Saturday, April 13, 2024

An Actual Gem from Quora:

Typical Quora fare.  🤦🏽

Ahh, Quora. Home of some of the dumbest, funniest & most disturbing questions you'll ever see on the 'net.  Yahoo! Answers crawled so you could shakily stand, wobble & fall back on your buttocks like a drunken toddler with vertigo.  But every now and again you come across a real gem--an answer that simply is too detailed, well-written & intelligent for the site it's posted on.  This is one of those times.  

While answering pee questions recently I stumbled across this excellent piece of advice from user: SoggyShorts.  The question was "How can I wet myself in public?" or similar.  Here it is in its unedited/unchanged glory: member masters the art of the sneaky pee

This is from a Reddit post I wrote a couple of years ago.


A couple of times I have offered advice on how to start wetting in public. I've decided that I need to post it at the top level here for everyone to enjoy. This is a little long, sorry, but this is something that has worked, and there's a fair bit to it.


* People are oblivious unless you call attention to yourself.

* Choose clothes that hide it until you are ready to be more daring

* Consider sitting at a table while you pee in your pants.

* Put some distance between yourself and home.

* Psyche yourself up

* Logistics

**People are oblivious unless you call attention to yourself.**

Okay, first, take a moment to understand something about people. People are oblivious. The reason for this is that everyone, yourself included, is generally too focused on what other people are thinking of them. This is self-defeating, because it means that nobody is actually thinking anything about anyone else, because their energy is completely spent on worrying about what others think. This, by the way, is a good, general-purpose life protip, not confined to just this fetishistic behavior. People are oblivious.

There is an exception, which is that if you call someone's attention to yourself, it breaks the trance and they'll see you and what you are doing. Simply peeing in your pants is unlikely to do that. Making a fuss about peeing in your pants, or talking about peeing in your pants, that will break the trance. You might also break the trance in how you present yourself. I once had a situation arise with a couple of redneck guys who were apparently insecure enough in their manhood that they had to comment derisively on the length of my shorts (I am male, straight and CIS, but I like my shorts short and some folks find that disagreeable, I guess). Even so, they did not notice that my shorts were wet, or at least, didn't say anything about it.

If you are a woman, well, you may find guys looking at your ass. I present this mostly without judgement or endorsement; I will apologize on behalf of my gender, but it is a thing. This kind of enhances your likelihood of discovery, so keep that in mind. Personally, the thrill of discovery is part of what I enjoy, but we need to get you comfortable first.

**Choose clothes that hide it until you are ready to be more daring**

That's pretty straightforward, right? Dark is your friend, shiny is your friend, synthetic materials are your friend. Get all of your friends together for your first few times.

Dark is obvious. Your clothes darken when they get wet; if they're already dark, they can't darken as much, if at all.

Shiny is obvious, also. Wet clothes glisten. If your clothes are already shiny, the wet spot won't glisten as obviously.

Synthetic materials are better than natural because (a) they fade less than natural, so black polyester is going to still be black while black cotton might have faded, (b) most shiny fabrics are synthetic (silk is an exception, but silk essentially behaves like a synthetic), (c) when it gets wet, the wetness dissipates and blends in more quickly. For bonus points, (d) synthetic fabrics get wet faster and (e) are more comfortable when they are wet than natural fibers are. That'll let you stay wet longer.

For quick reference, look at the tag on your clothes. It should say what they are made of. The most common synthetics are:

* Polyester

* Polyamide (also known by the brand name Nylon)

* Acrylic

* Lycra (also known by the brand name Spandex)

* Also, I will again mention silk as an honorary synthetic

As a guy, I like wind pants and running shorts. Women might also do well with a skirt or leggings.

**Consider sitting at a table while you pee in your pants.**

This is a good way to provide some cover for what you are doing until you are more comfortable with it. The table hides you while you pee in your pants. You can stay seated until you have worked up the courage to stand up and walk away, but eventually, you will have to get up.

**Put some distance between yourself and home.**

Drive some distance away from where you live. The idea here is to be somewhere that you are not likely to encounter anyone you know. If someone does notice that you have peed in your pants, it would be better that it be a complete stranger than someone you know who isn't aware of what you do for fun . . . basically this can help you avoid an awkward conversation.

**Psyche yourself up**

This one is important. You need to be ready to do this. If you chicken out, that's okay, but remember, you *want* to pee in your pants in public!

Pick a date that you're going to do this, and three places where you might do it, preferably close to each other but distant from home (see above). You want this date to be at least five days away. Now, go pick out the clothes you are going to pee in. Pick out the whole outfit, head to toe, skin to surface, every stitch. Don't forget shoes and socks, underwear, *everything.*

Now take your outfit and lay it out where you can see it, and where it can stay for a few days. It needs be someplace where you will see it at various times throughout the day. When you walk by wherever it's laid out, remind yourself why it is there. Say it to yourself. "I am going to pee in those clothes in public on Saturday (or whenever)." Build up the anticipation. Build up the excitement. Make this your truth.

On the day you've picked, strip naked, and put your outfit on. Stand in front of the mirror as you are putting your clothes on, and with each lower-half item, look in the mirror and say, "I'm going to go pee in these!" Get excited! You're getting ready to go piss in your pants! You *love* going piss in your pants!

Once you are in your outfit, get in your car and drive to the first place. If you chicken out, just leave and drive to the second place and try again, and so on. This is why you picked three places -- you can chicken out a couple of times and still come home wet.

It's up to you to decide how you want to do it and exactly when. Standing or sitting, walking, still, on a bike, on a skateboard, whatever; letting it dribble out, squirting little bits, gushing like a firehose or holding until it comes out without your permission, all up to you. Pee a little, pee a lot, whatever makes you happy.


Before you get into your car to go to the place where you are going to pee in your pants, make sure you have with you:

* two plastic bags

* a change of clothes

* two towels

* at least two litres of water or other beverage of choice.

* a salty snack

The water is obvious. Sip on it as you drive to your destination.

The salty snack is in case you start to get light-headed. There is a situation called water intoxication, and it comes from throwing your electrolytes out of whack. You can get dizzy, pass out or die of it. If you start to feel woozy, eat the salty snack to get your electrolytes right.

The change of clothes is in case you decide to dry off before coming home. Or you can pee in them too, if you want. That's up to you. I often bring several changes of clothes and pee in a few of them.

One towel and one plastic bag are for cleanup, the other for protection.

The ones for cleanup are obvious: use the towel to dry yourself off and the bag to hold your wet clothes.

The ones for protection work like this: The bag goes on your car seat and the towel gets folded up on top of that and you sit on the towel. The bag will keep the pee from getting into your car seat, and the towel will keep it from sloshing around. This setup will also let you pee in your pants some more while you are driving, if you feel like it.


That's about all I have for you. I wish anyone who reads this the best of luck in achieving this goal, because I love the idea of having yet another public wetter in the world.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Wow.  He literally thought of everything.  I must say, there are some incredibly insightful, well-spoken folks in our little fetish community.  If you're ever on Quora, give this guy a follow.  

Anything you'd add to this sage piece of advice for novice public wetters?  Things to avoid perhaps?  Ever been caught soaking yourself in public?  


  1. Oh wow! I just found your blog and I am so incredibly honoured and humbled that you chose to share my words.

    Since you asked if we have ever been caught, I will tell you that I have actually approached someone and apologized for leaving a puddle on their floor, offering as an explanation simply, "I peed my pants."

    1. Just saw your comment left waaay back in June. Sorry about that. Was a pleasure to read and share it. 🙏

      Re: the puddle - That's very brave & honest. I could NEVER haha.


To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...