Friday, May 10, 2024

Risky/Adventurous Wettings from Back in the Day



My Omo 'career' goes back as far as I can remember.  I won't include exact ages, names or other details here that aren't important but I wanted to share some experiences that I occasionally recall with fondness from my youth.  Note:  I'd NEVER be this bold/stupid as an adult but I also had zero privacy back then & just sort of went with the flow in terms of wetting when the urge hit (which could be some inopportune times).  

Here are just a few that stick out in my memory, some of the more unique ones include:

+ I went through a spurt (pun definitely intended) of waking up early around 5 a.m. on school days to work on a coloring picture of a coyote in the desert.  No idea why I remember that detail but that's what it was.  Shortly after getting started each morning, I'd excuse myself from the dining room table to go outside on the patio, where I lifted my long pajama shirt up and peed on the ground.  I only wore the shirt with some panties underneath & it was usually cool & crisp at that hour, so I remember it being exhilarating even though I wasn't wetting.  And my mom was always up so there was the "getting caught" risk factor.  (I never did but easily could've--don't remember why I told her I was going outside so early.  She may have been onto me).  

Me before school one morning:

+ One morning before school prior to that I decided to soak my good school clothes--a pair of hot pink tights & a Garfield shirt with matching necklace.  My parents were screaming at each other so I decided to 'dissociate' mentally by wetting my panties while looking down from above--my first POV wetting.  I got incredibly excited, that is until my mom turned her rage toward ME, asking what the hell I'd have done if I made it to school with a soaked crotch.  Fair question, one I hadn't even thought of.  I wasn't always the brightest bulb but I enjoyed myself.

+ During one of my other "omo jags" I kept a plastic Ziploc bag in the bathroom & would pee into it on the toilet, watching through my legs as I relieved myself.  Again, I wasn't wetting but this gave me a strange thrill.  When I finished I poured the pee into the toilet.  

+ Once my brother & I were fishing with my dad at a nearby pond and it started raining.  More like sprinkling actually.  In my naive young mind I took this as the perfect excuse to completely soak my red sweatpants.  Dad absolutely, 100% saw but is not the kind to mention such awkward things, so he handed me off to mom who scolded me once I got home.  Busted again.

+ Around this time I got caught wetting AGAIN when my mom's old childhood friend came to visit.  This time there would be a "busting" for real.  I was ambling around outside in soaked sweats when said friend pulled up in her fancy minivan unannounced.  Uh-oh.  This was the worst pee punishment ever, at least physically:  she sent dad in to "spank" (beat) me and locked me in my room for the duration of the visit.  I vividly recall the same red sweatpants being involved.  Not sure why I favored those particular pants to wet but they got me in a lot of trouble!  (Ironically, this friend of mom's was one she had numerous 'pee accident' stories from childhood she'd fondly shared with us over the years... talk about mixed messages!)

Me anytime I was within 100 ft. of water (to this day)

+ Of course I wet my swimsuit EVERY time I got near a body of water, which was almost every day until about age 13.  That goes equally for the public pool, Slip-n-Slide, Crocodile Mile, sprinkler, water balloon fights, playing in the hose or taking a dip in the horse trough on a hot day... ANY excuse to use my pants instead of the toilet.  There were times we didn't end up getting in the water at all when I would go through my one-piece into the toilet or on the ground!  Again, mom had told us that nobody uses the pool or lake bathrooms to pee (only to poop) as they were dirty & "creeps hung out there," so just go in the pool because "everybody does it".  More mixed messages.  Did I pee in the tub and shower each & every night?  What do you think?  I did that so much it wasn't even a thrill to me--just an automatic thing.  Sometimes I'd even stay after all the water drained just to wet the hard surface of the empty tub.  I made sure to push my naughty bits down directly on it before letting go. 

+ One of my faves was the rocking horse wetting.  I was wearing some loose-fitting windbreaker type shorts & sitting in a wooden rocking horse toy our uncle made by hand.  While watching TV with my siblings, I decided to let a spurt go in my baggy shorts, assuming the various parts of the horse would provide cover.  The first leak went okay so I released some more... and a few more for good measure.  Splash, splish-splash.  Splash.  My heart was POUNDING & when I looked down the wood was stained dark with pee.  I carefully got up, put the toy back & casually went to the bathroom to change.  I didn't get caught that time, BUT:

+ I was wearing those same shorts on a 30-minute grocery trip not too long after and got an uncontrollable urge about halfway there, so I let it rip in the back seat on the floorboard.  Not a bladder-full but enough to notice.  I DID get clocked walking into the store by my mother, who then sent me to sit in the car for the duration of the trip.  (Looking back, that was my downfall as a kid:  I had sort of a "reverse PTSD" where I'd get these amazing flashbacks while wearing clothes I'd previously wet in, triggering me to push my luck too far & do it again to relive the experience.  So I totally get what addicts mean when they talk about avoiding "triggers".  Clothes I'd successfully wet in were my triggers).  I could go for weeks, months or even years sometimes without having the urge to wet myself and then suddenly it was all I could think about.  No idea what would cause it other than a memory or external cue like that.  

+ Once when I was older I decided to flood some other sweatpants while lying in my bed.  Thankfully I had a lock on my door that prevented anyone from barging in, but my mom could've found the wet spot or pants at any moment (she DID find all my soaked pants much later; a different story for a different day).  I didn't have a mattress cover or anything--I just wildly let go on the side of the bed farthest from the door where she was least likely to touch if she ever made my bed while I was at school.  Eventually it dried & she never brought it up so I assume I got away with that one.  🤞🏼

What are some of your favorite wetting experiences, and what made them special?  How often were you caught, if ever?  Were you punished?


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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...