Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2024 Resolution Review/2025 Piss Goals

 At the beginning of last year I posted a list of pee/wetting resolutions. Now we've reached the end of the year (so fast!  Which just confirms what I said in the OG article about the need for clear goals with deadlines attached).  Time to see how many of these goals I achieved, where I fell short & what I'd like to set my sights on for 2025.  The darker yellow, the more I accomplished:

My 2024 Resolutions

1.)  I tried and reviewed 3 diaper samples (Tranquility, Seni & Wellness brands), which isn't as many as I'd hoped but it wasn't for lack of trying.  Companies just started charging beaucoups for shipping.  Lame.

2.)  Yes!  So far I've found gems by Wetlinda, Wet Natalee, Peepeedee and Wetpantsboy, as you've seen in some of my "Omo Legends" posts.  And tons of Patches Place vids on, which is a lot like Xtube in many respects.  VK itself was probably my greatest "find" this year in terms of vintage pee porn.  Recently I discovered a load of old creators like tom_wet, kevp, swishersweetie, estim4u & wetlonny on

3.)  Woo, YES!  I've met several amazing ladies online and had long, in-depth chats with a couple which is more than a girl like me could ever ask for.  I spend more time than I probably should on Q&A sites answering questions about wetting & would love for more Omo newbies to hit me up with any questions about the fetish they may have.  18+, of course.

4.)  Unfortunately I totally dropped the ball on this one because I forgot.  However I'm more than satisfied w/ the amount of pants-pissing I've gotten up to in 2024 (& doubt my washer-dryer could handle much more!)

5.)  Yes!  Did it and wrote a review.  Then proceeded to use it so much it broke lol.  Accomplished the "combined with peegasm" part more than once too.   😏

6.)  Can honestly say I've never written as much fiction of any kind as I have this year, and I'm quite satisfied with the quality.  You may see some of it here or on related sites in the future; you may not.  There's a chance you have seen some already.  Regardless, it was fun to write.  

7.)  Haven't sold a dime of paid content and have frankly given up on this pursuit for a number of reasons, the most important being that I feel paid sites like OnlyFans & others have killed the mood when it comes to quality spontaneous Omo content.  It may work for other types of porn but not desperation/wetting, which is by definition supposed to be (or appear) accidental and unplanned.  I'd still be open to selling faceless content for the right price but it's by no means a priority.  Despite this, the size of my following keeps growing and I'm beyond grateful for that.

8.)  Overall I believe I've done just about everything I can this year to promote the normalization of pants-wetting as a private/personal lifestyle or fetish as well as attempting to remove the stigma from incontinence.

I just realized that 2024 was the 1st year I've ever devoted to this fetish because it's the first time I've had the privacy.  And it's been a BLAST.  🧨 Privacy truly is the magic ingredient to a wetting-friendly lifestyle.  

Now, as for my 2025 resolutions?  Assuming I stay single (highly likely) and living solo, I'd like to keep the blog going while growing my social media following & finding new ways to drive traffic to the blog besides just Twitter/X.  Maybe more SEO?  I'd love to buy & try some unique & interesting pee/incontinence products, though I'm not sure what just yet.  Ideally I want to experiment with stealthy outdoor wetting, but only if the opportunity presents itself and there's no risk of getting caught as that totally kills the hotness for me.  I'm thinking some gingerly leaking in the countryside.  It's more that I wanna be able to say I did it.  (What kind of pee blogger has NEVER wet in public, amirite?).  And I'd love to discover more underrated Omo and pee kink creators to promote here, like Alexina Alexander who had the in-depth Unpotty Training slideshow.  🪧

But my main 2025 resolution is to just keep enjoying life and normalizing this pastime whenever and wherever I can, by any means necessary.  There's no shortage of Omo porn stars/producers, discussion forums & pathetic attempts by "experts" to explain this fetish back to those who know it best (us)--my niche will be blogging and using written language to deconstruct myths and help spread awareness about the joys of wetting.  Some fiction & fantasy, some science, a splash of news and current events, a little art and photography, a sprinkling of editorial content... and a lot of genuine love for the subject matter.  💛

New Xmas panties: already trashed.  

What are your Omo resolutions for 2025?  Did you accomplish all your pee dreams in 2024?

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...