Thursday, April 25, 2024

Elements of a Great Omorashi Video


The question "what types of wetting vids do you like?" often comes up on forums & discussion boards.  I've thought about this a lot since I spend many hours watching this genre of porn (for science!) & can say I honestly love 3 distinct "types" of wetting content equally.  Those include:

Genuine Wetting Accidents:  

Genuine wetting in line for Port-A-Potties

Emphasis on the "genuine".  These can be hard to capture because how often does a person genuinely wet themselves AND have a camera out to document the humiliating result?

In the absence of truly spontaneous accidents, I'll settle for public scenarios where the person is severely desperate but clearly doesn't wanna wet themselves due to embarrassment, making a mess or some other reason.  They obviously have the fetish or are making porn but you can tell they also feel scared/embarrassed and are fighting back the urge to some degree.  Maybe they do this at home in private for kicks but are freaking out since they're in a more public setting.  Or they're driving and don't have anything to sop up the mess, hoping to make it home before losing control but can't.  It's that classic rock-and-hard place situation of not wanting to wet yourself due to strong social conditioning but having no other option.  Let us know WHY there's no other option too:  why can't you just pull your pants down or pee in a cup?  Are there too many people/cameras around?  Cops?  Bathroom occupied, out of order or what?  


Shy_squirter from Pornhub is the queen of pleasure pees

The 2nd kind of piss porn I adore is what most would consider almost opposite from the first--wetting for pleasure while masturbating simply because it feels good.  The pee'r can be naked or wearing panties/pants, although if naked I prefer they're playing somewhere that they don't really want to get wet, such as their bed or a living room couch.  This makes it that much hotter when they lose control.  But this is intentional wetting/peeing so there's no real fight not to pee.  It's all about the orgasm (or peegasm if they time it right). 

This genre overlaps with "squirting" in a major way, with it often being unclear whether the actress/woman is "coming or going" at the moment of climax.  Either way, fucking HOT.  The only time this isn't hot is when it's clear she's timing the piss flow to coincide with her "orgasm" which she's clearly faking, and passing it off as squirting.  A woman knows when another woman is faking it.  Keep it real, give us a window into your most private moments & we'll keep cumming back for more.

Casual/Nonchalant Wetting:  

Girl pees casually while doing housework

Finally, the 3rd subtype of wetting porn I dig is the kind where the wetter does their business almost as an afterthought while doing some other task, showing no obvious signs of arousal or acknowledgement of the cameras.  The idea is that these people just piss themselves whenever the urge arises & don't make a big deal of it.  Therein lies the hotness.  Maybe they're sitting at the computer desk or talking on the phone & just spread their legs + let a hot stream go in their pants as they carry on with their task.  This is the kind of freedom I long for in my own daily life, and there's something unspeakably hot about girls just soaking themselves where they sit, stand or lie.  It gives us a glimpse into what an omo-friendly society could be like if everyone were at least tolerant of public wetting.  Wouldn't that be awesome?

Types I'm NOT Into  🙅🏻‍♀

Less of this please

I'm really not into those big studio productions ("wetandpissy", "INeed2Pee", etc) where it's clear it's a porn shoot rather than an impromptu event with the actress doing it for pleasure.  These tend to feature a lot of "sexy mugging" for the camera:  slithery body movements, unnecessary noises, exaggerated facial expressions/looking directly in the camera & other things that are a general turn-off to me in amateur as well as professional porn.  I guess the only other type of omo porn I truly dislike is that which features male nudity or sex acts.  Anal sex & anything involving feces or vomit is a fuck no too.  I don't consider pee drinking, pissing on other people sans clothes & the like to be "omorashi".  

Types I'd Like to See MORE Of

Real wetting in Uber!  

As a massive lezzie I'd love to watch more lesbian desperation/wetting porn if it existed but most of it involves pee drinking & naked pissing (peeing on faces, etc)--clearly things made for the male gaze--so I'm not interested.  PissQu33n & her gf are the prototype for Grade A amateur lesbian wetting porn.  Seeing 2 or more girls get together & masturbate in pissy panties would also be amazing, but only if it wasn't a glossy professional vid with the aforementioned "sexy mugging".  The Patches Place vids were my idea of Heaven:  friends, sometimes lovers, casually wetting themselves at home & in public in creative ways.  Sometimes they masturbated and were turned on, other times not.  But none of it felt forced or fake.  

Naughty/dangerous wettings like those that take place while driving or riding in cars, in dressing rooms of stores, while riding a bike or hiking, on the bus/train, in a movie theater seat or other public place are too few and far between as well.  But this does NOT include blatant public wettings involving exhibitionism (i.e. in front of a store clerk or while naked on a bus).  I'm not a fan of people doing dangerous in-your-face wettings with some creep following behind them recording it, but if they are secretly peeing themselves in public & recording themselves like this absolute masterpiece, bring it on.  

I'd really like to see more wetting porn categorized by details like:  where it takes place (physical location, in public/private), what the person is wearing, position (sitting, standing, squatting, lying on side, etc) and any special features like hissing loud pee, long stream, talking/sexy noises, pee on dildo, leaky diaper or pissing through fingers.  What's the weather like if you're outside?  Who's with you, did anyone see?  Did you feel nervous, excited, horny, naughty, embarrassed, humiliated or fearful?  What were you doing at the time (if not just masturbating lol).  The more detail in the title/description the BETTER.  

Give us backstory, make the vids longer than 1 minute & focus on genuine accidental wettings or wetting for pleasure (with plenty of vocalization)... that's all I ask.  Anybody can stand there & just pee themselves with no sexy noises, no orgasm & no risk of getting caught.  First and foremost, the subject of the film needs to ENJOY themselves!  If you're a creator of wetting vids, I implore you to keep these things in mind when making content.  

Do any of these points resonate with you, dear reader?  What are your favorite types of wetting video & why?  


  1. Even though I'm a straight male we seem to be into the same kind of omo videos, especially genuine wetting accidents and peegasms. I'm really into the humiliation and embarrassment aspect of it, so the more real or planned but gone wrong (couldn't wait to get home and wet in public) the better.

    1. Nice! Maybe you'll find something you like in my Floodgaytes' Finds series:

      🚽 🏃🏻‍♀💦


To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...