Thursday, April 25, 2024

Elements of a Great Omorashi Video


The question "what types of wetting vids do you like?" often comes up on forums & discussion boards.  I've thought about this a lot since I spend many hours watching this genre of porn (for science!) & can say I honestly love 3 distinct "types" of wetting content equally.  Those include:

Genuine Wetting Accidents:  

Genuine wetting in line for Port-A-Potties

Emphasis on the "genuine".  These can be hard to capture because how often does a person genuinely wet themselves AND have a camera out to document the humiliating result?

In the absence of truly spontaneous accidents, I'll settle for public scenarios where the person is severely desperate but clearly doesn't wanna wet themselves due to embarrassment, making a mess or some other reason.  They obviously have the fetish or are making porn but you can tell they also feel scared/embarrassed and are fighting back the urge to some degree.  Maybe they do this at home in private for kicks but are freaking out since they're in a more public setting.  Or they're driving and don't have anything to sop up the mess, hoping to make it home before losing control but can't.  It's that classic rock-and-hard place situation of not wanting to wet yourself due to strong social conditioning but having no other option.  Let us know WHY there's no other option too:  why can't you just pull your pants down or pee in a cup?  Are there too many people/cameras around?  Cops?  Bathroom occupied, out of order or what?  


Shy_squirter from Pornhub is the queen of pleasure pees

The 2nd kind of piss porn I adore is what most would consider almost opposite from the first--wetting for pleasure while masturbating simply because it feels good.  The pee'r can be naked or wearing panties/pants, although if naked I prefer they're playing somewhere that they don't really want to get wet, such as their bed or a living room couch.  This makes it that much hotter when they lose control.  But this is intentional wetting/peeing so there's no real fight not to pee.  It's all about the orgasm (or peegasm if they time it right). 

This genre overlaps with "squirting" in a major way, with it often being unclear whether the actress/woman is "coming or going" at the moment of climax.  Either way, fucking HOT.  The only time this isn't hot is when it's clear she's timing the piss flow to coincide with her "orgasm" which she's clearly faking, and passing it off as squirting.  A woman knows when another woman is faking it.  Keep it real, give us a window into your most private moments & we'll keep cumming back for more.

Casual/Nonchalant Wetting:  

Girl pees casually while doing housework

Finally, the 3rd subtype of wetting porn I dig is the kind where the wetter does their business almost as an afterthought while doing some other task, showing no obvious signs of arousal or acknowledgement of the cameras.  The idea is that these people just piss themselves whenever the urge arises & don't make a big deal of it.  Therein lies the hotness.  Maybe they're sitting at the computer desk or talking on the phone & just spread their legs + let a hot stream go in their pants as they carry on with their task.  This is the kind of freedom I long for in my own daily life, and there's something unspeakably hot about girls just soaking themselves where they sit, stand or lie.  It gives us a glimpse into what an omo-friendly society could be like if everyone were at least tolerant of public wetting.  Wouldn't that be awesome?

Types I'm NOT Into  🙅🏻‍♀

Less of this please

I'm really not into those big studio productions ("wetandpissy", "INeed2Pee", etc) where it's clear it's a porn shoot rather than an impromptu event with the actress doing it for pleasure.  These tend to feature a lot of "sexy mugging" for the camera:  slithery body movements, unnecessary noises, exaggerated facial expressions/looking directly in the camera & other things that are a general turn-off to me in amateur as well as professional porn.  I guess the only other type of omo porn I truly dislike is that which features male nudity or sex acts.  Anal sex & anything involving feces or vomit is a fuck no too.  I don't consider pee drinking, pissing on other people sans clothes & the like to be "omorashi".  

Types I'd Like to See MORE Of

Real wetting in Uber!  

As a massive lezzie I'd love to watch more lesbian desperation/wetting porn if it existed but most of it involves pee drinking & naked pissing (peeing on faces, etc)--clearly things made for the male gaze--so I'm not interested.  PissQu33n & her gf are the prototype for Grade A amateur lesbian wetting porn.  Seeing 2 or more girls get together & masturbate in pissy panties would also be amazing, but only if it wasn't a glossy professional vid with the aforementioned "sexy mugging".  The Patches Place vids were my idea of Heaven:  friends, sometimes lovers, casually wetting themselves at home & in public in creative ways.  Sometimes they masturbated and were turned on, other times not.  But none of it felt forced or fake.  

Naughty/dangerous wettings like those that take place while driving or riding in cars, in dressing rooms of stores, while riding a bike or hiking, on the bus/train, in a movie theater seat or other public place are too few and far between as well.  But this does NOT include blatant public wettings involving exhibitionism (i.e. in front of a store clerk or while naked on a bus).  I'm not a fan of people doing dangerous in-your-face wettings with some creep following behind them recording it, but if they are secretly peeing themselves in public & recording themselves like this absolute masterpiece, bring it on.  

I'd really like to see more wetting porn categorized by details like:  where it takes place (physical location, in public/private), what the person is wearing, position (sitting, standing, squatting, lying on side, etc) and any special features like hissing loud pee, long stream, talking/sexy noises, pee on dildo, leaky diaper or pissing through fingers.  What's the weather like if you're outside?  Who's with you, did anyone see?  Did you feel nervous, excited, horny, naughty, embarrassed, humiliated or fearful?  What were you doing at the time (if not just masturbating lol).  The more detail in the title/description the BETTER.  

Give us backstory, make the vids longer than 1 minute & focus on genuine accidental wettings or wetting for pleasure (with plenty of vocalization)... that's all I ask.  Anybody can stand there & just pee themselves with no sexy noises, no orgasm & no risk of getting caught.  First and foremost, the subject of the film needs to ENJOY themselves!  If you're a creator of wetting vids, I implore you to keep these things in mind when making content.  

Do any of these points resonate with you, dear reader?  What are your favorite types of wetting video & why?  

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remote Controlled G-Spot Vibrating Egg Review

I'm ashamed to say that, as a Gold Star card-carrying lesbian, I have zero sex toys.  Not a one.  Sure, I have had them in the past when I had a gf--glass dildos, vibrating things that went buzz in the night... but for some reason I never got around to buying any for myself.  Until now that is.  

Meet the remote-controlled G-Spot Vibrating Egg, complete with 9 different modes & 6 app modes (music, interactive, video, etc).  Only $14.90 on Amazon!  

Note the "waterproof" bit (highlighting by me).

I first saw this nifty little gadget in a squirting vid and had to know more but never expected it to be so cheap.  Actually, the thought that Amazon sold sex toys never occurred to me until my pelvic floor therapist mentioned that you could buy dilators on there.  That sparked me to search for vibes and bingo-bango, here we are.  (Can I just say how much more convenient & less humiliating it is shopping for sex toys online than having to go INSIDE a sex shop like in the old days while some stranger follows you around and asks if there's "anything they can help you with")?  

I didn't notice that these came in multiple different colors which, for some reason, are set at wildly different prices.  I just went default with pink which was cheapest at $13ish.  Of course today it's down to $9... typical.  Next day delivery was supposed to happen but as usual I knew that wouldn't materialize, plus it was a Sunday.  No biggie.  But it hadn't even shipped by the end of the next day which was annoying.  


Despite this hiccup, it arrived the day after it was scheduled.  Not bad!  Came in a completely nondescript black box with no allusion to what was inside.  I must admit it looks a bit intimidating in size.  But I think it'll work when lubed up.  To charge, you just plug it in to a regular phone charger in the wall & wait.  The light blinks red when it's charging & goes steady red when it's done.   Setup was pretty easy too: just scan a couple bar code thingies and download the app & it connects you to hundreds of other women in the world, or you can just set your own vibration mode.  The app doesn't exist on a Chromebook laptop FYI so make sure you have a phone.  Mine's an Android.

My 1st experiment was kinda lackluster--as expected, it was slightly too big which oddly caused it to fall out unless I held it in.  This is likely because it didn't go very far inside and the lube made it super slippery.  My 2nd trial went better.  I find that I like it better on the OUTSIDE of my body than on my actual g-spot.  If used before masturbation it definitely strengthens my orgasms which was the point; how I achieve that is immaterial.  I do wish sex toys like this came in different sizes (I.e. widths, circumferences) for those of us with, ehh, smaller anatomy.  But aside from that, I'm having a blast experimenting with the different vibe modes.  And of course, playing with various amounts of liquid in my bladder.  My fave technique is to put it in my panties while I read stories or watch omo porn & then remove it to actually masturbate/piss myself.  As stated, the wetness factor is DEFINITELY increased.  

I give the Remote-Controlled G-Spot Vibrating Egg a 9 of 10 stars overall.  You can't beat it for the price; it could only be better if it somehow stayed inside easier & wasn't as big around.  (It's normal-sized, to be clear; I'm the one with issues lol).  Sex toys and sex toy shopping have come such a long way since I was a teen that I'd gladly repeat this process & buy another naughty thing when I get more $$$. all I need is a lady friend to play with me.  👭

Saturday, April 13, 2024

An Actual Gem from Quora:

Typical Quora fare.  🤦🏽

Ahh, Quora. Home of some of the dumbest, funniest & most disturbing questions you'll ever see on the 'net.  Yahoo! Answers crawled so you could shakily stand, wobble & fall back on your buttocks like a drunken toddler with vertigo.  But every now and again you come across a real gem--an answer that simply is too detailed, well-written & intelligent for the site it's posted on.  This is one of those times.  

While answering pee questions recently I stumbled across this excellent piece of advice from user: SoggyShorts.  The question was "How can I wet myself in public?" or similar.  Here it is in its unedited/unchanged glory: member masters the art of the sneaky pee

This is from a Reddit post I wrote a couple of years ago.


A couple of times I have offered advice on how to start wetting in public. I've decided that I need to post it at the top level here for everyone to enjoy. This is a little long, sorry, but this is something that has worked, and there's a fair bit to it.


* People are oblivious unless you call attention to yourself.

* Choose clothes that hide it until you are ready to be more daring

* Consider sitting at a table while you pee in your pants.

* Put some distance between yourself and home.

* Psyche yourself up

* Logistics

**People are oblivious unless you call attention to yourself.**

Okay, first, take a moment to understand something about people. People are oblivious. The reason for this is that everyone, yourself included, is generally too focused on what other people are thinking of them. This is self-defeating, because it means that nobody is actually thinking anything about anyone else, because their energy is completely spent on worrying about what others think. This, by the way, is a good, general-purpose life protip, not confined to just this fetishistic behavior. People are oblivious.

There is an exception, which is that if you call someone's attention to yourself, it breaks the trance and they'll see you and what you are doing. Simply peeing in your pants is unlikely to do that. Making a fuss about peeing in your pants, or talking about peeing in your pants, that will break the trance. You might also break the trance in how you present yourself. I once had a situation arise with a couple of redneck guys who were apparently insecure enough in their manhood that they had to comment derisively on the length of my shorts (I am male, straight and CIS, but I like my shorts short and some folks find that disagreeable, I guess). Even so, they did not notice that my shorts were wet, or at least, didn't say anything about it.

If you are a woman, well, you may find guys looking at your ass. I present this mostly without judgement or endorsement; I will apologize on behalf of my gender, but it is a thing. This kind of enhances your likelihood of discovery, so keep that in mind. Personally, the thrill of discovery is part of what I enjoy, but we need to get you comfortable first.

**Choose clothes that hide it until you are ready to be more daring**

That's pretty straightforward, right? Dark is your friend, shiny is your friend, synthetic materials are your friend. Get all of your friends together for your first few times.

Dark is obvious. Your clothes darken when they get wet; if they're already dark, they can't darken as much, if at all.

Shiny is obvious, also. Wet clothes glisten. If your clothes are already shiny, the wet spot won't glisten as obviously.

Synthetic materials are better than natural because (a) they fade less than natural, so black polyester is going to still be black while black cotton might have faded, (b) most shiny fabrics are synthetic (silk is an exception, but silk essentially behaves like a synthetic), (c) when it gets wet, the wetness dissipates and blends in more quickly. For bonus points, (d) synthetic fabrics get wet faster and (e) are more comfortable when they are wet than natural fibers are. That'll let you stay wet longer.

For quick reference, look at the tag on your clothes. It should say what they are made of. The most common synthetics are:

* Polyester

* Polyamide (also known by the brand name Nylon)

* Acrylic

* Lycra (also known by the brand name Spandex)

* Also, I will again mention silk as an honorary synthetic

As a guy, I like wind pants and running shorts. Women might also do well with a skirt or leggings.

**Consider sitting at a table while you pee in your pants.**

This is a good way to provide some cover for what you are doing until you are more comfortable with it. The table hides you while you pee in your pants. You can stay seated until you have worked up the courage to stand up and walk away, but eventually, you will have to get up.

**Put some distance between yourself and home.**

Drive some distance away from where you live. The idea here is to be somewhere that you are not likely to encounter anyone you know. If someone does notice that you have peed in your pants, it would be better that it be a complete stranger than someone you know who isn't aware of what you do for fun . . . basically this can help you avoid an awkward conversation.

**Psyche yourself up**

This one is important. You need to be ready to do this. If you chicken out, that's okay, but remember, you *want* to pee in your pants in public!

Pick a date that you're going to do this, and three places where you might do it, preferably close to each other but distant from home (see above). You want this date to be at least five days away. Now, go pick out the clothes you are going to pee in. Pick out the whole outfit, head to toe, skin to surface, every stitch. Don't forget shoes and socks, underwear, *everything.*

Now take your outfit and lay it out where you can see it, and where it can stay for a few days. It needs be someplace where you will see it at various times throughout the day. When you walk by wherever it's laid out, remind yourself why it is there. Say it to yourself. "I am going to pee in those clothes in public on Saturday (or whenever)." Build up the anticipation. Build up the excitement. Make this your truth.

On the day you've picked, strip naked, and put your outfit on. Stand in front of the mirror as you are putting your clothes on, and with each lower-half item, look in the mirror and say, "I'm going to go pee in these!" Get excited! You're getting ready to go piss in your pants! You *love* going piss in your pants!

Once you are in your outfit, get in your car and drive to the first place. If you chicken out, just leave and drive to the second place and try again, and so on. This is why you picked three places -- you can chicken out a couple of times and still come home wet.

It's up to you to decide how you want to do it and exactly when. Standing or sitting, walking, still, on a bike, on a skateboard, whatever; letting it dribble out, squirting little bits, gushing like a firehose or holding until it comes out without your permission, all up to you. Pee a little, pee a lot, whatever makes you happy.


Before you get into your car to go to the place where you are going to pee in your pants, make sure you have with you:

* two plastic bags

* a change of clothes

* two towels

* at least two litres of water or other beverage of choice.

* a salty snack

The water is obvious. Sip on it as you drive to your destination.

The salty snack is in case you start to get light-headed. There is a situation called water intoxication, and it comes from throwing your electrolytes out of whack. You can get dizzy, pass out or die of it. If you start to feel woozy, eat the salty snack to get your electrolytes right.

The change of clothes is in case you decide to dry off before coming home. Or you can pee in them too, if you want. That's up to you. I often bring several changes of clothes and pee in a few of them.

One towel and one plastic bag are for cleanup, the other for protection.

The ones for cleanup are obvious: use the towel to dry yourself off and the bag to hold your wet clothes.

The ones for protection work like this: The bag goes on your car seat and the towel gets folded up on top of that and you sit on the towel. The bag will keep the pee from getting into your car seat, and the towel will keep it from sloshing around. This setup will also let you pee in your pants some more while you are driving, if you feel like it.


That's about all I have for you. I wish anyone who reads this the best of luck in achieving this goal, because I love the idea of having yet another public wetter in the world.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Wow.  He literally thought of everything.  I must say, there are some incredibly insightful, well-spoken folks in our little fetish community.  If you're ever on Quora, give this guy a follow.  

Anything you'd add to this sage piece of advice for novice public wetters?  Things to avoid perhaps?  Ever been caught soaking yourself in public?  

Sunday, April 7, 2024


For all my fans of super casual wettings, I present Reddit's "Nonchalant Wetting" community:  a sub consisting only of women wetting or peeing as they go about their everyday business, from brushing their teeth to reading on the couch to exercising outdoors.  The point is that their attention is focused somewhere OTHER than their crotch/bladder as they flood themselves, which is really hot to some of us.  No masturbation, no phony desperation.  Just super-casual wettings in everyday settings.   🏠

While I love classic desperation and genuine wetting accidents, there's something indescribably hot about just pissing whenever, wherever.  As if wetting were as normal as taking out the trash or feeding Fido.  Ultimately, I think that's the secret "agenda" of a lot of us Omo fans--to normalize it, or at least to break down the stigma associated with urine (that it's dirty/disgusting, worse than other bodily fluids like semen/squirt, etc).  The idea that so many women just... pee... wherever they happen to be sitting, standing or lying is incredibly inspiring (and hot) to me.  Of course there's the hygiene/smell issue but if they don't mind doing the extra laundry/mopping who am I to judge?  

I've tried to get more into casual wettings myself since I live alone and am loving it.  I went from having to strain to get my stream started in my pants to having to focus really hard NOT to start leaking on myself when I need to go.  This change happened in a very short 2-3 week period.  That is to say it's now extremely easy for me to wet my clothes in any room of my house while doing any mundane task.  (What's NOT as easy is resisting the urge to rub one out at the same time).  Some of my fave chores to do while wetting involve bending down or doing deep squats (picking up trash or laundry off the floor) & letting a spurt or two leak out into my tights--oopsie!--and then running some water while brushing my teeth or washing my hands and trying to resist the urge to go more.  At this rate it's not long until the incontinence mat is laid out and I'm sitting atop it with soaked panties.  But I really try to drag out those first few casual spurts in dry pants while I go about my daily chores as they're so delicious.  

"Oop, just wet myself a little" I'll say to myself as I go about my business, trying to downplay how good it feels & delay the inevitable porn-a-thon/masturbation session that follows wet pants.  "OK wow that was a lot!" I whisper aloud to reassure myself that I can hold it just a little longer before bursting.  "Shit shit shit I'm peeing" (or similar) are famous last words before the dam breaks.  Proud to say I'm getting better at self control & delaying masturbation/orgasm the more practice I get with wetting "casually".  

Anyway, be sure to check out the hotties on /r/NonchalantPee if you're on Reddit.  

Woman casually wets a public bench at night.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Have You Ever...? (Letting A Spurt Go to Relieve Pressure)

Have you ever been so desperate to pee that you decided to let a little spurt or two go in your pants, thinking it would relieve some of the pressure until you could get to a bathroom?  If so, how did that turn out?

"Just a little leak" story from Quora.

I've been seeing people attempt this (via online reports, of course) with VERY mixed-to-negative results.  In most cases, breaking the seal to let out some pee just increases the likelihood of a full-blown wetting, either because the person physically can't stop once they get started or it feels too good to stop.  If they make it past one or two spurts without issue, they always keep pushing their luck until the inevitable dam break occurs & they piss themselves.  Always.  

I'm incredibly intrigued by this phenomenon (not to mention, turned on).  I have no trouble clamping my pee hole shut after letting a little out, but I wouldn't have the guts to wet myself even a tiny bit in public.  There's also the having to wear wet pants thing--I actually can't stand the feeling of wet pants even though I adore wetting myself.  So in my case it's better to just wait til I can get to a toilet unless of course I'm at home by myself & can fully piss my pants.  Then that's always preferable.  

Another tale of a spurt turning to a fountain.

All this to say:  I feel that when people do the "just letting a spurt out to relieve pressure" thing, they're actually using it as an excuse to have a planned/controlled accident.  They know that it'll most likely make them want to wet more or unable to stop peeing their pants rather than actually "relieving bladder pressure".  Just another sexy little mind game we Omo fans play with ourselves.  Lord knows I do the spurting thing when I'm playing at home in the moments leading up to a full wetting--the difference is I know and acknowledge that's where it's headed. 

The folks who claim they're doing this to avoid an accident are actually just playing chicken with nature--tempting fate as it were.  If their bladder is strong enough not to give in and humiliate them, they keep pushing it until they've deliberately wet themselves enough to be noticeable.  That's because wetting your pants feels too good to stop at one or two spurts.  You HAVE to keep going.  And I'm here for it.  👏

Got an exciting or unique story about a time you tried this technique?  Ever feel that letting some out in your pants actually HELPED you hold it longer?  Had a massive accident due to truly believing you could let JUST one or two small spurts out but they got away from you?  Sound off in the comments!  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Desperation Board Game ("Oshigama Sugoroku") - in English!


Huge thanks to @omoLover_owo at for the translation from Japanese.  

For those who like holding games, this looks promising.  All you need is a 6-sided die, a piece to mark your spot on the board & some water.  Choose from 3 modes:  Easy, Normal & Hard.  Set your own penalties for leaking.  Minimum of 1 player required but more fun with a friend (or several). 

🚽🚻 🫗👖

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...