Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ethical Omo: Disclosure, Addiction, & Other Issues

 One of the most common questions associated with this fetish is, "Is there anything wrong with me/this?" to which I unequivocally answer no, UNLESS it's interfering with other parts of your life (or you're involving people against their will).  Because then it's crossing over into addiction/obsession territory. This can happen with any substance, activity or behavior a person enjoys intensely & is in no way unique to this fetish but can be life-wrecking all the same. 

Many, if not most, Omo enthusiasts are just that--enthusiasts.  People who view it as a mild fixation, hobby or special sexual interest that waxes & wanes over time.  While we get incredibly turned on by the fantasy, solo pee play & Omo porn, we're perfectly capable of having a fiulfilling sex life without it.  But there are also people for whom pants wetting is more akin to a sexual orientation--a requirement in a sexual relationship in order for them to be satisfied.  I have to wonder how much of that is due to desensitization, porn addiction & spending excessive amounts of time in the online Pee World vs. "just how they're wired," but we'll get to that in a minute.

Piss Art

These hardcore Omo practitioners actually talk about ending otherwise perfect relationships because their partner is not into it.   And look, I get that sexual compatibility is vital for a healthy relationship, but if you're throwing away otherwise great relationships because the person isn't into this very specific fetish, it might be crossing over into "destructive" territory.  Let's be 100% real for a minute:  If doing it solo, watching porn, reading naughty stories & chatting with other enthusiasts online isn't enough, would an omo-positive partner really be enough to keep you satisfied permanently?  Or would you eventually tire of that too, requiring increasingly extreme acts for the same 'high' until your partner said 'fuck this, I'm out'?  How did people like this survive before the advent of the internet when like-minded people couldn't easily connect & share media... when you were essentially isolated on your own Pee Island?  I have a feeling there weren't as many of these people because there weren't as many who were exposed to/addicted to pee-specific porn.  And those who did exist were nowhere near as hardcore about it.

I suspect that age of onset is a big clue as to who will develop "problematic Omo" as it were.  For me it started VERY young--before daycare or preschool age when I was barely out of diapers--so I know porn didn't play a role.  It's 70% sensory, 20% taboo & 10% comfort/convenience for me, and I'm sure early experiences played a big role though I can't remember anything specific that far back.   If you were introduced to this fetish through porn or other online means at an older age (around puberty or after), I feel like you're probably more prone to fall into the 'problematic' category.  That's JUST MY HYPOTHESIS & there will be exceptions in any case. 

Furthermore, getting involved with or even married to someone before telling them you have this fetish/requirement is simply not fair to them--it's no better than the closeted gays/"ex-gays" who marry the opposite sex, have kids and then bolt when they inevitably can't take it anymore.  It's perfectly acceptable to wish you were part of the sexual majority & to experiment & figure out what's right for you.  It's not okay to use other people to try and "fix" yourself or change into an entirely different person, treating others as props in some narcissistic play.  If Omo is just a hobby/occasional pleasure for you, there's no moral imperative to disclose it to your partner, but if you'll be asking or requiring them to get involved down the line, that changes.  You may say "I can't predict the future," but you do know whether their participation in this fetish (or not) is a deal-breaker for you so being honest with yourself is the 1st step.


More ancient pissing art

If you've accepted Omorashi as a key part of your life and require your partner be into pee play/wetting, you'll need to seek out a partner on Omorashi-specific websites or other fetish-friendly communities.  Keep in mind that this will narrow your potential partner pool drastically.  If you're okay with that & feel it's a fair trade-off for an Omo-friendly partner, go for it. 

Simply dating anyone and hoping they're into it or that you can "turn them on" to it after falling in love is not realistic or fair to them, as their feelings matter too.  Some studies show that only 1.4% of males and 0% of females (sample size: 400) list pee play of any kind as their "favorite sexual fantasy".  Specific numbers for pants wetting are not known, but in any case it's bound to be low.  Therefore it's on fetishists to seek out appropriate partners & disclose early to avoid problems later.  If you're not even comfortable disclosing the depths of your fetish, how can you honestly expect another person who's NOT into it to put themselves out there and try it?

If you find your preoccupation with the Omorashi lifestyle (porn, discussion forums, engaging in it, etc) intrusive & want to stop, you can do that too.  Cutting back gradually is advisable over "cold turkey" for most people & there are established steps for beating porn addiction that can be applied to this specific fetish too.  Just take your time & don't rush through the steps--this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Understand that relapse is a normal part of recovery and don't use slip-ups as an excuse to go backward.  


While I'm a lifelong hardcore Omo lover, I'm also glad it's not a requirement in my dating/love life.  For me it's a solo pleasure, a genre of porn I enjoy (lesbian porn is severely lacking) & a source of endless hot fantasies that I sometimes share with others.  And that is enough for me.  I don't envy those who require their partners be into it too.  It's already hard enough finding a compatible, honest person to be with.  If my real partner was actually into it I'd probably have a heart attack from overstimulation.  It would be like hitting the lottery twice... icing on an already iced cake... like God shining Her Heavenly light down just on me.  And how could ya require something like that?

Shame thrives where secrets live.  Sunlight and acceptance are the best disinfectants, so work toward fully accepting your fetish for what it is so you can be upfront with potential partners about it should the need arise.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day in the Life of a Casual Wetter

The whole concept of casual wetting is wetting yourself for convenience without a second thought.  No big sexual show or interruption to your day:  just pee and keep going.  The ultimate freedom, in a sense.  While it's not very practical for most of us who live with others or care how our house/furniture smell, it is something that is done.  There's a whole subreddit for it at /r/nonchalantwetting.

This is how I imagine it would be if you could pee anywhere the urge struck.  No worries about ruining clothes, carpets or furniture--just free peeing as you go about your daily tasks.  ๐Ÿ˜

(((Click pix to view full-size)))

Exercise is important for a healthy heart & toned muscles.  Of course you kill 2 birds with one stone and relieve yourself as you warm up & in the middle of your yoga routine.  


No need to interrupt study time with a bathroom break.  Just go where you sit!

Spurting in capri pants sure takes the pressure off...

Wetting is such a normal part of your day that your friends sometimes join in.  How could they resist?

You often return from outings with soaked pants.  Sure beats painfully desperate bladders & dirty public bathrooms!

Need to make a pitstop on the way to the kitchen?  This looks like a good spot.

....And you still had some left when you got there!

Dressed up for a more formal occasion? Don't let that stop you--a girl's gotta go when a girl's gotta go.  Nobody can tell you've soaked your black panty hose & skirt, right?  (If they can, fuck 'em.  They shouldn't be looking that closely at your ass/crotch anyway).  

Grocery shopping sure is more fun with wet pants.

Nothing feels better after a long day than collapsing in your favorite chair & letting nature take its course!

Ahhh, SO much better!  

Need to piss while partying?  Fuck it:  toilet pants.

Favorite show on the tele?  Don't interrupt your meal & miss the important bits--just go in your pants!  

Kicking ass on the Nintendo Wii (Wee)?  Have a victory pee right where you stand to mark your territory & let your opponent know who's boss.  

Finally, when it's time to turn in, don't interrupt your sleep by getting up to use the bathroom all night. Just wet yourself & roll over.  Ahh, so warm & cozy! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Quickie Porn Review: Kitchen Shorts Pisser


((Click pics to enlarge))

Uh-oh.  Major leak!

Mmmm... pissing pussy in action.

Fuck, can't stop it.

Think anyone will notice?

Just some stills from a vid that recently made me cum hard.  Can't link here because it's on VK and that tends to get peoples' blogs/websites hit with DMCA crap.  In it, a woman stands in her kitchen in flowery shorts with her back to the camera.  She spreads her legs and starts pissing (in high def!) before turning around and pulling down her sexy shorts and revealing her wet shaved pussy as she continues soaking her shorts and the floor, never missing a beat.  Her bladder capacity is pretty impressive--she pees for nearly a minute before pulling her now-drenched shorts back up and buttoning them over her wet legs like it never happened.  Meanwhile they're nearly see-through with urine.

I like to imagine a desperate hottie doing dishes and losing control as the warm water hits her hands, so she just stands there and lets it happen.  I have a serious soft/wet spot for vids where the wetter pulls her pants and/or panties down and shows all the "layers" of her naughty pee explosion.   ๐Ÿซ 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Katie Price "Gushes" Pee During E-Stim Workout

"I'm pissing!  I'm not a gusher but this is making me gush...."

"Yes, I did wet myself.  Big deal!  I've had 5 kids and it happens."   ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ฆ

That's what we like to hear, Katie.*  Nothing wrong with a little dampness South of the border.  To be fair, those e-stim machines are serious business.  The pelvic floor therapist used one on me and made me jump 3 feet off the table.  Felt like I was being electrocuted!  Unfortunately I didn't "gush" but I have to wonder if that's what she was going for.  She did repeatedly ask if I was incontinent after I said 'no.'  ๐Ÿซ 

* Scratch that.  Now there are reports stating that Price is considering getting a "designer vagina," aka a labiaplasty and/or vaginoplasty, which has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with incontinence, after the "humiliating" experience of wetting herself on her reality show.  We hope she didn't go through with it.  As she said herself, there's nothing wrong with a little pee and this degrading procedure won't help solve that problem anyway.  

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dirty Talk in Pee Porn

Dirty talk, when it's present, is one of my favorite underappreciated aspects of Omo porn.  The vocalizations a woman makes before, during and after peeing her pants are hands-down the most exciting part for me, not to mention one of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to spice up an otherwise dull vid.  They announce where she (or he, if that's your thing) is in the desperation/wetting process & let you know the mindset of the actor.  From annoyance to panic to surrender, humiliation, pleasure & orgasm, verbal communication (words) and vocalizations (sounds) are easily among the most effective means of giving the audience a glimpse into the performer's world.  In fact I find this naughty narration more important than seeing the actor's face.

Here are a few examples of the phrases I absolutely melt over: 

- There's cops & CCTV everywhere. I'm gonna have to go through my pants.
- Weird question but, would you mind if I wet myself?
- There's nowhere to go BUT my pants.
- Yes sir, it's an emergency.  This chair is about to become a toilet...
- I'm absolutely bursting.  Hurry!
- Fuck, I can't stop!  I'm peeing my pants.
- I'm leaking bad.  It's running down my ass.
- I can't hold it.  I'm just gonna pee on myself; I'll clean it up later.
- I'm wetting.
- I'm fucking peeing.
- Look away please, I'm having an accident. 
- It hurts.  I'll never make it to the bathroom in this shape.  Nope, here it comes.
- I've been leaking for ages. I'm already wet, I'm just gonna go here.  
- I'm weeing everywhere! 
- Shit, I'm pissing my pants really bad.  
- I can't wait another second.  It's coming out.
- I'm pissing all over the floor here.  
- Oh God, I'm soaking my seat.     
- How much farther?  Never mind, I'm already going.
- Too late, I'm already wetting.
- My jeans are trashed!  Look at that.
- I'm flooding my shorts.  
- I need to stop but I can't. It feels too good.
- It's happening. 
- Look at all that pee.  And I still have to go so much.
- Here it comes.  I'm pissing myself.
- It's too late--I'm already going.  I'm just gonna finish in my pants. 
- I can't stop leaking.  
- I warned you 10 minutes ago.  I couldn't hold it another second if I tried.
- My panties are soaked in pee.
- We waited too long.  Now I can't stop it.
- I'm so sorry.  I couldn't hold it any longer.  I'll clean up my mess when we get home.

๐Ÿซ  ๐Ÿซ  ๐Ÿซ 

Sure, these are basically the same exact message communicated in slightly differing ways, but they each have a different feel and effect, okay?  Even when I'm playing alone I often whisper some dirty talk like this to myself to turn up the heat.  It's so hot to imagine myself or other girls in desperate scenarios losing control & terrified they'll be scolded or worse.  Maybe they will be, or maybe they'll be granted permission to wet themselves "just this once":  

"Oh honey, don't hurt yourself holding it.  We don't need you getting a bladder infection.  Just let it out & we'll get it cleaned up later.  It happens to the best of us."

"There's no rest stop for miles, man.  Unless you have a bottle or empty container, looks like you're gonna have to hold it know.  The other thing.  Hehe."

"Hah!  Whaddya mean 'holding it'?  The front of your pants is soaked!  Might as well finish what ya started, Pissbaby..."

What are your fave words or phrases to hear an Omo creator (or if you're lucky enough--a real wetting partner) say as they're losing control?  

Monday, September 9, 2024

Wet Squelchy Pee on Toilet Lid

Just took a massive pee in my Navy blue cotton shorts and panties on the toilet lid.  This time there's video evidence.  ๐Ÿ˜ˆ  I had to go sooooo bad I barely made it and had to put down TWO towels to soak up my mess!  Was left with a wet cameltoe & soaked grey towel at the end.   My shorts were absolutely saturated as you can see/hear when I go to sit back down in my puddle. 

I rarely wet this much at once without masturbating or letting little spurts go, so it took a lot of willpower to just finish right there in my pants, but I think it made for a hot video.  What do you think?  

Part 1 

Part 2 

(That's not a fart near the end lol, I banged into the top of the toilet tank cover behind me). 


The damage (in blue)

...and in red.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

These Pants Were Made for Wetting?


Just a funny thing I noticed while putting on some tights to pee in:  the brand is called "Ready to Go" and of course they're made of the finest polyester/Spandex blend to disguise all your pissy indiscretions.  ๐Ÿคญ

Actually wondering why no company has made pants you can discreetly piss in (besides the ones with the openings like ChickFly and the like)?  We have period panties; now we need incontinence pants that you can let loose into and not worry about leaving leaks or having a big visible wet spot.  Surely the military or some diving/SCUBA company has the technology.

Oh.  Never mind.  Anyone tried these to see if they hold up?

Friday, September 6, 2024

"Am I..."Normal?"

I see so many people asking if the fact that they enjoy peeing themselves is "normal" it makes my heart hurt.  I've even seen a self-identified Christian asking how they could make it right with God that they watched omorashi videos and enjoyed them.  ๐Ÿ˜”

First, let's define "normal"   According to the definition provided by Google:



 to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"

IDK what "bolt their food" means but apparently it's pretty typical.  Anyway, by that definition, omorashi (aka wetting one's pants on purpose for sexual pleasure) is not normal because the majority of people don't do it or consider it a typical/expected part of sexual behavior.  But the underlying question people are really getting at with this seems to be:  Is Omorashi harmful or indicative of a serious mental defect?  Like, is this some Jeffrey Dahmer level shit?  And the answer to that would be a resounding NO.  In fact, there are some things that point in the opposite direction.   

First of all, the way people react to all things urine is far out of proportion to its actual health & hygiene risks.  While urine is a waste product that shouldn't be consumed or applied to open wounds or the eyes (yes, there are people who do this for "health" reasons), it is not a disease vector like blood, semen, vaginal fluid, feces or vomit.  In health terms, urine is more comparable to saliva or tears than those other fluids/waste products.  While it smells a bit repugnant, it's not going to hurt or sicken you simply by getting on your body, in your bath water, etc.  Just don't drink it.  

Secondly, there's some basis for pee as a sexual stimulant as it contains the highest concentration of female pheromones of any substance in the human body.  Well, pregnant women's urine anyway.  The fact that it comes from the exact same place (urethra) as both semen and female ejaculate is something a lot of people conveniently overlook when happily ingesting or bathing in those other substances or watching porn featuring those behaviors.  And remember:  pee is technically safer than semen or vaginal fluid so the disgust is irrational.

We're socially conditioned to use the toilet instead of our pants from a very young age, and this toilet training often comes with some pretty harsh reinforcement by moms who are sick to death of cleaning up our messes & just want us to hurry up and master this skill.  Most of our poor attitudes toward pee/wetting are acquired during this pivotal developmental period & reinforced during our daycare & early elementary school days, when having an accident can be grounds for bullying and social exclusion.  But those attitudes, as stated, are not based in reality.  

Now those are the cold, hard scientific facts.  They do little to change how people FEEL about the practice of wetting one's pants for pleasure.  There's a proper time and place for everything, and if you go around exposing unwilling people to your sexual fetish or making messes for others to clean up you're definitely going to draw some criticism & harsh judgment... rightfully so.  Not because of the fetish itself but because you're being self-centered, inconsiderate & downright creepy.   Exhibitionism is a separate thing and can be illegal in certain instances.  Getting your rocks off, however you do that, in public or in front of unwitting people is immoral and potentially illegal.  As with other sexual fetishes & hangups, there's absolutely no reason to disclose your participation in the omorashi world to family, friends or non-partners unless you're caught in the act.  Most people don't want to know what we get up to for sexual pleasure and we should honor that.   BOUNDARIES.  

My goal with this blog is to help normalize pants wetting for pleasure by adults in the privacy of their homes, and I have seen movement toward that direction in recent years.  From celebrities sharing photos & stories about their pants wetting experiences to the exploding number of Omo content creators to the peed jeans fashion trend to the TikTok "Wet Your Pants" challenge during COVID, the world is opening its mind to all things Omorashi.  And that warms my heart as well as my pants.  While I doubt it'll ever be "mainstream" normal, I don't see it being this stigmatized forever.  The type and amount of on-demand, free porn available in general has desensitized people to some pretty bizarre and often disturbing things.  Wetting your own pants is pretty tame in the grand scheme of things.  It's not violent, harms no one & doesn't even involve nudity.  

At the end of the day, "normal" is subjective & too many folks are concerned about fitting into that boring category anyway.  A lot of things are normalized that shouldn't be:  greed, violence, narcissism, racism, misogyny, alcohol abuse, bullying... the list goes on.  That doesn't make them RIGHT or good.  Focus on being genuine & true to yourself while treating people with kindness & respect and you can't lose.  

I would add that if your interest in pants peeing begins to become a compulsion, makes it impossible to date or have other relationships, maintain gainful employment or otherwise interferes with your everyday life, it might have crossed the line into abnormal and harmful.  If you start losing interest in sexual or romantic relationships and can only get off if this fetish is involved, it might be time to pull back.  Moderation is important with all things.  Porn addiction is real & can desensitize you to extreme content, requiring increasingly disturbing or bizarre stimuli to achieve the desired effect.  The same goes with fetishes & paraphilias:  do it constantly & it loses its magic.  Just as you set boundaries with others, you should set them with yourself & limit when, where & how often you indulge in this little slice of heaven.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Seasons of Wetness: Autumn

Ahhh, Autumn.  ๐Ÿ‚  Pumpkin Spice Lattes, crunchy leaves, Halloween & crisp shortening days.  Like Spring, Autumn is an "in-between" season--not too hot & not too cold--which makes it perfect for both indoor and outdoor wetting fun. 

High school & college football are in full swing early in the Fall.  For an exciting public pee challenge, slap on some stealthy black polyester tights or bicycle pants with some warmer top layers and a coat, cover your lap with a fuzzy blanket & let loose in the stands or while standing/sitting on the hill & cheering on the home team.  If you prefer a more private setting, bring the party home & get spurty in your own living room while watching the game on TV.  If you actually PLAY football you can discreetly go through your compression tights like NFL star Channing Crowder, who admitted to wetting himself every game of his 6-year NFL career.   ๐Ÿˆ

Coffee fans can make the most of pumpkin spice & salted caramel season by drinking & serving these flavored hot drinks throughout the Fall as pee fuel in the form of lattes & other yummy caffeinated hot beverages.  Chai tea is another Fall favorite.  Caffeine is a diuretic that increases the frequency, urgency & amount of urine output so don't hold back on these supercharged treats!  Adding a bit of alcohol can double the effect since booze is also a diuretic.  Pumpkin Spice White Russians, mulled wine & Poison Apple Cocktails offer a more "adult" way to tank up while getting in the Autumn spirit. 

Fall is the ideal time to take ambling nature walks & enjoy other outdoor activities that couldn't be fully appreciated in the Summer due to the oppressive heat.  Bonfires, camping & other daytime outings offer the perfect opportunity to wet yourself while enjoying the beautiful falling leaves & striking colors.  Other outdoor faves include wetting while turkey hunting, bike riding, winery touring & raking/playing in huge piles of leaves. 

Halloween:  Even superheroes have to pee.  ๐Ÿฆ‡

Fall also has some great omo-friendly holidays, Halloween being the most beloved.  A corn maze or pumpkin patch can be a wetter's paradise if you're careful & discreet.  Corn mazes provide the "I got lost" excuse, while you can do the stealthy wetting thing at the pumpkin patch with the appropriate clothing.  Ditto for hayrides & apple-picking, 2 more Autumn favorites.  For Halloween itself, you can try wetting yourself in a haunted house, using "I was scared!" as your excuse.  Or secretly let go in spurts as you trick-or-treat (or hand out candy) on that cold October evening.  It's dark & you'll be in a costume (that may or may not include a mask that conceals your identity).  Make the most of it.  Just make sure to dress for the icy weather and again, be discreet.  The last thing you want to do is expose unwilling people to your fetish.  ๐ŸŽƒ

While most of us aren't blessed to have a whole table full of Omo-loving friends, those who do can plan a pissy Friendsgiving involving lots of tasty food, beverages & wet pants. You can also schedule a remote gathering with your online Omo buddies over Zoom or Skype instead--think holding contests or Thanksgiving-themed pee games.  Either way, you can surely work wet pants into your Thanksgiving one way or another, even if it's just some solo fun.  Sure beats political arguments at the dinner table with your crazy Uncle Rufus.  ๐Ÿฆƒ  

Popular Autumn Clothes to Wet:  Capri pants, harem pants, cargo pants, casual joggers/gym pants, yoga pants, tights/leggings, jeggings, jumpsuits, accordion skirts, Halloween costumes.  

A day in the woods well-spent!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Omo Fantasy #6397: A Pee Palace of Our Own

(Edit by me)

Imagine being so wealthy you could afford a home specifically for wetting & didn't have to clean it or worry about "ruining" things.  Maybe a summer home in the Hamptons or a Winter house somewhere nice & cozy like the Florida Keys or Vegas.  Or all 3?  Heck, maybe a whole-ass private island where you can parade around in pissy clothes while playing croquet in the front yard.  Perhaps a housekeeper would handle the cleaning/replacing things or they'd be made of special piss-resistant material.  You're RICH so anything's possible.  Either way, you could indulge in your lifestyle 24/7 at home with no judgment, no clean-up & no downside whatsoever.  (NDA's for all employees, of course).

What would you do if you could afford this?  Invite omo-friendly peeps from around the world to enjoy a weekend at your pad, free-peeing wherever they want?  Organize a backyard camp out with ample drinks & an Omo Olympics?  Or maybe invite your favorite pee content creator(s) to your place to enjoy the high life sans any sexual expectations to thank them for their content?  

Personally, if I had that kind of endless moolah I'd recreate something like the Patches Place movies where a bunch of women into wetting get together for casual and occasionally sexually-tinged Omo fun.  No pressure or expectations, just carefree adult living.  Spontaneous, freewheeling pants pissing all over the house & yard.  Come and go (or Cum & "Go") as you please.  I like to think I could "casually" wet in that environment but I know better, heh.  Watching pretty women wet their pants constantly would make me too horny.  Perhaps we could build a private "Porno Wing" to relieve sexual frustration alone or with a buddy.  

Imagine owning a Pee Palace like this   ๐Ÿคฉ

The house would have 2 stories:  the second story would have multiple gorgeous bedrooms, a Game Room with pool table/video gaming center/arcade games/pinball machine/board games & table; an "Opium Den" with a mini bar, hookahs, artisan cannabis selection, coffee, kava & other herbal drinks; bathrooms (for #2 only) complete with walk-in tubs & luxury rainfall showers.  The bottom floor would consist of one giant Living Room with a TV the size of a movie screen and tons of plush seating surrounded by fully stocked bookshelves next to a full-size kitchen.  Outside is a pool, hot tub and garden with fancy lounge chairs.  And of course the Private Porn Room complete with all the best vintage piss porn for any lovely lady who needs to get off in private.

Man, the things I'd do in that mansion.  A typical day would look like this:   I'd rise early with the sun, bladder full to the brim & pussy aching under my flowy pajama gown.  I'd head to the Opium Den for coffee and a snack, where I'd sit at the bar & empty my tank on the hard wood seat while already refilling my bladder for Round 2.  As the one of the girls started to awaken we'd head to the garden to watch sunrise, where I'd see a lot more than just the sun as she drapes her legs over the arms of the chair and lets the gold rush flow through her tights pajama bottoms.  Still guzzling water, I giddily look forward to my next wetting as I watch the pee drip down her thighs and ass through the sopping fabric. 

"Excuse me while I wet myself....."

Soon we'd go inside where our 3rd friend was stirring, standing in the kitchen making a real breakfast for us.  As the bacon crackles & pops, she steps away from the stove & casually releases her morning flow into her jeans as we both watch in awe.  Our well-paid housekeeper is already hard at work cleaning up our mess, of course, cracking jokes about our busy bladders.  

After breakfast it's back to the Opium Den for more caffeinated drinks & herbal teas, then we retire to the Game Room for some head-to-head competition.  Loser has to waste their pee in the toilet.  I'm already approaching desperation by the time we start a game of Mario Kart, but the herbal teas & caffeine help me focus & beat my competitor (Girl 2) so she has to keep holding and use the lame ass toilet.  I, however, can hold on no more so I choose to turn one of the board game chairs into my toilet, straddling it with legs wide open and filling my shorts with hot piss. 

The girls turn their heads to look as they hear the urine splashing onto the floor but barely seem fazed, going back to their tourney as our 4th and final friend strolls into the room taking my place at the controller.  "Just wake up?" they ask.  "Yep, I had a late night."  "Don't you need to pee?"  "Nope, already went in my room" she says matter-of-factly.  "I lost so I have to piss in the toilet" says Girl #2, dejected.  More water, more games & more silliness.  (I later find out Girl 2 pissed on the closed toilet lid instead of IN the toilet, the little cheater!)

Game room shenanigans

After about an hour we lazily stroll to the pool.  I have on bikini bottoms with no top and make sure to pre-wet them before getting in the water so I get the full "pee in dry pants" feel.  Girl #4 has been making eyes at me all week and asks to feel my wet spot so I let her.  Then she takes my hand & puts it in the same place & I soon feel a familiar warm wetness all over my fingers.  I rub her gently and tell her to meet me in the "special room" later if she'd like to continue this--the other girls are gonna see us here.  She nods and smiles.  My pussy throbs as I dip slowly into the cool water, fantasizing about what I'm going to do to her later. 

After a good float in the pool we're starved and a huge dinner awaits us.  We devour it then head to the Opium Den a final time for some top-shelf cannabis & teas before movie night begins.  But first I change into some of my fave lounge clothes/pajamas that are both comfy & sexy--soft velour bottoms and a tight see-through top.  I sit next to my sweetie & we cuddle while watching the previews.  "I kinda need to go.  I'm at like a 5.  What about you?" she whispers sweetly into my ear before kissing & licking my earlobe, making me wet in another way.  "Uhhh, I think I'm like a 4 or 5.  You wanna sneak out of here when one of us has to go?" 

"Yes please." 

We both chug water like there's no tomorrow, adding to the tea we had before the movie.  I slip my hand up her shirt & feel her perky breasts.  The other girls are asleep by this point, one with wet pants.  Perfect.  "You wanna go up now?  I think there are more "interesting" movies up there" I ask.  "Yep, let's go.  Don't forget your drink" she replies.

Peegasm edit by me

I'm so excited I can barely contain myself.  My need is growing fast, and standing up really drives this home.  We rush upstairs as quietly as possible & enter the Porn Room, turn on the TV & pick a flick, deciding on a car wetting themed one.  We discuss our love of wetting and how it started, talk about our ultimate Omo fantasies & start making out while watching ladies soak themselves onscreen.  "I really have to go" she says.  "Mmmm, you know what I like to do sometimes?  What feels really amazing?" I ask.  


"When my bladder is impossibly full, I slip my hand in my panties and start fingering myself.  It's amazing how forcefully the piss sprays out.  Like, there's no holding it back.  My panties, pants & everything around me ends up soaked and I have the best peegasms." 

"Oooh!  I've never had a peegasm.  I've heard about them and always wanted to.  Can you show me?  I'm like an 8 right now.  In like 10 minutes I'll be bursting."

"You want me to fuck you to peegasm?  Is that what you want?" I say with a sly smile.  

"Yes please."  

We begin kissing deeply and passionately again.  I let a tiny spurt out in my underwear to relieve pressure so I can fully enjoy myself without distraction.  After more foreplay, I lay her down, lube up my fingers & tell her to spread her legs wide.  When I enter her, sure enough the hot pee spurts hard into my hand for a split second.  

"Oh my god!" she gasps.  "You weren't kidding.  What if I get it all over you?"

"What if you DON'T?  I want it all over me baby.  I wanna see your pants drenched all the way through. Why don't you rub your clit while I fuck you?  I really need to pee too.  Might just soak my panties while I'm inside you."

I resume the rhythmic in and out motion and am rewarded with more forceful Niagara-like pee in no time as she starts rubbing herself furiously.  Her moans get louder and louder, I climb on top & keep fucking her while letting my own bladder go slowly on her stomach.  "Fuuuuuck me I'm cumming!  Don't stop!"  I speed it up and go deeper while her piss continues in a steady hard stream like water from a knotted hose & her pussy convulses hard, squeezing my fingers.  "Stay inside me.  I'm pissing & cumming!" she exclaims as the rest of her hot golden wetness splashes onto my hand and arm.  Afterward I climb down and fuck myself to orgasm beside her while letting the last little bit of my bladder go on the floor as she's completely spent.  We collapse together in a giant river of piss and fall asleep. 

The next morning our roommates find us just as we are and giggle uncontrollably.  We couldn't care less. 


THIS is my ultimate wetting fantasy in case anyone's curious.  The question comes up frequently and... yeah.  Think I'll just start linking folks to this here post.   ๐Ÿ™ˆ

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...