Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Places or Circumstances Where Wetting Is Accepted*

 ...* or at least understandable & not totally out of place.  Granted, any adult who pees themselves is taking a risk of humiliation & potential exclusion/ejection from whatever establishment you're currently at, but a legit accident is a lot more forgivable than doing it on purpose.   You may even draw sympathy from onlookers. 

When ya gotta go you gotta go, and it's not always socially acceptable or LEGAL to whip it out or pop a squat with your ass out for the world to see.  Thus, there are certain times & places where pants wetting is more likely to occur & less likely to result in social stigmatization.  So if you're new to public wetting & looking for the perfect excuse or opportunity to try it in a way that gives plausible deniability & makes it really look like an accident, here are some suggestions.  If you're just into seeing others wet themselves, then the same applies:  these are great settings to scope out wet pants.  Just don't be creepy about it.  

(Please note, these are simply some options where a truly accidental wetting would be more expected/natural.  It's no guarantee your friends or family won't rag on you!).

Marathon runners face serious challenges in the pee department.

-  Long races, marathons or bike races.  Stopping to pee wastes time, so just go as you ride or run.

- Crowded downtown New Year's Eve events ("watching the ball drop") in big cities, where people have confessed to doing everything from dehydrating themselves to wearing diapers to peeing in women's menstrual pads.

- Concerts or festivals with limited Port-A-Potty access & lots of attendees.  

- Haunted houses, scary movies, theme parks (roller coasters) & other places where "fear wettings" can realistically happen.  Bonus if they serve drinks or have fountains trickling in the background.

- Drunken events with limited toilet access (pub crawls, etc).  Simply getting "too drunk" to realize you're wetting yourself is also a good excuse.  You don't actually have to BE dangerously drunk, just act like it.  Bonus:  You can act like you don't even remember the next day.  Just don't overuse this one or you might be walking into an intervention for a drinking problem you don't have.

- On a golf course or somewhere else far from the loo but where removing your pants could get you in trouble.  

- If you're a pregnant woman, you can pretty much wet yourself whenever and wherever and nobody will question you.  It's that common.  In fact, 41% of pregnant women leak urine to some degree while pregnant.

- On long car, bus or plane trips where scarce rest stops or "turbulence" prevent toilet use. 

- Occasional bed wetting, even for non-bedwetters, can be explained away as "I had one of those peeing dreams where you're going in the dream but I woke up and was pissing the bed for realz!  D'oh!"

- At an outdoor or underground rave.  Everybody's too loved up on MDMA & other club drugs to notice or care that you wet yourself.  Heck, someone might even join in & do it with you. 

- While tripping on psilocybin mushrooms.  These hallucinogens can make you feel like you've wet yourself when you haven't, so I'm sure your friends would understand if you ACTUALLY wet yourself while in the midst of a balls-to-the-walls psychedelic trip.

- During or before an ultrasound or other medical test where they require a (very) full bladder.

- At the airport after getting off a plane or bus stop after getting off the bus.  No explanation needed, you can just pretend the bathroom was not available for a long time on the flight or ride.  

- In casinos at slot machines.  It's not that uncommon to see gamblers with an addiction just... go... right where they sit, though this isn't very considerate.  Wearing a diaper would be more polite.  And it's far more common in Las Vegas where serious gambling addiction is common than small casinos in, say, South Dakota.  

- While having a laughing or coughing fit, or while straining to deadlift weights.  Some people, particularly us women with fickle bladders & weak pelvic floors, have situational incontinence when we laugh, sneeze, cough, panic or lift heavy things.  

- While waiting in a long bathroom line somewhere like a stadium ball game or downtown event (holidays, First Friday, festivals, etc).  If alcohol or other drinks are being served, even better.

- In a classroom where a timed test is being given & bathroom breaks are not allowed.

- While fishing, apparently.  

- While stuck in long bumper-to-bumper traffic jams when you already had to pee at the beginning of the trip or before the traffic jam began.  

- At any natural outdoor body of water while wearing a swimsuit:  ponds, lakes, rivers, beaches, etc.  These places tend not to have restrooms or if they do, they're far away and less than clean/safe.  Most people piss in pools & water park water too (including Olympic athletes!), but you're more likely to be ostracized if caught doing it here.

- While snow skiing, riding a snowmobile, snowboarding, sledding or otherwise engaging in icy winter activities that take place far away from restrooms.  This is a fairly common practice due to the inconvenient distance from bathrooms & how easy it is to wet yourself unnoticed in all those layers of clothes.  As with summer pool-pissing, wetting yourself on the slopes or while playing in the snow is just more acceptable than doing so in your normal street clothes on a warm spring or autumn day.  Don't ask us why.   ❄

Did I leave anything out?  Obviously lying isn't a good practice & it isn't cool to make messes for others to clean up, but some people into this fetish are going to wet themselves in public either way.  No amount of finger-wagging will change that, so it's better if they at least do it in a way that doesn't make the whole community look bad.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Female Wrestler Wets Herself on Mat

This 2016 clip is from a match between freestyle wrestler Petra Olli of Finland and Kaori Icho of Japan.  In it, the Finnish Olli has a little accident after receiving a double leg takedown by her opponent.  Talk about an intense match!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Omo-Friendly Businesses: What's the Holdup?

While whipping out your privates and peeing in public is very much illegal in all public spaces in the U.S, public pants-wetting is more of a grey area.  The former can get you put on a sex offender registry at worst; the latter has gotten a couple people charged with "littering".  And that's probably after a business owner or disturbed onlooker complained.  

So why the total lack of omorashi-friendly bars, clubs, arcades, spas, (outdoor) restaurants & other businesses?  Considering how common it is for people to piss up dressing rooms in stores like Target, Kohl's & Wal-Mart next to open bathrooms, this fetish is a LOT more common than most of us probably realize.  The money to be made running such an establishment in or near a busy metro area could be potentially huge, plus the publicity & praise for pioneering something like this would be highly gratifying for the right personality type.  Maybe those other public places wouldn't get defaced as often if Omo lovers had other places to congregate? 

So drunk you piss yourself?  No problem!

Even if it was just an informal sort of clubhouse or backyard gathering place that didn't serve food or alcohol, I'd expect to see more of this in the era of 'anti-kink shaming' & anything goes orientations.  It very much seems like an idea whose time has cum, as I constantly see pee lovers wanting to meet up and have little game nights or other events.  AND IT NEED NOT BE OVERTLY SEXUAL.  In fact, it shouldn't be as that could quickly devolve into lawsuits & unwanted police presence.  There are sex clubs for that.  I've been in them and that's a very different energy than the energy of pee-in-your-pants-for-kicks crowd.  If you get turned on watching people wet themselves, organize something AFTER you leave the bar/club/whatever.  Keeping this place Omorashi-specific is how you protect the business, the patrons & avoid incidents that give the community as a whole a bad name.  

Ideas for entertainment include:  holding contests, pee-related trivia nights, urine measuring contests (whoever pees most wins... something), full-bladder mechanical bull riding, Piss Pong (toss the ball in the cup & your opponent has to drink and/or piss a spurt), pee-themed card games, arcade games... the possibilities are endless.  The business could have an omorashi theme or just be a normal place where wetting is welcome.  Likewise, wetting could take place anywhere at any time in the establishment or only in designated areas.  It's totally up to the owner.

"Wet" bar

It would most certainly draw negative attention from normies in the community, eventually bringing in media so you'd need to be prepared for that.  But all press is good press as long as they spell your name right.  Omo lovers from around the country and maybe the world would travel to see your little slice of heaven.  As long as everything was up to code and you weren't located within so many feet of a school, daycare or park/playground, there's nothing anyone could legally do to shut you down.  Somewhere like the deserts of Nevada where all the brothels are located or Death Valley, CA might be a good place, or you could set up shop in the countryside in Oregon or Washington state where the liberal-minded reside.  

Think of it as harm reduction:  All the people who are currently getting off on exhibitionist-type wettings & making messes in places where kids & God knows who may be present could have a place where it's expected & welcome to piss yourself in public.  There's no guarantee they wouldn't up the ante & do some other anti-social shit, but that's on them.  The business owner reserves the right to remove anyone for any reason.  Just like any other business.  Nothing about this establishment would be different than any other adults-only place of its kind except there would be a lot more folks with wet pants walking around. 

Here are my proposed rules for such a place:


- NO minors/under 18.  Must be 21+ to enter if alcohol is served.  ID checked at the door.

- NO nudity or sexual behavior (masturbation, unwanted touching, catcalling, etc).  

- Absolutely no cameras or recording devices.  Cell phones must be turned off like they would be at a concert or fine art gallery; anyone caught recording or taking photos will be banned for life. 

- Acceptable:  Desperation, pee dancing, holding yourself briefly through clothes, wetting in any natural position as long as you remain fully clothed, emptying your bladder anywhere in the designated areas, using toilets to urinate (one person per stall) or defecate with door shut.  

- Not Acceptable:  Masturbation (through clothes or not), "messing", urine consumption, peeing on others in a sexual manner (i.e. partners sitting on laps & peeing through clothes on each other), peeing in containers outside clothes unless it's a pee measuring contest or other planned event, using toilets with doors open, sexual behavior in bathrooms.  Other niche fetishes like ABDL, furries, BDSM or age play are strictly forbidden.  The focus is pants wetting & "we" want all our Omo-loving & incontinent patrons to feel comfortable.  

- Owner reserves the right to refuse service or remove patrons for any reason, no questions asked.  Some common reasons will likely be drunk & disorderly, sexual conduct, harassment of other patrons or staff, defacing property or other rule violations.  

- No illegal drugs, guns or other weapons inside establishment.  

- This is NOT a hookup club or speed-dating type establishment.  Aggressive sexual behavior will not be tolerated & unwanted sexual contact or harassment will be reported to police.  If you see something, say something.  

- No wetting yourself OUTSIDE the perimeter of the business in public view where you could draw unwanted attention.  If caught, you'll be refused entry/re-entry.   

- Dress code will be strictly enforced.  No shoes, no shirt, no service.  Face coverings like paper or cloth masks allowed but no costume masks unless a themed party is taking place.

- All races, sexes/genders & abilities welcome.  Anyone caught making hateful remarks or using slurs will be removed.  

Would you attend an omo-friendly business like this where photos & videos were forbidden & rules were strictly enforced?  What kinds of activities would you like to see included?  Anything else I've left out?  

Imagine all the pee-ple.....

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dressing Room Wettings: A Common Problem for Retail Workers

We all know on an intellectual level that peeing in public places where it'll leave a mess for others to clean up is bad form.  Just because we have a fetish for pants wetting does not mean we condone anti-social behavior that harms others or destroys property.  Yet apparently, that's exactly what a lot--and I mean a fucking LOT--of people are doing in clothing stores across the country.  Any store with a dressing room is fair game, being used as a toilet by the young and able-bodied, the elderly, children, homeless people & various and sundry others who are choosing this option instead of using the store's open bathrooms.  (The bathrooms are often right across from the changing rooms so this can't all be chalked up to true incontinence/accidents).  Some are clearly fetishists getting a sexual kick out of it while others seem to be doing it for convenience or just to be assholes, seeing how much anti-social behavior they can get away with.

What the hell is going on here?  Check out these stories from the employees' point of view and see how much less appealing it sounds than it does in your fantasy:

Piss on the clothes, piss on the floor.  Bonus:  a full diaper.  😭

Weekly pisser & shredded cheese bag bandit abuse Target dressing rooms.

3 times in 4-6 months (2 different Kohl's stores)

Twice in a month + "way too often" at Kohl's.

Lemme guess:  you didn't clean it up?

Kid leaves piss puddle in Party City floor... at MOM'S urging.  😡

Maybe it's stories like these by big-name celebrities that are encouraging this disgusting, barbaric behavior.  Whatever it is, it needs to stop before these establishments shut down all their dressing rooms permanently--something that's already become an issue due to Covid.  Managers need to do a better job about NOT outsourcing cleanup to associates and also, about preventing this to begin with.  I had no clue it was such an issue.  I will admit dressing room wetting is a hot fantasy of mine but this is one form of urination that should remain firmly in the realm of fantasy.  Never have I left a piss puddle in a public place nor would I ever do such a thing IRL, and you shouldn't either.

People doing this and destroying store property (clothes, carpeting, etc) should be charged just as harshly as shoplifters who run out of the store with items they haven't paid for.  Maybe MORE harshly for exposing the public to their bodily wastes.  Because it doesn't stop at urine:  stories of semen, feces smeared on walls & blood among other actually dangerous bodily fluids are nearly as common as urine.   🤢

Obviously I'm not talking about truly incontinent people or rare "bathroom was full" situations, but that's almost never what's happening here according to the very people who are wading in the public's piss and shit.  And even if you have an accident, you have the option to tell someone or CLEAN IT UP.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

No Toilet Tuesday 🚫🚽

 You've heard of Meatless Monday & Throwback Thursday:  Introducing No Toilet Tuesday. 

The name is pretty self-explanatory:  you're allowed to piss anywhere but a toilet from midnight on Tuesday until the clock strikes midnight on Wednesday:  A diaper, a bottle, the sink, the bath tub, your pants, a trash can, your bed, a towel, outdoors on the ground, a fire hydrant... the choice is yours.  As long as you don't waste your golden nectar in the crapper.  This can be tricky if you work or go to school on Tuesdays or live with roommates, but I believe in you.  Get creative:  take a disposable cup or container to the restroom if you're at work or have no privacy, or strap on a diaper to fly through the day on Easy Mode.  You can pour your pee-pee into the toilet as long as you don't use it directly.  

Seriously, this can be a good way to contain all your wetting to one day per week if you're trying to cut back, or alternately, you can use it as a stepping stone to help you stop using the toilet altogether if you're interested in the unpotty training thing.  Nothing will motivate you to find alternative pee places faster than taking the leap & swearing off the porcelain goddess IRL.

(Actually, I take that back.  You CAN use the toilet as long as you don't open the lid.  Like this):

Only acceptable way to use the potty on N.T.T.

For my first official Toilet-Free Tuesday, I've wet myself in bed on my incontinence mat through several pairs of pants/panties, in the bath tub twice (once dry WITH panties & once nude while bathing), again on my mat while lying on my stomach in the living room floor & finally in the kitchen while straightening up, but that was just a few spurts.  Currently filling up again as we speak.   

What unconventional ways would you like to try peeing on your next No Toilet Day?  Love to hear from you in the comments!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Floodgaytes Experiment: Closed Toilet Lid + Towel

Decided to try something different.  I wanted to see if one bath towel would hold all my pee while sitting on a closed toilet lid, which is one of my fave ways to wet myself.  However I rarely do it because of the mess involved, so this would open up a new avenue if it works out.  

I was wearing one of my last clean pairs of panties before laundry day (well, PANTY day.  I do so much laundry there's always something tumbling).  After downing a bunch of water + herbal tea and watching naughty amateur wettting vids, I straddled the closed toilet lid & propped up the camera to capture the action.  I started losing control in soft spurts while adjusting the camera, which accounts for the whispering.  I have no clue what I said, but I distinctly recall being surprised I was peeing so freely before I'd intended to.  It felt so good rushing out of me like that against my will, so I just let it!  

The wetness looked so sexy spreading on the towel, slowly creeping toward the edge of the toilet lid as I slowly emptied my bladder into my maroon panties.  Would it flow over the sides like it definitely would've if I hadn't put down the towel?  Time would tell....   

Another angle.  Notice wetness (far left)  💦

It only made it about halfway to the "end of the world" so to speak.  Part of me secretly hoped it would drip onto the floor for some reason.  Not like I particularly felt like cleaning up pee; I had been up many hours and this was my last hurrah before turning in.  I just felt extra naughty and almost couldn't believe a toilet-lid piss could come out this neat & tidy.  

Here's the video for those curious

So if for some reason you're in the market for a less messy way to piss on your toilet lid, try it with a bath towel.  It's actually pretty fuckin' hot.  

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Wetting Stories: Convenience Pee'er Develops Affinity for Wetting

This is the account of a unique wetting enthusiast who started peeing in unorthodox places out of necessity, continued for convenience & eventually developed a special place in her heart for wetting.  Here's the letter in its entirety posted with permission to publish: 

Not OP.

Hello.  My name is Lydia & I just found out what "omoraschi" is and I'm still holding back laughter. (No offense- I'm more suprised than amused).  See I've been engaging in this sort of thing for years but for very different reasons than most of the people reading this.  It started in my uni years while sharing a flat with a crazy bathroom hogging roomie who would literally stay locked in the loo for HOURS every morning.  Still have no clue what she was doing in there but once the door was closed there was no getting in or interrupting her, so it could've been anything from OCD rituals to smoking crack.  I suppose I'll never know.  Like most people I wake up needing a wee so this forced me to improvise:  I went in the trash can in my bedroom a few times, a giant McDonald's cup once... I was even forced to pee on a bath towel one frustrating day.  Luckily I didn't have any early morning classes or I mightv'e had to bust the door down.  We did get into some rather loud arguments over it a few times but it made no difference.

After two years of that hell I moved into my own place & the habit just kinda stuck because, as gross & slovenly as it sounds, I live alone now and nobody is around to judge and I'm damn sure gonna relish this freedom which is totally new to me.  But mostly it's just more convenient

The only downside of this habit is that it seems to have weakened my bladder quite a lot--"just going" in any bin, cup, towel or container means almost no ability to hold on for the toilet when out in the world.  Not sure if it's my bladder that's weak or my brain but either way..... not good.  The sight of a possible pee container triggers me to let go like the sight of a toilet does for other desperate people.  And my pee containers come in many different shapes, sizes & forms so in a sense it's like being surrounded by toilets when needing to pee. 

Nothing is more annoying for an ADHD'er than having to get up every few minutes while hyper focused on something like a Netflix series, video game or work project just to sit your ass on the cold porcelain.  So I upgraded to relieving myself in shoe boxes, those big metal popcorn tins you get at Christmas, paper bowls, trash bags... pretty much any kind of disposable or washable container that could be dumped into the toilet or thrown away.  I still wash my hands afterward obviously.  (I guess I never realized just how much I hated being interrupted by my body's frequent and urgent need to use the loo until I stopped using it).  Of course I still go #2 in the toilet & use public bathrooms to pee when I'm out, which I actually hate the most of all.  I've had a semi-fear and hatred of them since childhood but I see no alternative.  Unlike at my apartment, it isn't exactly kosher to pop a squat at the FreshCo or local bank & let loose into an empty Jollibee's box......  Yet.    😉

But the thing I came to hate most of all was how my need to urinate interrupted my sleep.  There was a time I could hold through the night but that ended with my 20's.  Now I require at least 1 bathroom break per night, usually 2 if I sleep 7 hours or more.  And yes I've tried it all, from dehydrating myself to those useless arm patches that treat Overactive Bladder.  No significant improvement.  The worst part is I can never EVER go back to sleep after getting up as I'm a light sleeper.  And I'm not a very nice person without my sleep.  But I think I found a way around that.  Please don't judge.  🙈

After seeing an ad online (how did they know??), I picked up a washable incontinence pad & tried just... NOT getting up during the night.  I know, terrible & lazy and disgusting, but hear me out:  I've slept like a baby since I've been using the pad instead of getting up and making the long slog to the toilet every night.  I just put the pad underneath me (I sleep in the buff) & when I wake up needing a wee I just go right there, then I move it to the foot of the bed where I can easily grab it again or toss it on the floor until I can wash it in the morning.  No one is the wiser.  It's a lot of laundry but it's worth my sleep and sanity.

This is where things go from convenience to something more.  One night I arrived home exhausted & didn't shower, forgetting to remove my bottoms.  Thankfully I remembered to put the PeaPod down or my mattress would've been ruined.  I had one for those rare "I'm peeing in the toilet" dreams and when I woke up, it was coming out for real.  So I just... let it.  What else could I do?   And I must admit, it felt good.  Bloody good.  That was probably the first time I actually enjoyed peeing outside a toilet & the very 1st time I'd wet myself with clothes on.  Felt like it went on forever & I could hear it splashing & hissing & soaking my shorts.  As my stream was tapering off, I put my hand down there & played around in it a bit.  (God, my mum would cut me out of the will if she ever found this!)  Since then I've gotten a bit more comfortable with wetting for the heck of it & have been checking out some vids & discussions on the topic.  Hence this letter to you.

After some close calls followed by a nerve-wracking accident at the library last month, I've realized that public wetting isn't the end of the world like I thought it would be, though I'd rather if people didn't catch me.  So I bit the bullet & ordered some adorable exercise tights (navy blue Spandex with alien print!) & a few other key items to have on hand when I visit my cousin in the States this spring.  We'll be meeting up in Palm Springs in early May, then I rent a car & drive to New Mexico for a business conference at the end of the month.  And I've heard about the public bathroom situation in the States.  Dreadful.  The last thing I want as a foreigner is to stop alone at random rundown rest stops every 30 minutes, so I figure I'll prepare for the worst & hope for the best.  That is, I'll try my best to avoid an accident while driving but won't beat myself up if it happens.  And fuck dehydrating myself for 780+ miles..  That's just unhealthy & probably wouldn't work anyway.  I'm not comfortable wearing diapers but I may look into it before then if I really don't think I can make it.  

I'm thinking about driving around my city & scoping out places I could have a "wet run" so to speak, maybe as practice for the actual trip.  Oh who am I kidding:  at this point it's more about experimentation than crisis management.  I'd like to see not only how well my new clothes camouflage an accident but how well I keep my cool wetting in a public setting.  So far my Piss List includes the woods behind my childhood home, the hiking trail that cuts through the woods, the public park on the far side of said trail, the ole fishing hole, the $3 movie seats (back row), the dressing rooms at Primark, the back seat of my city's bus & locker room at my local gym to name a few.  (If I actually go through with the indoor ones I'll just START wetting in those places & keep moving so as not to make a big mess).  don't think I'll have the guts to do all of them but they're fun to think about.

To wrap this up:  I wouldn't say I have a full-blown piss fetish per se.  But it's definitely intriguing to me in an intellectual way.  For years it was about NOT pissing myself due to my weirdo roommate, then it morphed into this freedom/convenience thing and now...... well.  Now I'm just testing the limits to see what I can get away with.  Because at some point I know this freedom will be gone.  Eventually I hope to find a guy, settle down and start a family and the party will be over so to speak.  Life will get more amazing but also more complicated and annoying ahahaha.  So for now I'm living it up and doing what I want:  Going to pubs, sleeping in 'til noon, watching all the reality TV I can stomach, smoking and drinking probably a tad more than I should.  And putting my comfort and convenience ahead of social norms.  Sue me.    😝

It would be nice if  the world was more accepting of people with weak bladders having accidents or not using toilets because it can be more than just inconvenient.  Roadside petrol stations can be dangerous for women and kids and they're in short supply in many places, which can make it actually impossible to find one in time when traveling.  And the sleep issue goes beyond annoyance.  Having to pee multiple times a night can wreck your sleep if you're like me & can't return to sleep after getting up.  That's bad for your health over time. 

While I don't think it's appropriate for people to just piss up the floors in public establishments (that would be gross AF), I do wish there was more acceptance for the decision to use unconventional containers in certain situations or in private.  As long as u don't stink or ruin public property it's no one's business, yeah?  I've seen people who freak out at the idea of peeing in the SHOWER! Like calm down u weirdos.

As much as she got on my nerves, I guess I have my roomie from uni to thank for this weird turn of events in my life.  Take care.

---- Lydia


Wow, we'd LOVE to hear how your trip goes in the spring Lydia!  Amazing story, thank you for sharing.  Like our author, I use an incontinence mat for convenience while sleeping & it's been great.  And I agree 1000% with the last 2 paragraphs: the pee stigma needs to end. 

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...