Sunday, March 24, 2024

Japanese Omo: Setting the Standard

It's no secret the Japanese are really into panty peeing.  Like really, really into it.  The term "omorashi" (or おもらし / オモラシ / お漏らし in Japanese) translates to "to wet oneself" and is, of course, Japanese in origin.  The reason why is more elusive.  It likely has to do with anti-porn laws that banned nudity & thus encouraged clothes-wetting & other niche fetish material.  (At the other hateful end of this spectrum is New Zealand, where it's a felony to produce porn containing urine, punishable with up to TEN YEARS in prison!  Insane considering some pedophiles & rapists don't get that long).  

In any case, I've just found one of the hottest porn clips/vids ever, and guess where it's set?  You guessed it:  Japan, home of the omo.  The plot is hard to piece together but it involves girls riding a bike equipped with a dildo (and alternately, a vibrator) and eventually wetting themselves.  Or ejaculating.  Impossible to tell.  Anyway, they do it in broad daylight on busy streets & it's incredibly risky.  Some are so overcome with good feels they have to pull over.  I soooo wish they'd film something like this in English because I'd love to know what they're saying.  (And to see the penetration sans pixelation).  

I have so many questions:  who made these bikes?  It looks like all the girls are really cumming/squirting so what's so different/great about them compared to other sex toys?  Or is it just really good faking?  (There was one older lady in one clip and she got wet too).  Just how illegal is what they're doing if penetration can't even be shown in Japanese porn in 2024?

 Clip 1 

Clip 2

The camera angles & long build-up to what look like real orgasms is what makes these vids so hot.  If anyone knows where to find an HD (or at least not potato-quality) streaming copy of this masterpiece in its entirety--or with English subtitles perhaps--I'm all ears.  And eyes, and hands...

Here are some of the best screencaps I could get from the available copies online.  Again, quality sucks but just the idea of girls squirting/wetting themselves publicly on a bike like this is VERY hot.

(Click pics to make biiiiiiig)

"Black Shorts Girl"

Shorts & seat = soaked.

"Double the Pleasure" Bike

Front rider forcefully squirts!

There are some not-so-hot scenes with these girls getting done buy a guy after each bike orgasm, which I skipped.  No idea how that fits into the "plot" here but I could've done without it.  Anyway, hope I've turned you on to some new unique wetting porn!  Here's some more interesting info on Omorashi culture for those interested.  Oh, and another fave I found recently, this Japanese "wetting in line for the bathroom" vid.  Looks like bathroom lines are long there and people wait too long due to their serious work culture, hence... this magic.  

Girl behind her develops fetish in this moment ;)

Notice disgusted woman leaving line

Japanese toilets are the kind you squat on the ground over, which is... interesting.  I'll leave the Googling to you but there are plenty of hot "Japanese woman has orgasm over toilet" vids out there.  Okay... here's just one pic:

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Omo Creators of Yesteryear: A Lifelong Search

Xtube's home screen

Back when I got into online omo porn there were 2 main sites that hosted the hottest vids:  Xtube &  This was circa 2007-2015ish.  They both were heavy on the gay-friendly content & as I recall didn't have ads at all... at least not loud commercial-style ads that popped up in the middle of videos like Pornhub & others do today.  And the creators were all amateur, and TALENTED.  This was real omorashi in its truest sense:  desperation in which the participant didn't want to wet themselves but then did anyway, and did so for a very long time.  Stars like Wetpantsboy & Wetlinda had bladders like watermelons that could rain pee for days--I'm talking record-setting amounts of piss.  🫠

Other usernames I can gather included 
Desperate Sue, peepeedee, seansgirl, multifetishgirl, holdingonhard, burstingchick420, YourPrincess, babyweewee, swishersweetie & helpmehold.  For the most part these creators made content that felt subversive, naughty & like they truly enjoyed what they were doing.  I'm guessing because the profit motive was not there.  Call it the Golden Age of Golden Showers: it was a sight to behold.


Gateway to Paradise

And just as quickly as the sites popped up, they went away.  WPB turned into a pay site called "PooPeeLife" and everyone abandoned ship.  Xtube was shut down completely around 2020 for no good reason; it had a huge userbase but must've not been profitable enough.

It's become my life's mission (okay, maybe not my whole life but damn near it) to locate some of these creators and download their old vids or find streaming versions in the present day.  I've managed to find a couple from that period from Wetlinda, Natalee from HDWetting, Wetpantsboy's whole catalog (under "Superw..." on Thisvid) & HoldingOnHard (peeing in jug) but would love to get more from Wetpantsboy's site & even just track down the usernames of old Xtube creators.  Unfortunately not many of the pee-related pages were archived on Wayback Machine or so that's a dead end.  Boo.  Hiss.

So it's all on you, dear readers.  If you recall any of these ancient usernames or vid titles I'd LOVE to have them.  Or if you have links to videos from these sites, even better.  Many moons have passed since I've seen these precious treasures & the old noggin's not as sharp as she once was.  I'm mostly interested in female wetting/desperation creators but am not opposed to male ones either as the creators from those days were so good I watched a few of the men too! 

If you were around for the heyday of these sites I know you know what I'm talking about: it was just a better, purer kind of content compared to the more abundant but less genuine feeling omo porn that exists today on sites like Twitter, Pornhub & (god forbid) pay sites like OnlyFans or ManyVids.  Like everything else on the internet, pay sites, social media and ads have taken something great & soiled it (and not in a hot way).  For shame.  😤

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Public Urination: (Still) A Crime in Every State


Yep, this is a real sign.  Depressing.  

As women, we've all been a bit envious of guys who can "whip it out" and relieve themselves anytime, anywhere.  But it's important to remember that doing so is a crime in every state.  Getting ticketed for "disorderly conduct" is the best case scenario--in 13 states you can actually end up on the sex offender registry for public urination.  These charges include things like 'lewdness' or 'indecent exposure' and require the defendant to register as a sex offender for a set amount of time.  If minors are present, charges can be even more serious.  These offenses can follow you for life, impacting your ability to move about freely, be gainfully employed & exercise certain rights like traveling internationally or obtaining student loans.

But back to the 'disorderly conduct' charge which is more common:  if a cop spots you unzipping your pants SANS any genital exposure or actual urination, they can still issue you a ticket and court summons regardless of any existing public urination laws on the books in that jurisdiction, so you'll want to avoid even the appearance of urinating in public.  Even if your back is turned to them, they can still use any apology you give (i.e. - "Uhh, sorry officer!") as well as the smell, sound or sight of urine as evidence against you.  🙄  So be sure to exercise your right to remain silent in the event you're approached while peeing.

The absolute state of policing in America.  

In Mississippi, a 10-year-old boy was given 3 months' probation for this "crime" after being handcuffed & locked in a cell for nearly an hour by 5 officers.  He was subsequently forced to write a 2-page essay & check in with the judge once a month.  His defense claims he was unfairly targeted due to his race--the child was Black & the son of a Black Lives Matter member.  All this for allegedly relieving himself discreetly in a small town parking lot.  Indeed, police are known for handing out sentences for minor offenses such as traffic violations, jaywalking & "public urination" while letting big shit like domestic violence & sex offenses slide, so don't think it couldn't happen to you.  Plenty of other people have been taken to court for urinating in parking lots & other public locations.

This becomes doubly unfair when you consider the U.S.'s dire lack of public restrooms.  Homeless people, public revelers & pretty much anyone who leaves their homes & at some point acquires a full bladder puts themselves at risk for having to relieve themselves in public.  And as stated earlier, women cannot simply "whip it out" anywhere or go in a bottle in the car.  This is where wetting oneself becomes a seriously legit option (and sometimes the ONLY option).  With CCTV popping up in more & more public places, pretty soon it'll be impossible to discreetly pee in public without getting caught by the fuzz.  

Avoiding Fines, Arrest & Humiliation

How it's done 

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  If you're going to be in a potentially sketchy pee situation like a long road trip, wear a diaper (ladies) or bring enough empty containers to pee in (guys).  Adult diapers come in all sizes/thicknesses & can be every bit as stealthy as a Maxi pad, totally invisible under jeans or pants.  Or if you prefer, just fold up a bunch of thick beach towels & wet yourself through a skirt or polyester bicycle shorts/tights while driving.  This is a better option than stopping at some creepy, rundown truckstop in the middle of nowhere that may not even HAVE a public restroom (or one that's safe/clean anyway).  You can also try rigging up a "car toilet" (shallow container that you squat over while your car is parked) like this lady did, but this can get messy if you're not really careful & adds time to your trip as you have to stop.  Always beware of your surroundings if you pull your pants down to urinate, even inside your car.  Cops may not be the worst thing you have to contend with in such situations, particularly if you're a woman traveling alone.  💛

Drinking less fluids is an option but do not dehydrate yourself or you risk side effects like headache, brain fog & urinary tract infection.  Ditto "holding it" beyond what is comfortable--avoid this as it's not good for your bladder & can even lead to incontinence in the long run.  Exposing yourself to pee on the side of the road or elsewhere outside a bathroom is the least messy option but you risk arrest or assault, especially in highly populated or unfamiliar areas.  Be VERY careful if you go this route. 

Getting a lil' carried away with the car wetting 😉


Wetting yourself is messy but SAFE, both in legal, health & personal safety terms.  If you wear the right color and fabric nobody will notice a thing, and staying hydrated with plenty of plain water ensures that your pee will be clear & nearly odorless.  Dudes can simply bring enough containers with lids to urinate in but women generally don't have this option.  If you need extra cover, bring an extra long shirt or jacket to tie around your waist & have an extra bottle of water to dump in your lap to further disguise any "accidents".  This works in almost any setting, from pub crawls and packed NYE/downtown parties to outdoorsy camping, hiking or cycling events to long car trips.  I guess if it's freezing cold outside you might get a little uncomfortable sporting soaked pants but hey, that's what diapers are for.  

To prevent this situation altogether, try to anticipate and plan ahead before embarking on a potentially risky adventure.  Avoid getting pissy drunk (pun intended) as this increases urgency & reduces inhibitions, upping the likelihood you'll do something impulsive & get in trouble.  Caffeine is another bladder irritant with diuretic effects so skip it when on the road or in another sketchy bladder situation.  And never miss an opportunity to use the restroom when one is available, even if you don't need to go.  While this may not be necessary at home, you'll be glad you did in these close-call situations with long bathroom lines, sparse toilets or other hurdles to relieving yourself.  

Risks of holding your pee: nothing to play with.

Lastly, there are truly situations where there's nowhere to go BUT your pants; when cops, cameras or other forms of surveillance make pulling your pants down impossible yet a toilet is inaccessible for one reason or another.  While embarrassing, it's best to "go with the flow" in these situations rather than crying & beating yourself up as it does no good & only draws more unwanted attention to yourself.  There's a certain strength in knowing when the battle is lost & surrendering to nature's call.  Forcing yourself to hold to the point of pain is not healthy in the short or long-term--a fact that's been confirmed by professionals time and again.  (See list of pee-holding risks above).  Do your best to avoid these situations but be kind to yourself when they arise.  Notice I said when, not if.   Try to view it as a learning experience & remember that everyone has accidents at some point either in adulthood or as a child... or has come very close to it.  Nobody is thinking about what's going on in your pants even 1/100th as much as you are, I promise.   💛

Sunday, March 10, 2024

How To Introduce Your (Willing) Partner to Omorashi


Once you've established that your partner is not totally opposed to your wetting fetish, how should you start actually wading into the golden waters with them in a way they'll feel, at worst neutral about and, at best, extremely turned on by?  

Establishing Consent

I can't stress enough the importance of enthusiastic consent.  I addressed this aspect in greater detail in an earlier article here but it bears repeating.  Clear communication is absolutely vital before, during & after engaging in something like this.  Sometimes partners in long-term relationships do things sexually they're not 100% excited about to please their partner hoping that they will return the favor in the future, which is not necessarily a bad thing so long as you actually DO return the favor (& they're not actually repulsed or traumatized by the act).  That may be the case here, or it may be that your partner is actually curious about desperation/wetting to an extent.  Whatever the situation, just make sure they're not doing it out of a sense of obligation or fear of losing/upsetting you.  It should MATTER to you that your partner is enjoying themselves (or at least not feeling sickened/scared/other negative things) during sexual interaction--being indifferent to their feelings is the mindset of a rapist & will eventually destroy the relationship.

The Planning Stage

Once consent is established, now you're ready for the planning stage:  the what/where/when/how of it all.  Take a gentle approach and let them lead the way.  Ask what setting they'd be most comfortable with:  would they like to try it in the shower where they can easily wash off afterward, or perhaps on the toilet where it feels most "natural"?  If your partner is female, send them info highlighting how a full bladder presses on the g-spot & can enhance sex or masturbation.  Ask if they'd like to see some of the videos you watch so they can be a part of your "world," and then be very mindful of the ones you show them.  (Avoid anything too graphic or that might trigger body insecurities, feelings of disgust, etc).  If your partner's not big on porn, maybe skip this part & opt to share personal stories, fantasies or a live demo if they're up for it.

The main thing is to approach this through THEIR eyes, not yours.  You think omo is extremely hot; they are highly skittish & suspect of it.  Things they might be feeling (in addition to curiosity) include:  insecurity about their ability to please you, embarrassment, uncertainty, vulnerability, anxiety & confusion.  Carefully curate the articles, pics & vids you show them, if any.  You don't want to look like an addict who's been living a secret life.  Be open to answering any questions they have, such as how you got into this fetish, what specifically you like about it & how often you indulge in it.  And be prepared to reassure them that your current sex life is enough and that THEY are enough if insecurities arise.  This isn't about infidelity or looking outside the relationship for something that's lacking; it's about enhancing it by including them in something you enjoy solo & sharing a private, vulnerable part of yourself w/ them.  

The Fun Part 

If and when you actually engage in omo-related activities with your sweetie, be 100% encouraging & positive.  Now is not the time for jokes or criticism, constructive or otherwise.  He/she will likely feel VERY vulnerable & exposed having put themselves out there in this way, as wetting requires letting go of control & doing something we're conditioned from a young age not to do.  Show your gratitude verbally & physically and make them feel like the sexiest person in the world no matter how they "perform".  Don't leave them hanging:  piss yourself too & show that what's good for the goose is good for the gander!  (Yes, even if peeing yourself is not part of your fetish.  It's not their fetish either but they're doing it so it's only fair).  Hold/cuddle them or give them space afterward--whatever they need to feel like what they've just done is a loving, rewarding act.  And take care of any cleanup that's required so they don't have extra work or dirty clothes/bedding to handle.  

Most importantly, don't pressure them to do it again in the future.  Let them suggest it....or not.  I know this is hard but it's vital to avoid coming off as a selfish pushy creep or worse.  Now they have the information:  they know this is THEE THING that turns you more than anything; they've tried it and have a sense of what it's about.  If they want to do it again, they will initiate it.  Nothing kills desire faster than pressuring someone to do something they don't truly want to do.  And this should go without saying but don't EVER record them without consent or disclose your private adventures to others without their express consent. That's a one-way ticket to "Never A-Fucking-Gain Town."

That said, it wouldn't be wrong to let them catch you with a wet patch once in a blue moon or "forgetting" to close an omo discussion screen if you know that wouldn't trigger big problems.  It's not a secret now--they know you enjoy wetting so you shouldn't have to sneak around all the time in your own home as long as you don't go overboard, leave a mess or do it with the intention of coaxing them into participating.  Relationships are all about balance, moderation & compromise.  Just be grateful you have a partner who's willing to go out on a limb & try something that's so dear to you (and so foreign to them).  💛🩷

Have you told a partner about your wetting fetish?  How did it go, and do you have any advice for others who are aching to tell their current s/o but don't know where to start?  

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Virtual Friend, Pt. 2: A Wet Oasis in the Desert

2023 was a year of ups and downs with one unifying theme:  STRESS.  Post-pandemic fatigue was ever-present as your job caught up on a backlog of work & you took on extra tasks without pay.  Things aren't much better at home:  the kids seem extra needy & your man isn't pulling his weight around the house (what's new?)  Something's gotta give.  Luckily for you, your secret pee buddy texts & asks if you can get away for an early Spring Break at the hot springs nearby.  This 3-day vacay promises to include lots of camping (okay, okay, "glamping") under the desert sky, relaxation & of course, wet fun.  You're soooo in!

The two of you meet up on a Friday afternoon in late March and load into her camper which is small but roomy inside.  It has a toilet but there's a sign that says "#2 only!" on the door.  Nice touch.  You catch up on the drive & she tells you she's brought along something to make the trip EXTRA special if you're interested in trying it.  Your mind is spinning.  What could it be?  Adult diapers?  A pee funnel?  

"Well, I didn't know how to tell you because I'm not sure you're into this kinda thing, but it's fine if you don't wanna do it.  It's MDMA.  Ecstasy."  

"Like the drug?"  You say with a hint of concern & much naivete.

"Yeah.  I get it from my friend in San Diego.  Great stuff.  They're 130mg blue dolphins, very pure.  You can start with half a pill if you're not sure."

"Hmmm I don't know.  Isn't that the drug that puts holes in your brain?"

"Hah!  Nooo that was a myth.  It can make you feel kinda 'blah' the next day but besides that, taking it one or two times won't hurt ya.  It's much safer than getting blackout drunk or some of the other things people do to themselves in the name of fun.  It's already been tested and is 100% free of fentanyl or other nasties.  But no pressure.  I'm definitely gonna dose though."

"You know what?  Fuck it.  I'm in!  This year has been shit and I need to unwind.  But if I turn into a bath salt creature I'm eating you first" you joke.

"Great, you'll love it.  We'll do it tonight so we have time to recover before going back to work.  Didja see the sign on the door back there?" she asks.  "I really mean it.  Hope u brought lots of clean bottoms because this is a no-toilet vacay."

"Ooooh shit!" you reply with nervous delight.  You suddenly feel very excited about this little trip into the desert & grab a lemon-lime Gatorade from the cooler, pondering aloud how much it resembles pee.

"Nice choice.  Grab me a Smart Water, wouldja?"  Friendgirl asks as you shut the lid.  "I need to hydrate.  It's a desert out there."  She says with a naughty grin.  "Oh, and by the way, MDMA can cause overheating and dehydration so you'll need to drink extra fluids to prevent that."  

"Good to know!  Anything else, Ms. Drug Expert Lady?" you reply with a half-serious, half-sarcastic tone.

"Nah I think that's it.  Music sounds really nice on it, and massages feel otherworldly.  You'll probably want to dance, talk & cuddle a lot.  Or play with something bright & sparkly."  

Just then you pull into the campsite & start unloading your gear.  There's a little labyrinth nearby and the hot springs are in a small building that looks like an ancient Roman bath house.  You already have to pee but decide to hold it and push your bladder a bit.  After unpacking, you sit under some trees in the shade & crack a sparkling water.  Your friend squats on a large rock in front of you, opens her legs, exhales loudly and lets go right in her comfy stretchy pants.  "Shhhh, don't tell anyone!"  she says coyly as she gives herself a pat.  "I think I can get away with wearing these a while since they're Spandex, but only if you don't out me.  I love the way the wetness feels on my legs and ass."

"You have my word" you say with a grin, now incredibly turned on and fighting your own urge to do the same. "I love how it feels too." 

"Don't you have to go yet?  I've seen you down at least two of those things"
  she says.

"Yeah but I want to wait until I'm truly desperate" you reply.  "I want a real accident". 

"Ooh, nice!  Wanna walk to the tubs?" Friendgirl asks playfully.  "We can put our swimsuits on and just veg.  I hear the water is soooo relaxing.  I''ll change when we get there.  I wanna enjoy this mess a bit longer."  She smiles.

Private hot springs where you break the seal

"Yeah, let's go!" you shoot back, your need to pee growing greater with every step.  Your friend's wet patch is glistening as you walk into the 5 p.m. sun but you don't say anything--she probably knows anyway and there's nobody around for miles.  By the time you arrive at the hot springs, your bladder is positively bulging through your skimpy swimsuit.  "Damn, I really need to go now" you say as you dip a toe in the hot natural springs.

"Do it!  Go right there on the stairs, standing up. I dare ya.  Don't waste it after you're already in the water"  Friendgirl says playfully.  This idea turns you on greatly & you know she's right, so you slowly let out a few drops into your blue swimsuit, then a couple more run down your legs... "Sorry.  It's taking longer than usual.  I don't usually have an audience" you say apologetically.  But your bladder is bursting so you squat down, legs spread eagle on the lip of the pool with your hand on your crotch where you let it rip, soaking your fingers in hot piss that splashes into the water below & letting out a sigh of relief that's almost orgasmic.

"Mmm-hmmm.  That's what I'm' talkin' about" she nods with her eyes locked on your nether regions.

"Wow I really had to go"  You say as you stand back up, warm piss dripping from your hand & legs.  Finally you descend into the water, relaxing fully for the 1st time in ages as your pussy recoils on the verge of orgasm.  "This water really IS relaxing!" 

Sunset dinner & dessert

"Haha sure, it's the water" she winks back.  After about 25 mins of silent bobbing you get out & walk back to camp, hungry, thirsty & ready to refill your bladders for Round 2.  You throw some sandwiches together & roast marshmallows over the fire, guzzling Gatorade & water all the while.  "Don't forget about the "special treat" we have for later tonight.  Actually we should probably take it soon so we won't stay up too late."  She warns.

"OK!  It's almost  7:30.  I'll go get them now."  

"Yes!  You're gonna love it" she promises.  The camp fire is dwindling, the sun is flickering out behind the Western mountain range & the nearest person is probably 3 miles away.  Your stomachs are full, your bodies relaxed from the hot springs & you've been downing various drinks all day, so now's the perfect time to take your 1st Ecstasy pill.  The only witnesses are Joshua trees & a sky full of stars.  "I think I will start with half to see how it makes me feel" you say nervously.  

"Smart girl.  Maybe I'll just take 1/2 too.  They take about 35-40 minutes to kick in and last about 5 hours.  We can watch TV in the camper until then if you want... maybe work on putting a playlist together.  I'm gonna change out of this swimsuit into some dry clothes...but they may not be dry long" she says in a matter-of-fact tone.   

"Perfect" you reply.  You wait and wait, chatting eagerly and feeling a slight urge to pee while drinking more Gatorade.  Are the pills duds you wonder?  Nothing's happening.  Suddenly the first signs of the drug's effects kick in.  It's like the feeling you get on the ascension of a roller coaster:  you know something exciting is coming, your heart pounds & you want to MOVE.  There's a brief urge to poo that passes quickly.  Finally it hits and you're on Cloud 9000.

"Okay, I feel something" you say with eyes like saucers.

"Haaaa what's it feel like?"

"I dunno, I want to chew gum & move around.  Come outside with me?" you ask, unable to sit still.

You grab her hand & leave the camper, put on some uptempo tunes & dance in the moonlight, not giving a damn how you look.  Your friend is clearly feeling great too as she twirls & twerks herself into a frenzy.  "I'm gonna go get our drinks" she says & jogs away to grab them.  She cracks hers open, takes a swig & stands there pissing it out as fast as she's taking it in. 

"Oh it feels so GOOOOD" she moans as the wet patch on her sea green pants gets bigger.  Soon nearly her entire lower half is dark with wetness; only a tiny portion near her waistband is still dry.  "So warm & yummy."

"Fucking WOW girlie.  That might be your biggest one yet.  Bravo.  You're making me need to go."  You dance yourself exhausted to a mix of The Prodigy, Telepopmusik & Zhu and then sit down near the now-dead campfire where you chat about life and all things omorashi.  The trip has officially moved from the "Dance Dance Revolution phase" into the Therapist's Couch stage.  

"So how'd you get into this hobby anyway?" you ask, feeling incredibly chatty & open.  "Like what's your earliest memory of wetting where u were turned on?"  

"O man, I've been into it since I was at least 4, 5. Me & my cousin would play in the sprinkler at my house in the summer.  Since we were in our bathing suits & my mom was usually inside, we'd just pee through  them when we had the urge so we didn't have to stop the fun & go inside.  At first it was a convenience thing but pretty soon we realized we liked how it felt.  We'd always draw attention to our need to pee so we could watch each other."  

"Like, what would you say?" 
you ask, intrigued.

"I don't know.  Stuff like "Time for a bathroom break.  You coming with?" And she'd follow me because I was older."  She smiled.  "We'd run behind the bush, squat down & watch each other wet, seeing who could finish fastest or pee the "farthest".  Or we'd just stand there & say "Pssst, lookie, I'm using my swimsuit as a toilet."  We came soooo close to getting caught once.  I actually wonder if mom didn't watch us from inside the house & KNOW what we were up to."  

"Oh wow!  Super embarrassing but also kinda... exciting?!"

"Yeah.  Tell me about it.  Lot of mixed-up feelings around this fetish as a kid."

"O really?  Like what?" 
You ask, genuinely confused.  

"Like... like my mom for instance.  I saw her lose control more than twice when there was no excuse for it.  When she clearly could've just removed her pants or made it to the bathroom. I was pretty little then but it was obvious she did it on purpose.  I think it played a role in my fetish honestly.  Yet I'm NOT into THAT kind of thing if you know what I mean.  The family stuff.  Hell no.   And yet..." She looks a little disturbed & disgusted.

"Hey, say no more man.  I get it." you reassure her with a rub on the shoulder.  "Early experiences shape us in ways we have no control over.  Doesn't mean we're bad or anything.   And if she did inappropriate things in front of you then, that's on her since she was the adult.  What kinda scenarios did your mom "lose it" in, if you don't mind my asking?"  

That time Friendgirl's mom wet herself in the yard

"Oh.  Like once we were outside in the garden and she just grabbed herself & started peeing her shorts.  The house was RIGHT THERE & she could've gone behind the bush & pulled her pants down because we lived in the country, but she chose to go in her pants.  And she made a big deal of it like "Oops, mommy's wetting herself!  Don't tell Daddy!"

Your eyes widen.

"Or when she did it again not long after down by the pond which was even more secluded.  Just pulled her skirt up and wet herself.  Nobody around for miles... she could've totally pulled her panties down but chose to piss them with this dumb look on her face the whole time."

...that other time Friendgirl's mom piddled her panties

Your mouth hangs open in shock.

"Yeah, exactly.  Then another time we were on a road trip and we'd JUST STOPPED at a nice rest stop to pee and she was adamant that she didn't need to go at all despite guzzling several drinks.  She's never had any reservations about using public bathrooms so that wasn't it.  We get about 10 miles down the road & she's desperate, telling dad to pull over.  Obviously he can't--we're on the freeway in a strange city & it's bumper-to-bumper 5 o'clock traffic.  He's livid because he just stopped but she's unrelenting, squirming in her seat & grabbing herself.  All of a sudden, whoosh:  she's squatted in the floor wetting herself.  Loudly.  That was the first time I remember feeling tingly in my privates.  I must've been about 7 and was VERY interested, trying to see around the seats as she made the puddle." 

"Whoa, yeah that'd "interest" me too.  Wonder why she wanted her kids to see tho?"

"I dunno, she's kinda crazy.  I think it's more that she didn't care who saw.  Whenever she got the urge, she'd just do it.  Maybe she thought we were too young to remember later.  I don't know."

Just then you feel a sharp twinge in your pee hole--the Gatorade from earlier is creepin' up.  But you wait & grab another drink.  When you sit back down, Friendgirl asks you the same question:  how did your omo fetish start, to which you reply:

"Pretty standard:  I was a bedwetter as a kid and some time around 1st or 2nd grade I woke up mid-stream & realized I enjoyed how it felt, so from then on I'd do it intentionally & blame "the condition" which actually stopped around age 9."  

"Oh wow, how long did you continue pretending you had it?"  she asked.

"Way too long probably.  Until I was about 15." 

"Oh my GOD!  That's hilarious," she snickered.  "Did you ever get in trouble?"

"Ehh, not really.  I started doing my own laundry around age 8 so there was nothing to yell about, plus I "couldn't help it".  I really had no shame & did it every night for a while... and some days I'd just pee in my bed in the same spot if I felt like it.  Go "take a nap" and wet myself and masturbate.  It really was the perfect cover."

"Lucky.  Wish I would've had a "cover".  Even though my mom wet herself she screamed at me for doing the same. And I wasn't so good at hiding the evidence.  I was like her: when I got the urge I'd just do it with no thought about how to hide the evidence" she explained soberly.   Hey, you know what'd feel bitchin' right now?  MASSAGES!"  

"Ohh yeah!  Flip a coin to see who goes 1st?"  You call heads and win, lying on her bed with your head hanging off the end.  She puts on some Enya, breaks out the oil & rubs your shoulders.  It's divine.   Phase 3: the "Cuddle Puddle/Physical Touch stage" has just begun.

"I hate to interrupt but my bladder is screaming" you tell her.  "And when you rub my lower back, I can barely hold it."  

"Then don't hold it silly.  You know who you're talking to, right?  The girl with the soaked Spanx?"

"Yeah but I don't wanna get it all over your bed."

"Then hop up & let me put down a couple towels."  You do & she does.

"Now where were we?  Oh yeah, I was just gonna get THIS spot."

She goes for your lower back in the middle, pushing on your bladder with the full weight of her body and both hands.  A big spurt leaks into your panties but not enough to soak your pants.  "Oh wow, I just leaked a little" you say with a sheepish grin.  The MDMA high is tapering into a strong but chill afterglow; physical touch feels magnificent & the piss in your pants felt 10x more intense than usual.  You're tempted to let out more but want it to last forever.  

"Would it make you feel better if I leaked some too?" she asks playfully.  

"Ooh yeah.  I could always use some encouragement.  Moral support.  Come around here where I can see?"

She walks around & stands w/ her legs slightly spread about 10 inches from your face & lets out a hissing stream into her tight pants.  "There.  Now you can let go in the bed.  I want you to fully empty your bladder, understand?"

"Jeez, yes mother" you say in a submissive but sarcastic tone.  That does it.  Suddenly a switch is flipped & her rubbing turns more aggressive:  she pushes on your bladder relentlessly & rubs with twice the speed & pressure compared to before.  Wow, you must've hit a nerve! 

And then it dawns on you:  The thing she told you earlier about her mom.  Have you gone too far you wonder?  No time to think too deeply, you're about to piss yourself from the pressure.  It actually kinda hurts.  You start giggling & let out a muffled "DAMN!" into the pillow but she spanks your ass hard, sternly warning you not to cuss & calling you "little girl." You see where this is going & reply: "I'm sorry m0mmy, but I'm about to wet my panties.  Can I turn over pretty please?  And you rub my tummy instead of my back?"

First spurt into your dry panties after saying the 'secret word'.

"Yes child, turn over.  But you better be wet by the time you roll onto your back.  I'm pissing myself now and you'd better too unless you want another spanking." 

You turn over and see her wet spot growing.  And she's rubbing herself through her pants.  So you spread your legs and give a little push to get started & are soon soaking yourself like you were told.  "You still want your tummy rubbed?" she asks, clearly too busy rubbing other things to stop.  "No, I can take care of it m0m.  You just keep doing what you're doing.  Look m0mmy, I'm pee-peeing like you asked.  It's getting all over the bed.  Is this what you wanted?  I'm all wet" you say in a faux-innocent voice, egging her on as her piss stream tapers off and she rubs more furiously.  This whole ageplay fantasy isn't really your thing but the fact that it turns her on so much is getting you worked up.  

"Yeah baby you did great." [Dropping character]  Damn it, I told myself I wasn't gonna do this in front of you again!" she says breathlessly, smiling as her cheeks redden.  

"Well don't feel bad.  I had a lot of fun last time and really need to get off.  I can barely stand it.  Look, I'm still going!" you say as you point to the hissing stream in your sopping undies.  

"Ooooh my bed has had it."  

"You can sleep in mine if you need to.  We can uhh, finish up in yours and use mine strictly for sleep if you like."  

"Sounds good to me.  Don't think I could sleep in this piss river if I tried" she pants, still touching her pussy through her tights as she moves to the other end of the bed.  "You can put some porn or music on if you need to.  Remote's over there.  I don't have the attention span honestly.  I'll look away if you need the privacy."  

Sharing a bed and a fantasy.

"Nah," you say confidently.  "I like the view from here...  M0mma."  

"Oooh you're such a naughty girl.  You better not tell anyone m0mmy likes to pee herself, you hear me?"  

"Okay, I promise.  But only if you let me wet my clothes anytime I want and don't yell at me.  I won't tell if you won't yell.  Deal?"  

"But little girls aren't SUPPOSED to wet themselves." 

"Neither are big girls.  But we both do it.  Why do YOU do it, m0mmy?" you ask as you slip your hand inside your waistband.  "Why do you pee in your panties & pants?"

"Well, m0mmy pees herself because sometimes the bathroom is too far & she can't make it in time" she lies.

"Nuh-uh!  I've seen you do it when the bathroom was RIGHT THERE" you spit back almost before she could finish, recounting the story from earlier, knowing it's her kryptonite.  You're both rubbing your clits fast & hard, legs spread with panties on next to each other.  

"Well honey, there are other times when m0mmy just.... going in the toilet isn't the same.  I need relief RIGHT THEN and want to feel the warmth of the pee-pee in my clothes.  I get this urge and... it doesn't happen often but when it does... It feels very good to go in places you're not supposed to, very relaxing... and..." she trails off, clearly about to lose it as her breaths come faster & closer together.

"Yes, mommy?  Relaxing, AND?"  

"Ohhh you're bad" she says, dropping character.  "I'm about to fucking cum all over myself. Give m0mmy a minute."

"Ahhh better put that other hand to use then, hunh?" you suggest.  She looks shocked but follows your naughty instructions, inserting 2 fingers & melting around them almost instantly while you watch.

"I'm fucking cumming!" she moans in ecstatic bliss as her eyes roll back in her head & her full pussy drips more pee onto the sheets before she collapses in her own puddle.  

"Oh m0mma that looks so naughty.  I wanna try.  I'm peeing more too" you say as piss trickles out of your panties onto the bed.  You stick two fingers inside and ride them while Friendgirl writhes in ecstasy, still watching & urging you to "do it harder, babygirl".  Suddenly your pussy opens wide & a different kind of wetness leaks out as you mouth "I'm cumming" silently and spread your legs, almost doing the splits on your knees to push your fingers in as deep as they'll go.  "Oh oh oh!  I can't stop cumming fuck ME!" you scream as an earthshaking orgasm overtakes you and you're left trembling & whimpering, fingers knuckle-deep in your sopping vagina.  

Friendgirl sits there gawking with eyes like saucers & shit-eating grin on her face as you catch your breath.  A few minutes pass, and then:

"Cuddle puddle?" she says with her arms outstretched.  Nothing's ever sounded better in your life.  You crawl over to her on the bed & collapse, exhausted in the best way, both of you still sporting your soaked pants.  This is HEAVEN.  You lay there in silence for about 10 minutes.  Your head is on her chest when you hear a soft trickle.  Looking down, you watch the dark spot on her pants get a little darker in the middle and soak into the bedsheet below.  She's wetting again.  You want nothing more in the world than to stick your hand between her legs and dam up the flood, but you know that'd be crossing a line neither of you wants crossed... not really.  So instead you just smile & pull her closer as if to reassure her that what she's doing is 100% okay.  How comfortable must she be to just wet herself all over the bed while cuddling with you?

"Can't decide if this is more "cuddle" or "puddle" you joke.  She giggles, nuzzles into your hair & motions toward the dry bed.  You begrudgingly get up but first, you have to do one more thing.  You spread your legs & pull your panties in close to your pussy lips, letting one final stream go onto the already-soaked mattress, your head back in piss bliss.  

Your final wetting of the night in the "toilet" bed.

"Good girl" she says, voice raspy from the night's activities.  "We'll just make this bed our toilet for the rest of the trip.  It's soaked anyway."  

"I concur" you reply as your stream tapers off.  You remove your flooded undies, wipe & crawl into bed beside Friendgirl where you fall into the best slumber you've had in ages.  

The rest of the trip is equally glorious--campfires, hiking, deep relaxation in the hot springs, the other halves of the Ecstasy pill & near-constant pant soaking.  You don't want it to end but real life awaits.  And it seems so blah by comparison, but this fun little interlude has recharged your batteries & taught you that you don't have to be in control all the time.  You can let others plan things & just go with the flow--literally & figuratively--and have an amazing time.  ⛺🏜

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...