Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ethical Omo: Disclosure, Addiction, & Other Issues

 One of the most common questions associated with this fetish is, "Is there anything wrong with me/this?" to which I unequivocally answer no, UNLESS it's interfering with other parts of your life (or you're involving people against their will).  Because then it's crossing over into addiction/obsession territory. This can happen with any substance, activity or behavior a person enjoys intensely & is in no way unique to this fetish but can be life-wrecking all the same. 

Many, if not most, Omo enthusiasts are just that--enthusiasts.  People who view it as a mild fixation, hobby or special sexual interest that waxes & wanes over time.  While we get incredibly turned on by the fantasy, solo pee play & Omo porn, we're perfectly capable of having a fiulfilling sex life without it.  But there are also people for whom pants wetting is more akin to a sexual orientation--a requirement in a sexual relationship in order for them to be satisfied.  I have to wonder how much of that is due to desensitization, porn addiction & spending excessive amounts of time in the online Pee World vs. "just how they're wired," but we'll get to that in a minute.

Piss Art

These hardcore Omo practitioners actually talk about ending otherwise perfect relationships because their partner is not into it.   And look, I get that sexual compatibility is vital for a healthy relationship, but if you're throwing away otherwise great relationships because the person isn't into this very specific fetish, it might be crossing over into "destructive" territory.  Let's be 100% real for a minute:  If doing it solo, watching porn, reading naughty stories & chatting with other enthusiasts online isn't enough, would an omo-positive partner really be enough to keep you satisfied permanently?  Or would you eventually tire of that too, requiring increasingly extreme acts for the same 'high' until your partner said 'fuck this, I'm out'?  How did people like this survive before the advent of the internet when like-minded people couldn't easily connect & share media... when you were essentially isolated on your own Pee Island?  I have a feeling there weren't as many of these people because there weren't as many who were exposed to/addicted to pee-specific porn.  And those who did exist were nowhere near as hardcore about it.

I suspect that age of onset is a big clue as to who will develop "problematic Omo" as it were.  For me it started VERY young--before daycare or preschool age when I was barely out of diapers--so I know porn didn't play a role.  It's 70% sensory, 20% taboo & 10% comfort/convenience for me, and I'm sure early experiences played a big role though I can't remember anything specific that far back.   If you were introduced to this fetish through porn or other online means at an older age (around puberty or after), I feel like you're probably more prone to fall into the 'problematic' category.  That's JUST MY HYPOTHESIS & there will be exceptions in any case. 

Furthermore, getting involved with or even married to someone before telling them you have this fetish/requirement is simply not fair to them--it's no better than the closeted gays/"ex-gays" who marry the opposite sex, have kids and then bolt when they inevitably can't take it anymore.  It's perfectly acceptable to wish you were part of the sexual majority & to experiment & figure out what's right for you.  It's not okay to use other people to try and "fix" yourself or change into an entirely different person, treating others as props in some narcissistic play.  If Omo is just a hobby/occasional pleasure for you, there's no moral imperative to disclose it to your partner, but if you'll be asking or requiring them to get involved down the line, that changes.  You may say "I can't predict the future," but you do know whether their participation in this fetish (or not) is a deal-breaker for you so being honest with yourself is the 1st step.


More ancient pissing art

If you've accepted Omorashi as a key part of your life and require your partner be into pee play/wetting, you'll need to seek out a partner on Omorashi-specific websites or other fetish-friendly communities.  Keep in mind that this will narrow your potential partner pool drastically.  If you're okay with that & feel it's a fair trade-off for an Omo-friendly partner, go for it. 

Simply dating anyone and hoping they're into it or that you can "turn them on" to it after falling in love is not realistic or fair to them, as their feelings matter too.  Some studies show that only 1.4% of males and 0% of females (sample size: 400) list pee play of any kind as their "favorite sexual fantasy".  Specific numbers for pants wetting are not known, but in any case it's bound to be low.  Therefore it's on fetishists to seek out appropriate partners & disclose early to avoid problems later.  If you're not even comfortable disclosing the depths of your fetish, how can you honestly expect another person who's NOT into it to put themselves out there and try it?

If you find your preoccupation with the Omorashi lifestyle (porn, discussion forums, engaging in it, etc) intrusive & want to stop, you can do that too.  Cutting back gradually is advisable over "cold turkey" for most people & there are established steps for beating porn addiction that can be applied to this specific fetish too.  Just take your time & don't rush through the steps--this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Understand that relapse is a normal part of recovery and don't use slip-ups as an excuse to go backward.  


While I'm a lifelong hardcore Omo lover, I'm also glad it's not a requirement in my dating/love life.  For me it's a solo pleasure, a genre of porn I enjoy (lesbian porn is severely lacking) & a source of endless hot fantasies that I sometimes share with others.  And that is enough for me.  I don't envy those who require their partners be into it too.  It's already hard enough finding a compatible, honest person to be with.  If my real partner was actually into it I'd probably have a heart attack from overstimulation.  It would be like hitting the lottery twice... icing on an already iced cake... like God shining Her Heavenly light down just on me.  And how could ya require something like that?

Shame thrives where secrets live.  Sunlight and acceptance are the best disinfectants, so work toward fully accepting your fetish for what it is so you can be upfront with potential partners about it should the need arise.  

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