Sunday, March 17, 2024

Omo Creators of Yesteryear: A Lifelong Search

Xtube's home screen

Back when I got into online omo porn there were 2 main sites that hosted the hottest vids:  Xtube &  This was circa 2007-2015ish.  They both were heavy on the gay-friendly content & as I recall didn't have ads at all... at least not loud commercial-style ads that popped up in the middle of videos like Pornhub & others do today.  And the creators were all amateur, and TALENTED.  This was real omorashi in its truest sense:  desperation in which the participant didn't want to wet themselves but then did anyway, and did so for a very long time.  Stars like Wetpantsboy & Wetlinda had bladders like watermelons that could rain pee for days--I'm talking record-setting amounts of piss.  🫠

Other usernames I can gather included 
Desperate Sue, peepeedee, seansgirl, multifetishgirl, holdingonhard, burstingchick420, YourPrincess, babyweewee, swishersweetie & helpmehold.  For the most part these creators made content that felt subversive, naughty & like they truly enjoyed what they were doing.  I'm guessing because the profit motive was not there.  Call it the Golden Age of Golden Showers: it was a sight to behold.


Gateway to Paradise

And just as quickly as the sites popped up, they went away.  WPB turned into a pay site called "PooPeeLife" and everyone abandoned ship.  Xtube was shut down completely around 2020 for no good reason; it had a huge userbase but must've not been profitable enough.

It's become my life's mission (okay, maybe not my whole life but damn near it) to locate some of these creators and download their old vids or find streaming versions in the present day.  I've managed to find a couple from that period from Wetlinda, Natalee from HDWetting, Wetpantsboy's whole catalog (under "Superw..." on Thisvid) & HoldingOnHard (peeing in jug) but would love to get more from Wetpantsboy's site & even just track down the usernames of old Xtube creators.  Unfortunately not many of the pee-related pages were archived on Wayback Machine or so that's a dead end.  Boo.  Hiss.

So it's all on you, dear readers.  If you recall any of these ancient usernames or vid titles I'd LOVE to have them.  Or if you have links to videos from these sites, even better.  Many moons have passed since I've seen these precious treasures & the old noggin's not as sharp as she once was.  I'm mostly interested in female wetting/desperation creators but am not opposed to male ones either as the creators from those days were so good I watched a few of the men too! 

If you were around for the heyday of these sites I know you know what I'm talking about: it was just a better, purer kind of content compared to the more abundant but less genuine feeling omo porn that exists today on sites like Twitter, Pornhub & (god forbid) pay sites like OnlyFans or ManyVids.  Like everything else on the internet, pay sites, social media and ads have taken something great & soiled it (and not in a hot way).  For shame.  😤

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...