Saturday, February 24, 2024

Seni Super Quatro Diaper Review

Full disclosure:  I'm no Diaper Lover.  And I didn't really read the instructions on these or spend much time trying to tape them up correctly, so this review might not be entirely fair & unbiased.  It's just based on my experience overall compared to my only previous diaper experience with the Tranquility brand.  

Seni is a worldwide company that operates in 80 countries under parent company TZMO SA that's been around since 1997.  First, the positive:  These free samples were shipped discreetly in nondescript packaging that didn't say anything about "diapers" or the like, which is always good.  When they fit correctly, they seem to be absorbent even for the worst accidents according to reviews.  The negative?  There seem to be sizing issues, namely, they run small compared to other brands.  At least that's what the reviews said.  I chose 'medium' but apparently they meant medium in hippos or elephants because holy hell was this thing giant.  I mean just look at it. 

Good god wtf.

Maybe I put it on incorrectly.  Maybe I even chose the wrong product or size.  But this was..... just no.

These diapers are like... ACTUAL baby diapers in adult sizes.  The kind you tape together like you would on a baby.  And I can't say I'm digging it.  It was already awkward enough stepping into the poofy bloomer-looking contraptions from Tranquility, but at least they didn't require any fastening and didn't resemble actual Pampers.  This might be a step too far even for me.  

I was able to piss them fully without a drop leaking through onto the bed but I would not recommend them overall due to the inconvenient style (tape on the sides) and the fact that they fit poorly overall.  They were also heavy/bulky & sagged before I'd peed a drop.  Maybe this look is your thing but it doesn't do it for me.  I'm giving Seni Super Quatro Diapers a 5 of 10 stars overall, and that's being generous.  I'm only down to use diapers if they're more convenient than doing a bunch of laundry and I can't say this really was.  Now there's a ginormous pee-filled diaper in my trash that needs to be disposed of.  I do appreciate the free sample however.  💛

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