Thursday, August 15, 2024

Omo-Friendly Businesses: What's the Holdup?

While whipping out your privates and peeing in public is very much illegal in all public spaces in the U.S, public pants-wetting is more of a grey area.  The former can get you put on a sex offender registry at worst; the latter has gotten a couple people charged with "littering".  And that's probably after a business owner or disturbed onlooker complained.  

So why the total lack of omorashi-friendly bars, clubs, arcades, spas, (outdoor) restaurants & other businesses?  Considering how common it is for people to piss up dressing rooms in stores like Target, Kohl's & Wal-Mart next to open bathrooms, this fetish is a LOT more common than most of us probably realize.  The money to be made running such an establishment in or near a busy metro area could be potentially huge, plus the publicity & praise for pioneering something like this would be highly gratifying for the right personality type.  Maybe those other public places wouldn't get defaced as often if Omo lovers had other places to congregate? 

So drunk you piss yourself?  No problem!

Even if it was just an informal sort of clubhouse or backyard gathering place that didn't serve food or alcohol, I'd expect to see more of this in the era of 'anti-kink shaming' & anything goes orientations.  It very much seems like an idea whose time has cum, as I constantly see pee lovers wanting to meet up and have little game nights or other events.  AND IT NEED NOT BE OVERTLY SEXUAL.  In fact, it shouldn't be as that could quickly devolve into lawsuits & unwanted police presence.  There are sex clubs for that.  I've been in them and that's a very different energy than the energy of pee-in-your-pants-for-kicks crowd.  If you get turned on watching people wet themselves, organize something AFTER you leave the bar/club/whatever.  Keeping this place Omorashi-specific is how you protect the business, the patrons & avoid incidents that give the community as a whole a bad name.  

Ideas for entertainment include:  holding contests, pee-related trivia nights, urine measuring contests (whoever pees most wins... something), full-bladder mechanical bull riding, Piss Pong (toss the ball in the cup & your opponent has to drink and/or piss a spurt), pee-themed card games, arcade games... the possibilities are endless.  The business could have an omorashi theme or just be a normal place where wetting is welcome.  Likewise, wetting could take place anywhere at any time in the establishment or only in designated areas.  It's totally up to the owner.

"Wet" bar

It would most certainly draw negative attention from normies in the community, eventually bringing in media so you'd need to be prepared for that.  But all press is good press as long as they spell your name right.  Omo lovers from around the country and maybe the world would travel to see your little slice of heaven.  As long as everything was up to code and you weren't located within so many feet of a school, daycare or park/playground, there's nothing anyone could legally do to shut you down.  Somewhere like the deserts of Nevada where all the brothels are located or Death Valley, CA might be a good place, or you could set up shop in the countryside in Oregon or Washington state where the liberal-minded reside.  

Think of it as harm reduction:  All the people who are currently getting off on exhibitionist-type wettings & making messes in places where kids & God knows who may be present could have a place where it's expected & welcome to piss yourself in public.  There's no guarantee they wouldn't up the ante & do some other anti-social shit, but that's on them.  The business owner reserves the right to remove anyone for any reason.  Just like any other business.  Nothing about this establishment would be different than any other adults-only place of its kind except there would be a lot more folks with wet pants walking around. 

Here are my proposed rules for such a place:


- NO minors/under 18.  Must be 21+ to enter if alcohol is served.  ID checked at the door.

- NO nudity or sexual behavior (masturbation, unwanted touching, catcalling, etc).  

- Absolutely no cameras or recording devices.  Cell phones must be turned off like they would be at a concert or fine art gallery; anyone caught recording or taking photos will be banned for life. 

- Acceptable:  Desperation, pee dancing, holding yourself briefly through clothes, wetting in any natural position as long as you remain fully clothed, emptying your bladder anywhere in the designated areas, using toilets to urinate (one person per stall) or defecate with door shut.  

- Not Acceptable:  Masturbation (through clothes or not), "messing", urine consumption, peeing on others in a sexual manner (i.e. partners sitting on laps & peeing through clothes on each other), peeing in containers outside clothes unless it's a pee measuring contest or other planned event, using toilets with doors open, sexual behavior in bathrooms.  Other niche fetishes like ABDL, furries, BDSM or age play are strictly forbidden.  The focus is pants wetting & "we" want all our Omo-loving & incontinent patrons to feel comfortable.  

- Owner reserves the right to refuse service or remove patrons for any reason, no questions asked.  Some common reasons will likely be drunk & disorderly, sexual conduct, harassment of other patrons or staff, defacing property or other rule violations.  

- No illegal drugs, guns or other weapons inside establishment.  

- This is NOT a hookup club or speed-dating type establishment.  Aggressive sexual behavior will not be tolerated & unwanted sexual contact or harassment will be reported to police.  If you see something, say something.  

- No wetting yourself OUTSIDE the perimeter of the business in public view where you could draw unwanted attention.  If caught, you'll be refused entry/re-entry.   

- Dress code will be strictly enforced.  No shoes, no shirt, no service.  Face coverings like paper or cloth masks allowed but no costume masks unless a themed party is taking place.

- All races, sexes/genders & abilities welcome.  Anyone caught making hateful remarks or using slurs will be removed.  

Would you attend an omo-friendly business like this where photos & videos were forbidden & rules were strictly enforced?  What kinds of activities would you like to see included?  Anything else I've left out?  

Imagine all the pee-ple.....

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...