seni brand one but it still just wasn't what I'd hoped for.  I've officially concluded that what I'm looking for are the ones you step into, not the kind that need fastening like this.  Still, it held a decent amount of urine--I even used it twice.  No leaks despite the somewhat loose fit.  Seeing as how these are intended for overnight use, I can understand why people who tried using them for normal daytime activity had a bad time.  They're saggy before a drop of urine is released into them and are anything BUT discreet, and apparently some are full of tiny pinholes(!).  Hence why it's important to read the product description before purchasing adult protection products.  They're definitely not interchangeable.  

Also, regarding the "8 hours of dryness," that just isn't true.  My diaper was drenched after the first pee in a way that made it feel mushy and, well, wet on my skin.  If you need something that won't cause chafing or diaper rash, look elsewhere.  But if you just need a diaper to protect your bedding overnight, this is a decent option.  I got two heavy uses out of it without leaks while lying down, and then got up and walked around in it.  Just make sure you get the right size and only use them for sleeping.

After my 2nd & final wetting

If I had to rate Wellness Adult Incontinence Briefs, I'd give them a 3.5 of 5 stars.  I can't quite bring myself to deliver that Strike three because despite my gripes, they did what diapers are supposed to do which is keep my clothes and surroundings dry.  The name and photos online are somewhat deceptive, and NO diaper should have pinholes (okay, they get half a strike for those 2 things).  And despite their clunky, totally NOT discreet fit, they didn't leak even after using them for 2 separate bladders' worth of urine.  They'd be great for people with severe night time incontinence who don't mind a diaper that isn't discreet & doesn't hide well under clothes.  

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Unpotty Training Advice, Pt. 2 (Slideshow)

For my pee-ps who want to turn #NoToiletTuesday into a permanent fixture, I found this interesting & highly-detailed "Unpotty Training" video guide on SlidePlayer that's pee-specific.  It was created by user Alexina Alexander and is free to watch/download.  

(Sample screenshots)

Title card

Personal advice from people who've completed the program

Overcoming anxiety in public.

This incredibly detailed 75-point (!) slideshow/video covers EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about becoming diaper dependent for urine and/or wearing diapers full-time (what we refer to as "unpotty training").  I posted a much less detailed guide a couple months back, but this one definitely covers ALL the bases!  No cost to you, just click the link above to watch.  

This is a common question on the interwebz, often among people who've never even peed themselves a single time in diapers or clothes.  As you'll see, true unpotty training is a far more involved process than merely learning how to let go and pee your pants, and it requires quite a bit of a financial investment as well as a great emotional, social & physical commitment.  It's a whole lifestyle.  If you're cool with that, let 'er rip & let the good times flow!  đŸ’Ļ

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Quickie Porn Review: Soaked 2

How it started...

How it's going.

Screenshots from "ãŗしょãŗしょīŧ’" 

She breaks out a toy at the end.  Note totally drenched panties.

(click pics to make large)

There really isn't a "plot" to speak of in this amazingly hot porno:  an Asian woman whose face we never see just progressively wets her dark blue panties while lightly teasing her pussy through them.  Her legs are spread and high in the air like a frog lying on its back, which is incredibly hot.  The panties start out with a tiny wet spot in the middle & just get wetter as the vid goes on.  That's really all I can say about it.  Unlike some other vids in this genre, the star doesn't make a bunch of loud whiny fake crying sounds, which I appreciated.

The vid is on VK.com, which means I can't repost it here for fear of getting a fuckin' censorship takedown notice, but you should definitely create an account there & search for it because WOWZER.  This is the full version according to the person who posted it.  Does not disappoint. đŸ‘ŒđŸŧ

Monday, December 9, 2024

How To Keep Your Living Space Smelling Fresh When You Pee Everywhere


Bet she's fun at parties.   

The above exchange was on a random bed wetting thread.  I wasn't even the original poster (who was asking how they can start involuntarily wetting the bed) yet this classy lady took it upon herself to single me out & berate me for... some reason.  Who knows.  Granted, if I were to just pee straight into my unprotected mattress & all over my bedspread, that'd be pretty foul.  But I never claimed to do that, always specifying the items I use for cleanliness, convenience & stealth on every post as that's kinda important to answering these "how can I wet myself/my bed?" questions.  If we pants-pissers just went around ruining all our flooring, furniture & clothes we'd pretty soon be without any & would get caught/called out by either our parents, roommates or landlord in short order so that's not even realistic.

Reading is fundamental, lady.   đŸ™„

 đŸŽĩ  Pee is natural pee is good!  đŸŽĩ

This rando's rudeness does bring up a good opportunity to discuss hygiene and the cleanliness aspect of this fetish.  It's certainly not one of the sexiest elements, but it's well worth it to be able to indulge in my fetish often and keep my belongings & dwelling smelling fresh--both of which are important to me.  While urine is not a disease vector, nobody can argue that it smells great, especially after setting in for a while.  The singular and instantly-recognizable stench is probably the biggest downside of Omorashi or pee fetishes in general, which is not so bad when you consider some of the things people get up to for kicks. 

But still, that's not to downplay it.  I've smelt houses and apartments soaked with cat or human urine and lemme tell ya, it's overpowering and repugnant.  It can sting the sinuses, make the eyes water & turn the stomach in ways few other scents can, instantly making you wonder what the hell is wrong with the homeowner's sense of smell to let things get so dire.  (More understandable if it's due to age or a disability but still unbearable).  Many people THINK their place smells great when it actually reeks of pee, which is something I'm overly cautious about.  As long as I'm awake, I always have candles, incense and/or wax melts burning.

But human urine is not a smell you can cover up with other prettier smells, so it's vital to wash items containing it ASAP & thoroughly.  Read that first part again.  This isn't something you can Febreze or put a Glade Plug-In over and hope it goes away.  It won't--it'll just reek of urine + Meadow Flowers or whatever uncreative migraine-inducing smell you spray on it.  Here are some of my basic tips and tricks for getting tough pee smells out:

Good general tips from The Spruce.

- If you can't pop a pee-soaked item in the wash within 8 hours of soiling it, toss it in the sink or tub and run warm/hot water through it to help remove excess urine.  Wring it out & launder at your earliest convenience. 

- When laundering my towels, incontinence mat & my crappiest wetting clothes, I use a round of white vinegar for 30 minutes before doing a 30-minute round with regular detergent.  (I reserve vinegar for my lower quality items because it tends to be a bit rougher on them, not really bleaching them but causing more wrinkles & peeling of decals/labels).  I find that white vinegar neutralizes urine smell better than any detergent.

- On that note, no need for fancy expensive detergent--I use the cheapest Ajax brand.  My washer/dryer is literally a 2-in-1 machine that does both, which I'm sure has benefits and drawbacks of its own compared to a regular separate washer and dryer unit.  After 60 minutes of washing I set the dryer to 2:50 (which actually takes much longer than 2 hours 50 minutes) and that's one load done. 

- I drain and clean out my washer/dryer unit frequently to keep it running properly.  It has a "TCL" message that pops up when it needs to be cleaned so that lets me know when it's time.

- To reduce laundry loads, I sometimes wet in a place that requires little to no cleanup such as over the toilet, in the sink or in the bath tub which eliminates the need to clean up any the towels, mats & blankets.  Only going in your panties/underwear sans the extra pants reduces laundry loads further.  It all depends on my mood.

- There are some items you just shouldn't pee on or near, as they're too hard to thoroughly launder.  These include cloth car seats/interiors, furniture that doesn't fit in the washer/dryer, carpet of any color & an unprotected mattress.  I also have special ugly clothes I set aside JUST for pee play (bright cotton shorts, patterned tights, ill-fitting pajama pants with holes).  This ensures that I don't risk ruining my more expensive/quality clothes with either my urine or the harsher cleaning items (vinegar) that I use to wash them.

- During the daytime when company might drop by, I always keep my Omo supplies put neatly away out of view, and if by chance it's NOT out of view I simply do not answer the door.  Basically, you'd never know I was into this unless I told you.  I've had friends and family--some of whom are VERY blunt and brutally honest--come by and visit unannounced and none has ever said a word about any untoward smells (except in the hallway where the smell of marijuana is overpowering).


I take great care to make sure my belongings & living space are pee-free.  And for those judgmental people who want to cast stones:  I do not plan to live this way forever.  It's literally a period in my life in which I'm single & can do whatever I please, often longing for a partner but not having one and settling instead for solo fetish play.  It's something I've dreamt of doing my whole life and is definitely exciting, but it wouldn't be practical with most partners in a vanilla relationship or if I should (God forbid) move back in with randos or family at some point. 

So I say fuck it, I'm living it up now while I can--while I live alone and have wood floors and a washer/dryer IN my apartment.  The conditions are so perfect and likely will never be again, and I really don't owe anyone an explanation for what I do in private in my own home for which I pay rent.  I know what it looks and smells like when I walk in from a long day outside or a weekend away, and as someone with keenly acute senses (all 5, unfortunately), if there was a hint of pee smell I'd notice it.  Stranger smells emanate from the air conditioning vents on any given day.  It's an old apartment building with a history of tenants cooking meth, what can I say?

TLDR: as someone with no kids, no pets, no (other) messy hobbies and a pretty significant dislike of germs, I'm confident in the cleanliness of my living space.  I have no kids waking me up at night vomiting on the floor or shitting everywhere, no animals dragging their musty butts across the carpet or sitting their poopy anuses where I eat or sleep.  I take my shoes off at the door & require my guests do the same.  Wanna test our home surfaces to see whose is cleaner?  Didn't think so.  🙎đŸģ‍♀

Got any killer urine cleaning tips to share?  Ever had someone comment on the "pee smell" in your home?  

Friday, December 6, 2024

Permission to Wet Yourself

This seems to be a common fantasy among Omo lovers:  being desperate and having a parent or other authority figure tell them it's okay to wet their pants just this once.  Parental attitudes toward accidents range from "We were told not to hold it & risk an infection--wetting was no big deal" to "we were beaten for accidents as young as 4 years old." đŸ˜ž  So some people have actual stories of getting permission while others just long for that kind of lenience/understanding.  I imagine this is where a lot of "control my bladder" fetishes spring from: that dance between being made to hold it and being granted permission to wet is where the hotness lies for many of us.

My mom gave mixed messages:  while we were told outright to pee our swimsuits/in the pool because "everybody does it," she'd flip out if I wet myself on dry land.  Never mind that I'd seen her do it a couple times deliberately before.  I find the idea of having someone tell me it's okay to pee my pants very hot.  The thought that some people just have a laid back attitude about this subject and would rather pee themselves than face discomfort or freak out about it is very attractive to me.  Examples:  

Traffic jam:  "Traffic is a killer today!  Try to hold on a little longer Hon, there's a rest stop up ahead.  If you can't that's okay.  These seats are overdue for a cleaning anyway."

Busy downtown event:   "You can't pull your pants down here, you'll be arrested!  Just keep walking and whatever happens, happens.  Better out than in, right?"

Road trip:   "Look around, there's nowhere to pull over for miles.  Here... here's a plastic grocery bag.  If you get too desperate I guess you can use it.  Just don't ruin my seats!"

At school:  "Aww don't cry.  It happens to the best of us.  You really had to go!   Bet that feels better though, hunh?"

Ultrasound appointment:  "The doctor will be in shortly.  I know you've been waiting forever.  Sorry about that.  Just do your best to hang on but if you can't, just know you won't be the first or last."

And real-world examples:

Wet himself for a full minute on long car ride w/ mom's blessing.

Substitute teacher grants permission during lockdown.

Best friend told her to pee rainpants (like he did last week).

Just use your pants; mom's tired.

The thought of a medical wetting on the ultrasound table is very hot to me.  I'd have a freak-out IRL but the thought is đŸ”Ĩ.  Any medical setting, from gyno appointments to ultrasound tech to an actual mental health therapist giving me permission would be a dream.  Maybe while hypnotized or something.   đŸ§‘‍⚕

Being told "it's no big deal" if I wet myself in a car would also be super hot as it tends to be a VERY big deal in terms of cleanup.  To just sit in the backseat by myself, relaxed with legs apart & let go slowly as the puddle grows under my rear-end would be orgasmic.  OR perhaps squatted in the floor to avoid ruining the seats?    🚗

As the first photo here shows, maybe the best permission of all is the kind we grant ourselves as consenting adults when we decide, "Ya know what?  Everybody pees.  There aren't enough public bathrooms as it is; if I have an accident that's OKAY.  I'll do my best to hold on, but I give myself permission to wet my pants without guilt or shame if it comes to that."  It does seem rather silly when you think it:  a  society full of adults running around trying to beat the clock and their bladder, scrambling to make it to a handful of public loos while not getting yelled at by the boss.  👏đŸŧ

Here are a few more real-world examples from around the web:

"Walking back from town with my mum and I'd told her I needed a wee, I think I was about 5. She asked me to try and hold it till we got home. Bear in mind I was notorious for weeing myself most of the time. I wasn't bothered about weeing myself and if I ever did it while playing I'd just carry on. Anyways …. So walking back I got more desperate and started to dribble leaving the usual wet patch on my trousers, I told mum it was coming out.

She looked at my trousers and told me to stop walking while she knelt down and held my hands telling that it ok to wee myself “just this once” before I knew it I was weeing all down my legs.

Another time when I was 8 in school. Well, on an outing. We were on the coach to the .. where ever we were going.. and hit heavy traffic but were still moving. I told the teachers I needed to pee so he told the driver to try and pull over when he could. Before I knew I was proper squirming and holding myself and again started to wee a bit. My friend told the teacher who saw I was a bit wet and just looked at me, smiled and said it's OK, you have spares in your bag and actually told me to wee myself and he would change me. So I let my hands go and completely soaked myself and the seat. Now by this point I was weeing myself on purpose a lot. But this particular time I didnt want to. I do remember however that I only used the toilet twice that day and just wee'd myself the rest."


"Not my parents, but as a teen I used to go to stay with my aunt for a few days each summer. She was over 60, a widow and a very cool woman. I once told her as we were sitting at the balcony that I have to pee (well she would give me her lemonade all the time and it was so good!) but I wish I could just go in my pants. She laughed and said, well, why can’t you? I was very embarrassed but I did it! Then she said you see? Just do it. The next time I came for a visit she said she prepared something special for me on my bed. It was a rubber sheet on the bed. I blushed and asked her if it means I should wet the bed. She said only if you like to. Of course I did"


"I remember one time going on holiday on a long car ride with my mom and a friend of hers on our way to france, where we would spend 3 weeks in a rented apartement near the beach. After some time we got stuck in traffic, and after a few minutes i felt myself needing to pee. I think i was about 13 years old at that time.

I told my mom, but there was no way for her to provide me with a fast solution to my problem, as we were stuck in traffic in a big city and on a 4-lane highway, getting out to pee would have been to dangerous, according to my mom. Minute by minute, my urge became stronger and stronger. It was getting painful to hold it in, and after a short while, i started crying because of the pain and the embarrasment of the situation. Seeing my tears, my mom just told me to not torture myself any longer and to just go in my pants.

At first i was uncertain, cause despite the pain, i was certain to be able to hold it for at least 30min more, by then we would maybe have reached a gas station with toilets. But after a few more moments, i decided to not care about my pride anymore, and stopped resisting the urge to go to the toilet. I felt my crotch starting to get warm and wet as i started to pee in my pants. Still sitting motionlessly in my carseat, i let go of even the last bit of resistance and completely soaked my clothes with pee.

About 15 minutes later, we came by a gas station, where my mom changed my wet clothes."


"Yes so one time my dad, me and my brother were going to the airport to drop my mom off on the was there I had to pee but I thought I could hold it and besides there was Nowhere to go so I held it. then after we drop her off we were going back then I got more desperate and more desperate at point I was holding my bladder trying not to pee but I couldn't hold it any longer and I started to go my brother was shocked since we didn't bring anything that I could change into I had to stay wet pants."


"My mom allowed me to pee my pants when ever I want so to me it's just a relaxing feeling."


"My mother had terminal kidney disease due to a genetic issue, so my whole life, I was always reminded to just wet myself in case of emergency and I’d never be in trouble for making that choice. I was never so bold to simply let it rip in front of my parents. There were times I did that while playing outside, but I still tried to be sneaky about it so they wouldn’t easily know what I did."


"I was 12 and was told to wet myself by a bus driver going home from school.

We were about half way, and only about 20 kids left on the bus, I told my friend I needed a wee who went and told the driver, the driver shouted at home for standing up but my friend told him it was and emergency and he should stop. The driver just shouted at him again so he came back and said sorry mate he won't listen. I saw the driver look at me in his mirror and I mouthed “please” at him as I sat there squirming and holding myself feeling that I was about to burst and already had some leakage. The driver just looked and said quite loud “just piss yourself, I dont care.” I really didn't want to, it was winter and I had a 10 minute walk once off the bus. It was freezing and I didn't want wet trousers.

When we got to my stop I'd been dribbling quite a bit and had a noticeable wet patch on my trousers, front and back, me and friend walked to get off and the got up and shouted at us for being disruptive and disrespectful. I tried to sneak past but he moved again and asked us our names, so he could report us. I was pinching my end so hard I was seeing stars. Slowly leaking the entire time. The driver just looked at me and repeated “Just piss yourself, you already are" at the same as I lost and felt my trousers getting wetter and wetter. So, although I tried not to I stood there and peed all down legs into my shoes leaving a massive puddle on the bus. So effectively, the bus driver told me to wee myself."


One day I was in tax authority to fix some problem. At that time it was time without internett so I could not reserve time only for me. Today it is possible so there are no queues there. One mamma waited as me a long time there and her son started to bother her with his pee need. They were almost on his turn so she did not miss a place in the queue. She told him first- hold it it does not take so long time now. But after some bothering- ok, if you cannot hold it, do it in your pants. We can change them at home.


I was giving permission once, I was around 22/23, as I broke my arm and as my pants were tight I couldn’t get them down without help so as I was alone I called my mom to tell her my problem and she understood but told me to just pee my pants. I did. 


Two days ago, I spent all day at a rec center with my boyfriend and my little brother and sister. We were mostly swimming. Since my mom works nearby, we rode home with her. Soon after leaving, we stopped at a McDonald's for dinner. Not my favorite, but I was really thirsty after being active all day. I drank at least three or four medium cups full of water and various beverages. 

About ten minutes after leaving, still close to an hour from home, I whispered to my boyfriend that I should have gone to the bathroom before we left, and he said that he should have as well. It seemed as if all of the liquid had hit my bladder at once. I wiggled and whined to him in the backseat of my mom's minivan every few minutes. I have confided in him that I do have some issues with my bladder, but I had never had an accident in front of him, aside from when I was sleeping. 

Eventually, perhaps twenty minutes later, I told him I didn't think I could hold it much longer. I was fidgeting constantly and holding back tears. He could tell obviously that I was in pain. He told me "It won't feel good when you do it, but you will feel better on the ride home if you just go. You can just change when you get home." I was relieved to hear him say something so comforting and cavalier about the situation. 

I tried my best to hold it. I really did. Eventually, though, I starting leaking, and within a minute I had soaked my black swim bottoms and my navy blue shorts. As I peed, I leaned into my boyfriend, put my arms around him, and whispered "It's happening," before bursting into silent sobs. He held me close and rubbed up and down my back and told me it was ok, and that it didn't matter and he knows I tried.

Less than thirty seconds after I'd managed to stop the flow, my mom pulled into a gas station. My boyfriend and I looked at each other and couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity. 

He asked me if I still needed to go, and I said yes. He told me I should go into the gas station and use their bathroom. I told him with wide eyes that there was absolutely no way I was going to go into a public place with obviously wet pants. He prodded a few more times to try to persuade me, but gave up after he realized my insistence. Part of me thinks that maybe he wanted to see my wet spot? It was dark in the van. 

We spent at least twenty minutes sitting at the gas station. The van was overheating and it needed to cool off. During that time, it became obvious how badly I still needed to go pee. Seeing as he wasn't getting anywhere trying to make me go to the gas station bathroom, he told me a story about when he was on the train on the way to Chicago.

"I was on the train with my sister and I really needed to use the bathroom. I was really uncomfortable the whole time. Now I wish I would have just peed in my pants. Instead of hurting, I could have just peed myself and been like, 'Oops.'"

It was tempting, especially given his acceptance to the situation, but I was determined to at least try to hold it. 

About halfway between the gas station and home, I began leaking again. I was so exhausted, my bladder muscles so fatigued, that I couldn't hold very long before completely releasing my bladder, making a puddle on the seat in the van. I don't think he even noticed what had happened until he saw me silently begin to cry again. He hugged me close and told me it was alright. 


Yeah, my sister peed her pants in the back seat of the car next to me on towels I laid out. I had to go as well not as but mom being tired and there being nowhere to stop told me to go if I had to as well. Honestly it felt good to just let go and pee… We cleaned it the best we could and had it washed at a car wash place…

Has anyone ever given you permission to wet yourself?  If it's just a hot fantasy, who would you most love to be given permission by?  In what scenario?  

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Seasons of Wetness: Winter

Winter is often considered an "off-season" for wet pants lovers due to the crummy weather, but that doesn't have to be a deterrent.  There are ample opportunities for a good soaking if you know where to look.  You'll just have to get a little creative & improvise.  If cold weather is no issue, you can even take the party outdoors, though most of the prime opportunities will be indoors.  (These suggestions work best if you have at least one omo-friendly partner in crime, as many of these settings are parties).

Outdoor winter wetting activities include snowy fun like skiing, snowboarding, sledding & snowmobile riding.  You'll be wearing layers of snow pants & other warm gear, far from the bathroom & nobody will be paying attention to your crotch.  Perfect time to make some yellow snow.  You can even roll around in the snow to help hide your "accident" if necessary.  If you can't make it to the slopes, you can always build a snowman or have a good old snowball fight right in your yard or local park.  Just be careful to wear the right attire to hide your accident.  Wetting yourself while snowboarding or skiing is pretty common apparently, so this is a totally legit activity.  🏂

Winter holidays include Christmas, New Year's Eve & Valentine's Day, and crowded downtown NYE parties always provide a natural opportunity to have an "accident" and blame the lack of bathrooms. In fact some revelers in big cities like NYC wear diapers & menstrual pads to relieve themselves while watching  the ball drop in Times Square due to the lack of bathrooms!   đŸĒŠ

Yup, this is a 'thing'.  

Indoor gatherings are where your chances to create the most fun will be in the Winter.  Superbowl parties, Christmas movie marathons & (indoor) New Years Eve bashes are popular during this season, but you can also host a Christmas Adult Beverage Night where hot chocolate, eggnog & apple cider are served--the person who can drink the most without losing control wins.  (Or you can secretly spurt in your stealthy pants if your friends aren't into it).  Game night is another fun twist on the party idea:  create your own Omo-based rules for board games, card games, video games and more.  All you really need is one other person such as a friend or romantic partner who is into Omo, though there is no shortage of single-player video games & card games.  Set a score goal or "reach this level" goal for yourself and once you hit it, drink more water or let a spurt go.  As stated, you'll have to get creative.  Here's an Omo-themed board game for the less imaginative among us.  🕹

With the Superbowl idea, you and an Omo-friendly buddy can bet on opposing teams.  Set up wetting stations next to each other in front of the TV complete with hydration, incontinence mats/puppy pads, towels & other necessities.  Each time your team scores a touchdown, you can choose to let some go in YOUR pants for relief or make your friend drink more liquid & hold until they burst.  Or make up your own rules.  This one works best if you have one Omo-friendly pal, obviously, but can also be played with a virtual friend over Discord, Zoom or Skype.  🏈

If you go Xmas caroling in the back of a truck or other vehicle at night, there's another excellent opportunity to soak your pants.  Indoor karaoke parties are a bit more private and a lot less cold.  Just excuse yourself to the restroom & soak your undies over the toilet, trashing them or continuing to wear them afterward.  (Don't trash them if you're the only guest, obvs).  Looking at Christmas lights while driving around can be turned into a bladder holding game solo or with one or more friends.  Lastly, renting a cabin in the woods during Xmas break offers a romantic, remote locale in which to enjoy your fave pisstime--err, pastime--while waiting for the weather to warm up.  🏔

Popular Winter clothes to wet:  Jeans, snow pants, trousers, wind pants, sweatpants, bib overalls, pajama pants, carpenter pants, thermal underwear & other warm long-legged items.

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...